Upward Flag Football
Hey coaches game one is in the books! I hope that you enjoyed Saturday besides the heat…if I can get A/C out on the fields I will, but I am afraid we are out of luck and out of budget. Now for some game day talk…this Saturday as everyone is well aware of I am sure there is a chance for rain…as for games on Saturday they WILL be played in the rain as long as it is not thundering and lightening. I will have a weather update on Saturday at 9am, so check the weather update tab on the website.
Some of you have asked about rotations and how to make sure each of the players gets to touch the ball. I realized this ¾ of the way through our game and had to make some switches. It is easy to leave everyone at the same positions, but this can be discouraging to a kid who never has the chance to make a play on offense. Allow me to share some thoughts with ya:
1. For the 3rd-4th grade league there are 7-8 kids per team and we play 6 on 6. That means that there will be someone sitting out more than likely on offense or defense. Make sure you have your rotation preset prior to the game and stick to it. Trust me parents have started keeping track of playing time.
2. Utilize colored wrist bans. I have several if you need some. This allows for some organization and clarification on plays for you and for the players. If a kid is wearing a red wrist ban they can look at their play book and know where to go. It makes coaching a little bit easier.
3. Make sure to put kids at different positions. If every week little Johhny or Little Suzie play the same position and do not catch the ball they will be discouraged. Try to move them around a bit for variety. Perhaps they cannot catch very well, you can try putting them at running back a few time per game and give them a hand off. This is what I call a low risk high reward play- in other words the risk of them dropping the ball is low because it is a hand off, but the reward is high because they will have the adrenaline running through them as they run and make a play in front of their parents and peers. They will not have to constantly hear the sighs and awing of the crowd because they dropped a wide open pass.
4. If you have a big lead, this is a great time to put in those players that do not normally play running back or quarter back. Let them touch the ball and have a great time. Even if they cannot throw the ball let them hand the ball off or pitch it, they will be all smiles and it will allow you to do something good for the child and for the parents. I think that we can all agree that there is no need to run up the score, so by trying out kids at different positions you are adding depth and experience to your team as a whole and keeping the score from potentially getting out of control. You may be surprised how some kids respond to this, they may actually do really well, try it sometime.
These are some tips for game day that can help you and your team out. I hope that you read these and can agree that they will make your team a well rounded team.
You may have noticed some work that we have done to one of the football fields. We are actively trying to make sure that the fields are in good playing condition. I wanted you to know that South Main cares about Upward and the mission of this ministry. We had a load of sand donated by a member and had someone donate their time and tractor to come and spread it. In the weeks to come we will have more sand and more work done to the fields. I think that this is a testimony that God’s people care about the work of the kingdom that each of you are involved in.
Make sure that you spend each week doing a devotional. Each devotional is written out and is easy to deliver. Give the kids the cards and allow them to learn scripture. I think that there are actually only a couple of scriptures to learn this year. This is an important time and a time that is unique and it is what makes Upward different from so many other leagues. Remember not to forget the spiritual aspect to your practice time.
Each week I will share some tips and ideas with ya as this season goes along. If you have something you don’t mind sharing with others email me and I will put it in for others to know. It can be a practice idea, a football play idea, or a testimony of what God is doing on your team.
Tico Montoya