No: 1
Derbyshire County Council
CSE Bulletin
Welcome to the first of our monthly bulletins regarding CSE which will be used as a forum to share policy development and resources alongside reminders of embedded practice. For those who do not know me I am Terri Tassi, I am a Child Protection Manager - Operational CSE lead. If there is anything you would like covering please do not hesitate to contact me on or 01629 532838
Tasking Group
Tasking group is a meeting that is held every three weeks and is chaired and facilitated by the Police. However, it is a multi-agency and dual authority meeting in that it is both Derby City and Derbyshire County Council in attendance. The CSE leads for both Derbyshire County Council and Derby City attend, this is along with representation from authorities’ health, licencing, missing persons etc. Any attendee can put things on the agenda for the Tasking Meeting.
In order that I get any relevant information to take to the tasking group I thought you should know what the tasking group discusses.
· Young people at risk – information is shared from a variety of agencies.
· High risk CSE cases – all high risk cases are discussed.
· Potential perpetrators of CSE
· Hotspots and how these can be disrupted - if Districts hear of any “hotspots” then please let me know so this can be discussed. Licencing also attend tasking so can be used as a disruption. It could be that I visit them to discuss the implications or in relation to takeaways we could use environmental health etc.
· Current CSE operations and the progress of them.
The Tasking Group is part of the CSE escalation policy for Derbyshire County Council.
If the Tasking Group are concerned about the child and feel they are struggling to offer support to safeguard then the case will be escalated to a High Risk Management Group. This is a meeting that will be pulled together at the time it is needed. This will be with Senior Management in Social Care, Police and Health as a minimum.
If there is any relevant information to share please let me know.
CSE Toolkit on Framework I
From 1 November 2016 a CSE Risk Assessment Form Appendix 1 – 4 will be incorporated into the following key Frameworki processes:
· Single Assessment CAYA
· MAT Early Help Assessment
· Child Plan and Review
· LAC Care Planning
· Strategy Discussion
· S47 Enquiry with Single Assessment
· Missing or Runaway Child Return Visit and Interview
The CSE Risk Assessment Form Appendix 1 – 4 is a creatable (non-mandatory) form, this should be completed where CSE issues and concerns are identified as part of an assessment or emerge during on-going work with a child or young person.
CSE Service User Group Recording
Where Risk of CSE is identified or where a Child or Young Person is found to be subject to CSE following assessment, a CSE service user sub group should be added to the case record.
This should be entered under the main group ‘Abuse and Neglect’ and selecting the appropriate sub group:
· At Risk of Child Sexual Exploitation
· Subject to ChildSexual Exploitation
It is imperative these service user groups are added and ended when appropriate, as these will be the key indicator on a case record to see that there is a CSE Risk or Concern, as well as being used for reporting the start and end dates.
Guidance has been sent out by Bridget Harmsworth which includes both practice and practical guidance on this.
Return interviews are a statutory requirement. They must be completed within 72hrs of return. The quality and timeliness of the interviews vary. It is felt this could be due to not understanding the process of this.
Guidance from the Childrens Society “Here to Listen” can be found on the following link
Derbyshire’s joint policy can be found on this link.
What is the purpose of the visit?
• Identify and respond to any harm the child has suffered;
• Understand and try to address the reasons why the child ran away;
• To understand what happened while they were missing;
• To gain an understanding of the child’s associates
• Help the child feel safe and understand that they have options to prevent repeat instances of them running away;
• Provide them with information on how to stay safe if they choose to run away again, including helpline numbers
• To build up a comprehensive picture of why the child went missing;
• To understand what happened while they were missing;
• To understand who they were with when they were missing and where they were found; and
• What support they require upon returning to home or their care placement in accordance with the ‘Working Together’ guidance.
So what happens?
The police send the alert called a “compact report” to social care when a child or young person is reported missing. This is put in documents on Frameworki, on their return the police send another compact report which is again put into the documents section with all of the information gathered by the police.
The workers who process these then do a case note alerting the worker and the team manager that a return visit is required and then create the “return visit” episode and send it to the worker for completion.
When the episode is returned it is saved as a stand-alone document and sent to the police to help create a picture for this child. The police do NOT have access to Frameworki so comments like “see case notes for more information” are not appropriate. The information must to go into the episode.
On the return interviews children and young people do not always engage but it is important that we report what we can.
• Observations need to be recorded
• Do carers have information that can be shared?
• Were they under the influence of anything on their return?
• If they went missing with another young person are they open to social care? Have you linked in with their worker? They may have more information to offer.
What if the case is not open?
If the case is not open to Derbyshire County Council then the visit will be sent to the Multi-Agency Team unless the Youth Offending Service are involved then it will go through to them. In all circumstance the social worker for the child should be contacted prior to any visit to ensure relevant and current information can be gathered.
Next month’s Bulletin will look at out of county children placed within Derbyshire.
Missing more than twice in a 30 day period.
If there are more than two episodes of being reported missing in a 30 day period then the case will be alerted to the CSE lead to review the case by the Business Service Team who collate the information. There is an expectation that area will hold a meeting to look at a support plan around this.
Missing at a Glance
To see how many missing and absences are on any case these are recorded within the “registrations” section of the “tree” on Frameworki.
Please remember, regularly going missing or coming home late is an indicator of Child Sexual Exploitation and workers need to be mindful of this when completing the return interview and consider whether the Toolkit needs to be completed or updated.
CSE Training
Kristen Lamb has been appointed by Derbyshire County Council to provide on-going CSE training. There are several dates planned at different venues.
Course Date / Time / Venue7th November 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / Denby Depot, Prospect Road, Denby, Ripley DE5 8RE
14th November 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / Pinxton Youth Centre, Kirkstead Road, Pinxton, NG16 6NA
16th November 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / Old Whittington Childrens Centre, Church Street North, Whittington, Chesterfield S41 9QW
21st November 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / Erewash Hub, Mercian Close, Ilkeston DE7 8HG
25th November 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / Woodville Youth Centre, Moira Road, Woodville, Swadlincote DE11 8DG
28th November 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / New Mills Adult Education Centre, Spring Bank, High Peak, SK22 4AZ
7th December 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / Pinxton Youth Centre, Kirkstead Road, Pinxton, NG16 6NA
12th December 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / Peter Webster Centre, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield S41 8LQ
14th December 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / Charnos Family Support Centre, Lower Whitworth Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4LT
19th December 2016 / 9.15am – 4.30pm / Buxton Area Education Office – Conference Room, Kents Bank Road, Buxton SK17 9HJ