C.S. Lewis Academy

Work Session of the Governing Board: 7:00pm

Location: C.S. Lewis Academy

Date: September 1st, 2015

Time: 1909

Board: Amy Workman, Westyn Robinson, Heather Allinson, Emily Wright, Excuse Mike Cataldo and Paul Michalczuk. Paul joined via phone at 1934.

Staff: Vickie Peterson, Lena Barney, Liesl Shelton, Dian Nelson, Jayne Barrus

Public: None

Upcoming Calendar Events: September 9thand 10th Parent Teacher Conference, September 12th Adopt a Highway, Fall Festival is October 1st.

Adopt a Highway update:

Vickie has been in contact with them. We have not advertised for this. Vickie wants to know if this is a board thing or a school thing. The highway patrol will come a few days before to give us our stuff. The program will not allow students under the age of 12 to be on the highway to participate. Vickie was to coordinate with the program to report back to the board. We have clearance to go. Paul brought this information to the board. The board then turned this over to Vickie to fill out papers and be the contact. We need to advertise for this now. Vickie was asked to have Daniel Barbosa to include this in the newsletter for the next couple of weeks. Lena was asked to include this on the website and the Facebook page. Since we don’t have enough students that are older than 12 we discussed having them clean up the ground of the school. Having students in one area and parents in another will not accomplish a lot because there is not enough supervision. The highway patrol will designate the time so they can set up the barriers. We discussed postponing this until we can get it organized a little better.

Motion to postpone Adopt a Highway: Voting: Unanimously Approved

We directed Vickie to contact the Adopt a Highway to cancel the September 12th date.


Vickie had Diane Nelson email the staff committees to the board. Vickie emailed the board the organizational flowsheet. Adopt a highway is cancelled. The fall festival is on track. Vickie and the PTO talked to a company that will set up and advertise for the fall festival. This company will do all the leg work we just have to man 8 tables for concessions. There will be bounce houses, climbing walls, etc. Concessions are 30 cents and anything over that is our profit. The festival will be from 5 to 8. There will be a flashing sign out front inviting all to come in. The lunch/ recess policy will be on the website.

The Harmony contract was signed and mailed out. Emily looked for a suggestion box but couldn’t find anything that would work. Westyn will have his dad build a box for free.

Amy wrote the committee descriptions and we reviewed them. Lena will email the Title I Committee description to Amy. We will continue to talk about this as we work on writing the policies and procedures for these different committees. So we will hold off on uploading this to the website. The board has an email that is . Paul is checking on the availability and password for the board.

Continued Business:

Review Orchard Days: discussion

We reviewed the documents put together from the information of this year’s expenses, what we did and whether it went well andwhat didn’t. We need some better communication between the bus, the train, the parents, and students. We need to talk to the city about where to stop to release the students to the parents. We discussed having a wavier and the information for parents to pick up the kids and contact information. LEB train went great. We will have him back next year. We need a sign on the train but it needs to be a certain size. The train is $200 a year to advertise. We will do the train and the bus next year just in a more combined way. We discussed a float but decided to wait on this due to cost. We will have him advertise for us. We need to have a meeting the day before so we can discuss the details of rationing the candy, the shirts, etc. so we are ready. We have a ¼ page on the sponsorship for the booklet that was sent out to the community. This was a great thing. So we have participated in this as a part of the community not as an enrollment purpose. The booth we discuss having a book sale, giving away items, having information about the school, business cards, etc. We discuss having a story time at specific times and possibly a slide show about the school. These documents will be available upon request. We need to send out information in about March or April so we can get the information to the parents. We will put together policy and procedures for the parade including a purpose.

We have a marketing committee that will help us design our marketing stuff. We give them the content of what we need and they will make it look professional. Then we will get it printed to be sent out.

We discussed having a parent volunteer or setting up an email for anyone to send pictures in for the yearbook or other advertising purposes. We do have a clause in the enrollment packet to not disclose children’s pictures. We could have the yearbook committee go through these. This is an ongoing discussion.

Next year is our ten year mark so we need to discuss what to do.

New Business:

Job Description: discussion and possible vote

We discussed the job description for the director. We have a job description that we from the first director written by the founding board. The description in the charter is based on general roles for each position. These are vague to support changes in the job requirements and in the school. The director will deal with the day to day operations. The board will be involved with involving the community and not necessarily vote and approve everything.

We discuss the importance of what the staff should be doing and what the board should be doing. This is the staff’s job and we are a volunteer board.

The board has new binders that the board is putting together for future use. These binders are able to be updated. We need to add the back stories for each policy and other events that we have. This will put us on a track to move forward. We will make a section for items that need to be revisited. We could add an index as well. We will add a tab of what has been covered every year so future board members don’t need to redo what has been done.

Vickie will have goals for the board at our September board meeting.

We directed Vickie to cancel the 12th date for Adopt a Highway. Paul said that he will do this. We will continue to discuss when to do this date.

Vickie sent the board a copy of her schedule that is posted on her door. This is a neat thing that the school improvement team has put together. This is helping her stay on task and get things accomplished.

Executive Session: None


Motion to adjourn WestynSecond: HeatherVoting: Unanimously

Adjourn: 2120