LincolnAvenueSchool Vocal Club
Attn: High Note Festival
Dear Parents of LAS Club students,
As you may know we have an annual trip for our club students to the High Note Music Festival. This year’s trip is Thursday, June 8th, and we will finish the day at Dorney Park, PA.On this date, all of the Orange district schools are scheduled and so we will have a great time of friendly competition with our classmates.
This will be the fourth year that Lincoln Avenue has participated in this festival. We have rated ‘Excellent’ one year, and ‘Superior’ twice…I’m sure we look forward to that coveted ‘Superior’ rating again. At High Note, our students sing their pieces before judges who grade them according to a performance rubric. Their expectations are high, and we need to work hard to meet our goal.
Some important facts:
- Rehearsals for Vocal club run (until the competition) every Wednesday through Friday in the morning, 8:00 – 8:20 AM, and Friday club: 3:00 – 4:00 PM.
- All students who have signed up for club must report to club no later than 3:05, sitting, and ready to rehearse.
- This year’s Participation fee: Student- $44.00 Adult/Chaperone- $31.00. We already have the bus!!
- We are discussing a fundraiser to defray the cost of the trip, (more to come on that.)
- For the sake of bus capacity and the instrumental students also going, I would like to ask if you can return your permission slip bynext week, Friday March 10th..
- A payment plan is being initiated to help our families with the fee. Starting on March 10th, when you return the permission slip, the first payment of $10 will be due.
Payments are
March 10th - $10
March 31st - $10
April 28th - $10
May 19th - $14
We always look forward to the High Note trip, as it’s a great combination of work and fun. All students need to work hard to learn their parts, and so I will be watching carefully. Best behavior practices are always expected during all of our times together!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me. You can also go to my school website and look at pictures from our previous trips, and find updated information!
Musically yours,
Mrs. Mir
Director, Lincoln Avenue Vocal Club
973-677-4130, xt. 7136
High Note Payment sheet for ______.
Tear off and send to Mrs. Mir with payment. Each child will have their own envelope at school.