State of Illinois )
County of McDonough ) ss
City of Macomb )
The Macomb City Council met in regular session on Monday, September 21, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers in City Hall, 232 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL.
PLEDGE Mayor Wisslead called the meeting to order along with a moment of silence for the passing of retired
Fire Captain Robert McSperritt. The pledge of allegiance was lead by Mayor Wisslead.
ROLL CALL City Clerk, Melanie Falk called the roll call and the following Aldermen answered present: Ryan Hansen,
Edward Lavin, Mike Inman, Tim Lobdell, Donald Wynn, Dennis Moon. Six Aldermen being present and
three Aldermen being absent, Louis Gilbert, Dave Dorsett, Clay Hinderliter. Mayor Wisslead declared a
quorum present for the transaction of business. In addition to the Mayor, City Clerk and Aldermen, City
Administrator Dean Torreson and Legal Counsel Liz Wilhelm were also present.
Items on the consent agenda:
1. Minutes of the Macomb City Council meeting held on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 and
minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on Monday, September 14, 2009.
2. Approve claims and accounts submitted on September 14, 2009.
3. Department Reports: Police Department, Fire Department.
4. Accept and place on file the Treasurer’s Report.
5. Consideration to authorize sole sourcing purchasing of the radio meter read equipment for
the City of Macomb.
CONSENT Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Lobdell to dispense with the reading of the consent
AGENDA agenda and adopt the same as published, on question being put, Aldermen Hansen, Lavin, Inman,
ADOPTED Lobdell, Wynn, Moon being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes,
Mayor Wisslead declared the motion carried.
AUTHORIZE BIDS Alderman Inman moved, seconded by Alderman Lavin, to approve seeking bids for the construction of a
FILTRATION WTP filtration/membrane building at the Water Treatment Plant, on question being put, Aldermen Lavin, Inman,
APPROVED Lobdell, Wynn, Moon, Hansen being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor
Wisslead declared the motion carried.
Legal Council Wilhelm presented the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the City of Macomb is receiving bids from qualified retail electric power suppliers at 11:00
a.m. on Tuesday, September 22, 2009; and
WHEREAS, the price of electricity varies from day to day, and the bid price does not carry past 5:00 P.M.
on any given day; and
WHEREAS, the City of Macomb has researched the bid taking process, as well as secured the services
of a professional consultant to analyze and compare the bids and examine the proposed form of contract
submitted in advance by each bidder; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor Pro Tem also has at his disposal, the Council’s General Government Committee, as
well as the City Attorney and City Administrator, to help analyze the bid results and form a contract;
BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Macomb, Illinois that the Mayor Pro Tem is hereby
authorized and directed to complete, finalize, and execute an agreement in such form and with such
electric provider that the Mayor Pro Tem determines to be most advantageous to the City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the pricing period be determined by the Mayor Pro Tem shall not
exceed 36 months beginning and effective in October, 2007.
RESOLUTION Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Lavin, to adopt the resolution, on question being put,
ADOPTED Aldermen Inman, Lobdell, Wynn, Moon, Hansen, Lavin being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and
NO. 2009-22 no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared motion carried and the resolution was adopted and became
Resolution No.2009-22.
Legal Council Wilhelm presented the following ordinance for 2nd reading:
An ordinance to create a Class R plus SS plus EH plus OL liquor license for Robert and Pamela
Shanty dba The Shanty Shack.
ORDINANCE Alderman Lobdell moved, seconded by Alderman Inman, to approve the ordinance, on question
NO. 09-35 being put, Aldermen Lobdell, Wynn, Moon, Hansen, Lavin, Inman being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll
APPROVED call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared motion carried and the ordinance was approved and
became Ordinance NO. 09-35.
Council Minutes
September 21, 2009
Page 2
Legal Council Wilhelm presented the following ordinance for 2nd reading:
An ordinance to amend Sections 17-606, 17-836, 17-837, 17-838, 17-839, 17-895, Table 7.3.5,
Appendix A Use Matrix, Appendix B Bulk Matrix and creating new Section 17-841 of the Unified
development Code to edit the Adams Street Mixed Use District.
ORDINANCE Alderman Lobdell moved, seconded by Alderman Inman, to approve the ordinance, on question
NO. 09-36 being put, Aldermen Wynn, Moon, Hansen, Lavin, Inman, Lobdell, being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll
APPROVED call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared motion carried and the ordinance was approved and
became Ordinance NO. 09-36.
Legal Council Wilhelm presented the following ordinance for 2nd reading:
An ordinance to rezone a total of 88 parcels from R-4 Multiple Family Residential to (ASMU)
Adams Street Mixed Use District
ORDINANCE Alderman Inman moved, seconded by Alderman Lavin, to approve the ordinance, on question
NO. 09-37 being put, Aldermen Moon, Hansen, Lavin, Inman, Lobdell, Wynn being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll
APPROVED call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared motion carried and the ordinance was approved and
became Ordinance NO. 09-37.
Legal Council Wilhelm presented the following ordinance for 2nd reading:
An ordinance to amend Section 17-851 and 17-854 and Table 7.1.1 of the United Development
Code to edit off street parking code.
ORDINANCE Alderman Lobdell moved, seconded by Alderman Wynn, to approve the ordinance, on question
NO. 09-38 being put, Aldermen Hansen, Lavin, Inman, Lobdell, Wynn, Moon being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll
APPROVED call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared motion carried and the ordinance was approved and
became Ordinance NO. 09-38.
Legal Council Wilhelm presented the following ordinance for 2nd reading:
An ordinance annexing certain territory located in McDonough County, Illinois in the Northwest
Quarter of Section Fifteen in Emmet Township, McDonough County, Illinois (Mary Jensen).
ORDINANCE Alderman Lavin moved, seconded by Alderman Lobdell, to approve the ordinance, on question
NO. 09-39 being out, Aldermen Lavin, Inman, Lobdell, Wynn, Moon, Hansen being all Aldermen voting Aye” on roll
APPROVED call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared motion carried and the ordinance was approved and
became Ordinance NO. 09-39.
Legal Council Wilhelm presented the following ordinance for 2nd reading:
An ordinance to amend the Go West bus stops in the City of Macomb pursuant to Section 15-222
of the Municipal Code.
ORDINANCE Alderman Lobdell moved, seconded by Alderman Moon, to approve the ordinance, on question
NO. 09-40 being put, Aldermen Inman, Lobdell, Wynn, Moon, Hansen, Lavin, being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll
APPROVED call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared motion carried and the ordinance was approved and
became Ordinance NO. 09-40.
Legal Council Wilhelm read the following resolution:
A. The City Council of the City of Macomb (the “Council”) has adopted Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code of
Macomb, Illinois (the “Municipal Code”) to regulate and control the use and development of land within the
jurisdiction of the City and to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare; and
B. Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code defines the current regulations for detention basin design; and
C. Wesley Village requests that the City Council waive the section 17-474(b) that requires a wet detention
basins be enclosed by six-foot high chain link fence; and
D. Wesley Village would like to have the wet detention pond be available for residents and their guests to
go fishing, to walk around on a paved pathway or just relax and enjoy the view of the pond which would be
therapeutic and aesthetically pleasing.
E. The Council hereby approves waives the fencing requirement for the wet detention basin located on the
Wesley Estates Development Phase II.
Section 1. Incorporation of preamble. The preamble which appears above is incorporated into this section
to the same extent and effect as if it set forth in full verbatim.
Section 2. Waiver of 17-474(b) The City Council hereby waives the fencing requirement 17-474(b) for the
wet detention basin located on the Wesley Estates Development Phase II.
Section 3. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage and approval.
Council Minutes
September 21, 2009
Page 3
RESOLUTION Alderman Inman moved, seconded by Alderman Lavin, to adopt the resolution, on question being put,
ADOPTED Aldermen Lobdell, Wynn, Moon, Hansen, Lavin, Inman being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and
No. 2009-23 no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared motion carried and the resolution was adopted and became
Resolution No.2009-23.
PETITION Alderman Hansen moved, seconded by Alderman Inman to table the petition to allow overnight parking on
OVR NIGHT PARK East Carroll Street from Dudley Street to Prairie Avenue and with Carroll Street still being designated as a
E CARROLL-DUDLEY snow emergency route at their September 28th Committee meeting, all Aldermen voting “Aye”, Mayor
PRAIRIE AVE Wisslead declared the motion carried.
COUNCIL There being no further business to come before the Council, Alderman Moon moved, seconded by
ADJOURNMENT Alderman Inman to adjourn, all Aldermen voted “Aye” and Mayor Wisslead declared the motion carried and
they adjourned at 7:22 P.M.
City Clerk