PUBLIC FORUM: No parishioners present.
7.00pm: Mr Derek Kendall was invited to advise on health and safety matters in relation to the Pavilion and Lowfields. The maintenance records were in order with the exception of a record for 3-monthly inspections of the ladders, a COSHH risk assessment and chemical hazard sheets. Mr Young confirmed that fuel for the mowing equipment is not kept on site. Mr Kendall advised that there needs to be signage in place to indicate the location of the fire assembly point, it was agreed that the waste bins should be kept away from the building from a fire safety perspective and that there should be liaison with the emergency services in relation to the location of the gas and electricity valves. Mr Kendall was thanked for his contribution and he left the meeting.
- The Chairman Councillor R Cross (Parish Council) welcomed Members and thanked them for their attendance. Those in attendance: Councillor B Harper (Parish Council),Councillor B Inglis (village representative), Mr J Wise (village representative), Mr J Young (Chairman to the Football Club), Mr S Harper (Chairman to the Cricket Cluband Mrs H Wilson (Acting Clerk).
2.1.Mr T Milne (Football Club), Mr D Frankish (Cricket Club).
4.1.The notes from the meeting on 22 July 2014, having been proposed by Mr Wise and seconded by Mr Young, were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were passed by resolution of the committee. The notes were signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.
5.1.A review of the actions from the Pavilion Committee Meeting dated 22 July 2014
5.1.1Mr S Harper has obtained two spare keys for the shower room.
5.1.2Mr Wise has ordered the signage for the car park.
5.1.3Mr Coulson has provided a quote for painting the railings at a cost of £140.00.
Action: Mr Young to check the specification which Members stipulated must include rubbing down and painting with an undercoat and top coat.
5.1.4Members noted that Hempstead & Sons have not yet been instructed in relation to the weed spraying of the left hand corner of the playing field into the 2015/2016 schedule.
Action:Mr Young to arrange a site visit with Hempstead & Sons in October to discuss the grass cutting and maintenance requirements for the 2015/2016 schedule.
5.1.5Members noted that the Acting Clerk had received a copy of the order form for the chairs obtained from Asda Direct. An invoice is not available.
5.1.6Members noted that the kitchen cupboard locks are outstanding. It was agreed that all cupboards should have a lock mechanism.
Action: Mr Young to arrange the installation of the locks.
5.1.7The Chairman reported on the football club payments; £1,000.00 at the start of the season and £600.00 in February.
Action: Acting Clerk to raise an invoice for £1,000.00. Chairman to confirm the team pitch hire rates. Acting Clerk to download previous financial data from Councillor Cupit’s laptop.
5.1.7Members noted that the hirers have been informed of the price increases with effect from September 2014 and the hirers meetings scheduled to take place on 26 September 2014. It was noted that fire evacuation procedures need to be addressed with Barrowby Pre-School and Startright Nursery.
5.1.9Members noted that the cowl has been removed from the lock mechanism.
Action: Toaddress the opening/closing procedure with the Bridge group.
5.1.10Mr Wise informed Members that the report of anti-social/criminal behaviour taking place in the Pavilion car park had been reported to the community policing team.
5.1.11Members noted the purchase of the ladders and the chemical storage unit.
5.2.Pavilion Car Park Access Issues
5.2.1The Chairman read out the letter from Mrs Spackman dated 30 August in relation to access to the Pavilion carpark during school holidays.
5.2.2Members discussed the reasons for the closure of the roadside gate includinganti-social behaviour, theft of pavilion equipment, fly tipping, abuse of playing field and travellers. Members noted that normal opening times are Monday to Friday 7.30-12.30 and 15.00-18.30 with the exception of weekends and school holidays. Mr Young reported that the gate is left open within these hours to allow access to emergency services whilst the facility is in use. The roadside gate may be open out with these hours for sporting events. Mr Harper noted that the gate is not currently being closed at 12.30.
Action: Hirers to be reminded to lock the roadside gate on departure. Acting Clerk to write to Mrs Spackman. Mr Young to obtain copy keys for Biffa and the Bridge group.
5.3.Terms of Reference
5.3.1Mr Young proposed that item 5. Roles and Responsibilities be changed to delete ‘caretaker’ and replace with ‘Pavilion Committee’ and members resolved to approve the amendment.
5.3.2Mr Young proposed that item 3. Finance be amended as to say, ‘The proposed expenditure for each month will be added to the Parish Council agenda for approval and the Pavilion Committee agenda for information.
Action: Clerk to amend and re-distribute the Terms of Reference.
5.4.Carpet Cleaning
5.4.1Mr Inglis proposed that Manor Carpets & Upholstery be appointed to clean the Pavilion carpets up to the value of £250.00. The proposal was seconded by Mr Harper and passed by resolution of the committee.
Action: Mr Young to arrange the carpet cleaning during the October half-term.
5.5.Car Park Barrier
5.5.1Members noted the quote from BHM Services for£1,132.90 in respect of new car park barriers.
5.5.2Mr Young suggested that the current posts, as they fail, be replaced with more substantial posts.
5.6.Pitchside Barriers
5.6.1See 5.1.3 above.
5.7.Emergency Repairs to the spectator footpath
5.7.1Members noted that BHM Services have been instructed to carry out the repairs.
5.8.Roof Repairs
Membersresolved to approve thequote by Pearce Roofing for repairs to the Pavilion roof to the value of £234.00 plus VAT.
5.9.Boiler Defects and Repair Costs
Mr Young proposed that Mussons be appointed to repair the boiler to include replacement of the temperature relief valve to the value of £327.70 plus VAT and a PCB for the heater to the value of £345.73. The proposal was seconded by Mr Wise and passed by resolution of the committee.
5.10.Repairs to the access track and footpath
Members reviewed the quotes for repairs to the access track and footpathfrom Alyson Hire to the value of £2130.00 plus VAT and LAC Groundworks to the value of £2040.00. Mr Wise explained that despite his best efforts he had been unable to obtain a third quote. The Chairman proposed that the quote from LAC Groundworks is recommended to the Parish Council for approval. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Inglis and passed by resolution of the Committee.
Action: To provisionally arrange for LAC to carry out the work during the October half-term.
5.11.DBS Check for Caretaker Role
The Chairman informed Members that the Acting Clerk had spoken to the Disclosure and Barring Service and they have confirmed that the role of caretaker for the Pavilion does not require a DBS check and it would be unlawful to conduct such a check.The caretaker'scontact with the nursery and pre-school groupsis classed as'incidental' as heis in contact with the groups on less than four times in any one month and he would not be unsupervised with or working ona one to one basis with the children.
5.12.Dog Show, August 2015
Mr Harper stated that Mrs Hindmarsh will require an area the size of a footpath pitch to host her event as it is her intention to invite stall holders. It was suggested that it be held on the same weekend as the scarecrow festival and village open activities.
Action: Acting Clerk to liaise with Mrs Hindmarsh regarding the date of the event.
5.13.Utility Bills & Direct Debits
5.13.1The Acting Clerk explained that she had now received most of the outstanding invoices highlighted in the Internal Auditor’s report with the exception of several from BHM Services.
5.13.2The Chairman explained that direct debits to British Gas and Biffa had been cancelled but that this in no way affected pricing. The Chairman confirmed that fixed monthly direct debits are acceptable to British Gas.
5.13.3The Acting Clerk recommended that the direct debit to BHM Services be cancelled with payment to be issued upon receipt of an invoice. Members approved the action.
Action: Acting Clerk to re-instate fixed monthly direct debits, to liaise with Biffa in relation to the monthly variances, to cancel the direct debit to BHM Services and to liaise with Mr Coulson in relation to the matter.
5.14.2015/2016 Business Plan
Mr Young suggested that the business plan for 2015/2016 would be similar to the current plan. Mr Harper said he would like to propose some work to the cricket square and has received a quote for this.
Action: Committee members to bring any proposals to the next meeting and where possible with an indication of cost.
5.15.Meeting start times
Mr Harper indicated that we would be unable to attend at the earlier start time of 7.00 pm. The Chairman proposed that the meeting commence at this time but suggested a review in the New Year.
Action: Acting Clerk to add to the January agenda.
6.1.Members noted the income received.
Private Hire – Hart62.50
Grantham Youth League100.00
Caroline Arthur, Yoga (June)93.00
Barrowby Pre-School1441.00
Start Right Nursery624.65
6.2.Members noted the following expenditure:
Nice – Spare parts for shutters 269.94
PE Hempstead & Sons494.28
Signs Express157.20
SKDC Rates (September)204.00
Biffa (August Invoice 1780045)50.15
Biffa (August Invoice 1780046)81.29
B Coulson Cleaning (September)160.00
B Coulson Caretaking (August)78.84
Step Ladders, Screwfix84.99
Chemical Storage Unit, Workplace products171.60
British Gas (Electricity) – To be reimbursed to the Clerk187.48
British Gas (Gas) - DD45.42
Cooker- To be reimbursed to the Chairman.394.99
Re-imbursement to S Harper for key cutting£9.90
6.3.Members reviewed the current expenditure/income to date against the budget. It was agreed that the Scribe system is not user-friendly in terms of reporting.
Action: Acting Clerk to create a spreadsheet for the Pavilion accounts.
7.1 None.
Wednesday 22 October 2014 at 7.00pm.
Wednesday 17 December 2014 at 7.00pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 21.27.