Opportunities for students who need to complete an internship for academic credit:
- Multiple Positions-CBF Heartland
Event Specialist
The Event Specialist will be responsible for planning, organizing and promoting one of two major events for CBF Heartland. The Event Specialist:
- Works with staff to plan all aspects of CBF Heartland’s Celebration of Excellence fundraising banquet (Spring), Annual Assembly (Fall) or Fellowship Sundays (Spring or Fall).
- Helps to design and execute promotional plans with partner congregation(s), attendee groups and individuals
- Facilitates pre- and post-event data strategy through eTapestry database.
- Seeks volunteer event staff through congregational and individual networks.
- Designs and conducts post-event survey to help the organization improve future events
College Ministry Network Specialist
The College Ministry Network Specialist will be the primary contact for all activities related to CBF Heartland’s College Ministry Network. This includes:
- Planning and promoting semi-annual “Front Porch Conversation” meetings in mid-Missouri.
- Facilitating regular video-/tele-conferences with the College Ministry Network
- Expanding Network membership to non-participating congregations
- Helping to plan and promote annual College retreat in February
Digital Communications Specialist
The Communications Specialist works with CBF Heartland staff to execute a comprehensive electronic communications plan. Duties include:
- Designing and sending monthly e-newsletters through Constant Contact
- Connecting with writers and posting weekly CBF Heartland Blog content
- Planning and executing social media communication, especially through Facebook and Twitter
- Growing readership and engagement across all digital platforms
For more information, please contact Jeff Langford at or (816) 588-6830.
- Missouri Jobs with Justice (Kansas City and St. Louis)
Missouri Jobs with Justice (JwJ) is an action-oriented coalition of unions, community, faith-based and student groups committed to working together on issues of workers’ rights and economic justice. You can find out more about the organization by visiting
JwJ is seeking committed, energetic students for internships focusing primarily on campaigns to improve and protect the rights of workers, as well as helping to build the base capacity of donors and sustainers of Missouri Jobs with Justice. Students will also assist in providing staff support to the St Louis or Kansas City Workers’ Rights Board Steering Committee comprised of local organizations and activists committed to workers’ rights in our communities and workplaces.
For more information, please contact Ashli Bolden or Justin Stein at .
- Summer Assistant: Children and Youth-Park Hill Christian Church
Park Hill Christian Church is seeking a Summer Assistant for Children and Youth. Primary job responsibilities will include:
- Guidance in creating, leading, and assessing children and youth ministries with special attention to how they could be strengthened;
- Helping the congregation plan the next year’s children and youth schedule for Fall 2016 – Summer 2017;
- Assisting the congregation’s assessment of the shape of its longer-term children and youth ministry;
- Helping the congregation compile an adequate directory of children and youth;
- Sharing in other ministry experiences (preaching, worship leadership, reporting to board, etc.) as negotiated with the Pastor.
For more information, please contact Rev. Robert Fugarino at or (480) 208-8881.
- Pastor of Younger Adults- Holmeswood Baptist Church (Kansas City, MO)
The Pastor to Younger Adults is the minister primarily attentive to the church’s ministry to adults 18-35 years of age. This pastor supervises all ministries to these persons and works to develop a ministry program that recognizes a balanced understanding of a holistic world of the younger adult (including physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs). This pastor will recruit and train sufficient lay persons to staff all programs the church develops to minister to younger adults. The pastor helps younger adults understand God’s love and how to respond in faith to God. In particular, this pastor helps younger adults discover their passion and helps guide them to respond to God’s call in their lives to serve and to grow.
For more information, please contact Pastor D. McDaniel at or (816) 942-1729.
- Pastor of Youth- Holmeswood Baptist Church (Kansas City, MO)
The Youth Pastor is responsible for organizing, directing, and implementing youth ministry opportunities, seventh through twelfth grade. This position requires a ministerial Christian approach, ethical behavior, good attitude, and awareness of boundaries. The youth pastor should value diversity and understand and appreciate that Holmeswood members and our community are diverse. He/she will support the participation of all members in the various ministries of the church, including preaching. The Youth Pastor will have opportunities to serve in worship and explore other areas of ministry as personally interested.
For more information, please contact Pastor D. McDaniel at or(816) 942-1729.
Opportunities for students, alumni, and others who are seeking full time or part time ministry employment:
- Full-time Senior Pastor- Buechel Park Baptist Church (Louisville, KY)
Buechel Park Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky is seeking a Senior Pastor. This well-established mission minded, CBF affiliated church includes a quality staff and strong lay ministry. More information on the church and ministries can be found at
Interested applicants should mail and email resumes by March 31, 2016 to Sharon Kauka, Chairperson of Pastor Search Committee, 11511 Saratoga Ridge Dr., Louisville, KY 40299. Emails should be sent .
- Part-time Pastor-First Baptist Church of Wolfeboro (Wolfeboro Falls, New Hampshire)
The First Baptist Church – Wolfeboro is seeking a bi-vocational (20-25 hours per week) Pastor who is a disciple of Jesus Christ. The Pastor is to provide oversight to the general spiritual condition and direction of the congregation. Included in this is providing spiritual leadership through preaching / teaching, shepherding, lay leadership development, public relations, and missions. More information about the church and how to apply can be found at
- Pastor- Beacon Free Will Baptist Church (Raytown, MO)
Beacon Free Will Baptist Church, Raytown MO, is seeking a pastor that has a passion for taking the Gospel to all peoples without even having to travel overseas. Raytown has transitioned to a community that has a diversity of people groups; including African American, Latino, Asian, & Caucasian, many below the age of 40. Our church, of 58 years, desires to reflect the diversity of our neighborhood.
For more information or to apply, please visit the church website ( or forward resume to: Howard Easley or to 7920 Harris Avenue, Raytown, MO 64138. Phone inquiries can be directed to Howard Easley, 816-654-5540.
- Part-time/Bi-vocational Pastor- Grace Baptist Church (North Kansas City, MO)
Grace Baptist Church is an American Baptist Church and is seeking a pastor who will provide leadership in the following areas: Preaching, teaching, pastoral care, church administration, and participation in denominational and inter-denominational activities. It is anticipated that the position will require 20-25 hours per week.
For more information, please see the attached church profile or contact Sandi McKee, Chair of the Pastoral Search Committee at .
- Full-time Associate Pastor- First Baptist Church of Peoria (Peoria, IL)
First Baptist Church of Peoria currently has an opening for an Associate Pastor who will primarily be responsible for developing and growing programming related to youth and young adults. FBCP is an American Baptist Church within the Great Rivers Region.
Please see attached job description which includes contact information.
- Part-time Youth Minister- Dayspring Baptist Church (St. Louis, MO)
Dayspring Baptist Church currently has an opening fora part-time youth minister. The Youth Minister will be called by the church to provide leadership to the church’s work with Middle School and High School students and families.
Dayspring Baptist Church (formerly Delmar Baptist) is a moderate—progressive Baptist church, affiliated with American Baptist Churches and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. We are a small vibrant community of thoughtful people that seek to be transformed by the love of God made known in Christ, and to be conduits of God’s love in the world.
To learn more about this position, please see the attached job description or visit DayspringStL.com.
- April 15 and 16- Face to Face interviews with Search Committees representing American Baptist Congregations within Indiana/Kentucky, Greater Indianapolis, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois/Missouri
The American Baptist Churches of Indiana/Kentucky will host “Face to Face” meetings this year partnering with the Indianapolis, Great Rivers, Michigan, and Ohio regions of American Baptist Churches. This year's event will be held April 15-16, at Richmond (Indiana) FBC.
These “Face to Face” meetings are an opportunity for pastoral candidates to have first time interviews with a number of search committees over a two day period. Over the years, quite a few churches have called a pastor whom their search committee first met at a Face to Face event. Central Seminary senior students and alumni are encouraged to participate in this process.
For more information, please see the attached flyer which contains contact information.
In order to have your internship or ministry opportunity shared with CBTS students, alumni, and friends, please contact Terrell Carter at or 913-667-5728.