Social learning in captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana africana)
Brian J. Greco, M.S. 1 , Tracey K. Brown, Ph.D., Jeff R.M. Andrews, M.A., Ronald R. Swaisgood, Ph.D., Nancy G. Caine, Ph.D
1Corresponding author. Current address: Department of Animal Science, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616
Electronic Supplementary Material
II) Supplementary Data
Fig. 12 This figure demonstrates the order in which each individual was exposed to each apparatus. Swazi always went first, as she was the model in all experimental trials. Bolded individuals participated in Modeled trials. Crossed-out individuals failed to find a solution to the apparatus.
Fig. 13 Subjects are ranked according to solution time. Solution times are listed in the lower right corner of each square. Modeled condition subjects are bolded. Crossed-out individuals failed to solve the apparatus and were assigned the highest time achieved by the individuals who did solve the apparatus. Apparatus are represented by the icons from left to right: Counterweighted Feeder, Pop and Roll, Push Pop, Boxall, and Smash Box.
Fig. 14 Subjects are ranked according to focus score. Focus scores are listed in the lower right corner of each square. Modeled condition subjects are bolded. Crossed-out individuals failed to solve the apparatus. Apparatus are represented by the icons from left to right: Counterweighted Feeder, Pop and Roll, Push Pop, Boxall, and Smash Box.
Fig. 15 Subjects are ranked by initial interest. Initial interest percentages are included in the bottom right corner of each square. Bolded individuals participated in Modeled trials. Crossed-out individuals failed to find a solution to the apparatus.
Fig. 16 This figure illustrates the relationship between the number of modeled touches and copying fidelity. Subjects do not appear to replicate Swazi’s solution method if they received an apparatus with minimal touches to non-solution relevant locations. Apparatus are represented by the icons from top to bottom: Pop and Roll, Boxall, and Smash Box.: Stars indicate a match in solve method. Crossed out boxes indicate solve methods used other than the model’s. SF= solution failure.
Fig. 17 Average solution time by apparatus are shown above. White bars represent the Unmodeled condition scores, and grey bars represent the Modeled condition scores. Error bars represent the range of scores. The numbers below each bar indicates the average for each condition.