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Assessment of intern progress: ___ Fall mid-term ___Fall final ___Spring mid-term ___Spring Final

Intern: / Date: / The intern, mentor, and field instructor should each fill out this form before the conference. After the conference, the field instructor should complete the grade on page 4. Th intern should fill out the conference summary and plans for improvement on page 5. See last page for clarification of such terms as Novice, Beginning teacher, Accomplished, and Expert.
Semester: / Persons present at conference:

1- 200: Liberal Education and Science Subject Matter

Intern: / How often? / How well (from rubric) / Strengths & evidence / Practices to work on and suggestions for improvement
1. Plans for high quality:
·  Big Ideas
·  Experiences, Patterns, and Explanations
·  Unit objectives / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher
2. Links:
·  previous lesson activity/activities to big ideas, EPEs, and /or objectives
·  current lesson activity/activities to big ideas, EPEs, and/or objectives
·  connects the two activities to big ideas, EPEs, and/or objectives / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher
3. Engages students in inquiry and/or application / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher

Overall rating for area 1-200

Novice / Beginning teacher / Accomplished / Expert
Mark with an “X” (between 1 & 4) to indicate your assessment / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4

300: Working with Students

Intern: / How often? / How well (from rubric/standards) / Strengths & evidence / Practices to work on and suggestions for improvement
4. Motivates and engages students / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher
5. Utilizes and connects assessed knowledge / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher
6. Responds to diversity matters (such as different abilities, physically & mentally challenged, sexual orientation race, and gender) / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher

Overall rating for area 300

Novice / Beginning teacher / Accomplished / Expert
Mark with an “X” (between 1 & 4) to indicate your assessment / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4

4-500: Class Organization

Intern: / How often? / How well (from rubric) / Strengths & evidence / Practices to work on and suggestions for improvement
7. Organizes the class to promote learning for all students / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher
8. Responds to discipline issues / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher
9. Uses available technology to promote student learning / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher

Overall rating for area 400

Novice / Beginning teacher / Accomplished / Expert
Mark with an “X” (between 1 & 4) to indicate your assessment / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4

6-800: Professional roles and responsibilities

Intern; / How often? / How well (from rubric) / Strengths & evidence / Practices to work on and suggestions for improvement
10. Learns from others and participates in the professional school community / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher
11. Engages guardians and community to promote student learning / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher
12. Learns from experience through reflective practice / Never
Often / Novice
Beginning teacher

Overall rating for area 600

Novice / Beginning teacher / Accomplished / Expert
Mark with an “X” (between 1 & 4) to indicate your assessment / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4

Grade (to be completed by field instructor after the conference)

GRADE: / ____Pass (P) / ____Pass with concern (PC)* / ____No Grade (N)
*NOTE: Pass with concern is only for TE 501. This grade requires a written Professional Growth Plan for the intern.

Topics discussed at the conference and goals for improvement (to be completed by intern and shared with mentor and field instructor after the conference)

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How often?

The codes provide a way to indicate relative frequency. But the code must be understood in relation to the fact that some practices occur often and others seldom. So, "of the times when it was desirable, the intern rarely, sometimes, etc."

In significance, "Never" is problematic all year. "Rarely" is problematic in the spring. "Often" is about at good as it gets for interns. We could add "typically" at the top, but one may doubt that the term applies to interns.

How well (from rubric)

The codes are based on the idea that we always start at the “Novice,” in an awkward and limited sort of way. Over time, we move to “beginning teacher” in what we can do, bit by bit. With practice and thought, we move to “accomplished teacher” level in parts of teaching, and performing them more smoothly.

In choosing among these codes, the field instructor will be comparing the intern’s performance with descriptions in the professional literature and good teachers’ lore. Here are the descriptions of the codes:

Novice: The performance included some of the major elements. The intern’s enactment of those elements vaguely resembled descriptions in the literature and lore. Some students participated in their part of the performance. [This is where we normally start when we undertake to learn to teach.]

Beginning Teacher: The performance included a majority of the major elements. The intern connected some of those elements. The intern’s enactment of those elements generally resembled descriptions in the literature and lore. Some or many students responded as intended, and the intern noticed how they responded. [Compared to “novice,” “beginning” is distinct progress.]

Accomplished: The performance included most major elements. The intern connected many of these elements in a coherent performance. The intern’s enactment of those elements largely resembled descriptions in the literature and lore. Many students responded in the intended way, and the intern often noticed and adapted to their responses.

Expert: The performance included all major elements, which were well integrated and sharply executed. Students and teacher interacted responsively, working together. “Expert” is the performance that probationary teachers would aim to achieve consistently by the end of their third year of teaching.

Expectations for interns: “Novice” is good enough in the first lead teaching period, but not good enough in the spring. “Beginning” should become visible in the first lead teaching period and increase through the middle of the year. “Accomplished” should become visible in the spring lead teaching, and the intern should aim to achieve this performance consistently by the end of the year. That will make interns “well-started novices,” who can begin full-charge teaching and continue learning to teach increasingly well.

We include this code to help interns to prepare their minds for the big jump in demands (and drop in support) that they will face when they get their first jobs and start teaching alone. Also, field instructors can use the code to notify interns when they do something unusually well. (Interns, be careful. An intern who expects the “Expert” rating more than rarely will be revealing that s/he does not yet understand the complexity and difficulty of full-charge teaching.)