WivenhoeTown Council Estates Committee

Minutes of a meeting of the Estates - Open Spaces Committee held in the Council Chamber on Thursday15th June 2017

Present: Cllrs. M. Newton (Temporary Chair),S.Nash, P. Booth,R. Needham, K. Read,N.Tile

J. Young (Estates Manager), H. Humphreys (Town Clerk)

1. Apologies: Cllrs.I. Endean, A. Aldis, P.Finn, C.Singleton, A. Vaughan, N. Lodge

2. Election of Chair:

There was a discussion over the tradition of the Deputy Mayor chairing Estates. As Cllr. Boughton was absent it was agreed that the election of Chair could be deferred.

3. Minutes from last Estates Meeting held on Monday8thMay 2017

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Estates Committee held on Monday8th Maybe confirmed and signed by the Chairmanas a correct record.

4.To consider any points raised by members of the public.

Cllr Boughton raised the issue of lack of policing. There has been an increase in reports of abuse to members of the public from some youths in KGV with this becoming bullying, homophobic or racist in some cases. There were also concerns about the drugs situation. Members and the public have been calling 101 to report incidents but so far there had been no response. Cllr. Read suggested people should be encouraged to continue to contact 101 as more reports would help to identify any “hotspots”. Cllr. Newton reported he would be happy to write to the Police and Crime Commissioner and request alternative actions. Cllr. Needham requested that a report on the current status of the 101 scheme be provided.

Action Point: Town Clerk to draft letter on behalf of Cllr. Newton to the PCC and Essex Chief Constable

Cllr Nash reported that at the EALC and Police Conference she recently attended that it was noted that Essex was one of the most underfunded police forces in the UK. Cllr. Newton thanked Cllr. Nash for attending this conference. Cllr. Read noted that at one point WTC had looked into sharing a PCSO with Alresford for a fixed fee.

Cllr. Nash reported that she and Cllrs. Aldis and Boughton were keen to revive the Neighbourhood watch scheme.

5. To Agree Structure and any Sub-Committees:

It was agreed that Allotments should be discussed and agreed at the next Estates Open Spaces meeting to enable Cllr. Boughton the opportunity to continue running this sub-committee.

It was agreed that Cllr. Nash would chair the Play Area, KGV and Jubilee Gardens Sub-Committee.

It was agreed that Cooks Shipyard should be split between Estates Properties and Estates Open Spaces, with the following split:


Fisherman’s Store

Open Spaces:

DinghyPark/ Canoe & Kayak Rack


Wet Dock

Cllr. Read agreed to chair the Open Spaces Cooks sub-committee.

Cemeteries and Churchyard:

Cllr. Booth agreed to chair. Cllr. Tile agreed to join this sub-committee.

Action Point: Town Clerk to split Cooks as agreed between the two committee agendas.

6. Reports on:

a. Allotments

Nothing to report.

b. Play Areas, KGV & JubileeGardens:

Cllr. Read was concerned by the amount of litter on the field. Cllr. Newton explained that there was an ongoing problem with the ‘Litter Picker’, which was being addressed by the personnel Committee. In addition, Cllr. Newton has a meeting due on Tuesday 20th June with Darren Orr who runs the probation service scheme and could provide a supervised group to clean the woods side of KGV.

There was a discussion about the Wildlife Charter wish to create meadow in part of the KGV, and it was reported that this was piloted in the dog walking area but abandoned when a small number of dog owners complained that grass seeds were affecting their dogs. It was suggested that WTC could consider revisiting this.

The Estates Manager reported that he would be happy if wild flowers were put in JubileeGardens and the Estates Team shown how to care for them.

b.i. Resolution Regarding Commercial Use of KGV

Cllr. Newton reported that the Greyhound had requested the opportunity to present on using the field and that they had been asked to submit their proposal.

It was agreed that as the KGV also hosts a circus and funfair that all commercial events should be judged by their merits and any possible impact on the field and security. It was reported that the Town Clerk had contacted Fields In Trust who do not object to commercial use as long as the field promotes wellbeing of mind, body and spirit which includes cultural events. The Town Clerk reminded members that in March a pricing structure had been suggested and it was agreed that this should be discussed at the next Estates meeting, which in this instance would be properties.

Action Points: Town Clerk to add KGV Pricing Structure to next Estates Properties agenda for 10th July.

Town Clerk to circulate Application for use of field when it arrives.

c. Cemeteries, Churchyard, and ChapelMuseum:

Cllr. Newton reported that despite the Wildlife Charter that the Churchyard needed to be kept more presentable and Cllr. Nash agreed to speak to the Parochial Church Council. Cllr. Needham is on the St Mary’s Fabric Committee which monitors the condition of the building and reported there was loose masonry on one wall which could be the responsibility of the Parish Council. He reported that recently OpenGardens had raised £4,000 split between the Church and the Wivenhoe Society and that he had asked that the money be used to repair the wall.

There had been a £1,300 quote for a survey for the cemetery wall. Cllr. Nash reported that the Deputy Estates Manager had worked hard to get more quotes with no luck.

Cllr. Boughton has received a cheaper quote (confirmed post-meeting as £650 plus VAT). The Estates Manager was concerned about the Health and Safety risks this wall might present as we had a duty of care towards members of the public to ensure the wall is safe.

Action Point: Cllr Nash to contact PCC about recommendations for Churchyard. Cllr. Needham to keep Council informed on Church masonry situation.

Town Clerk to send round robin email detailing Cllr. Boughton’s quote so a decision could be made asap.

Cllr. Booth reported that having volunteered in the ChapelMuseum recently he had seen that there was a fantastic mixture of maintained and well managed wild areas in the OldCemetery and it was a credit to the Estates Team.

Cllr. Read suggested that to get the best from the Wildlife Charter there needed to be a coalition between Estates Managers and the Wildlife experts so that all sides could get the best advice. The Estates Manager reported that attitudes needed to be changed and Cllr. Read suggested a sign stating that the land was managed by the WTC Estates Team.

Action Point: Estates Manager to report on condition of existing sign.

d. Cook’s Development:

Nothing to report.

7. Estates Team Open Spaces Report:

One steel toilet door has been fitted in OldCemetery toilet with the option for another one on the other side. It was reported that bus drivers are unhappy and the Estates Manager suggested the other side could have a code for transport employees/bin men to use.

There is a leak in the cemetery toilet roof which the Estates Team will fix once grass cutting finished. Cllr. Newton reported that he is anticipating the new Maintenance & Cleaning employee to clean this toilet on Mondays as currently it should only be in use at weekends. Town Clerk agreed to check his availability.

Cllr. Read suggested that the bus companies could be contacted and asked to contribute towards the cleaning cost of the cemetery toilet in exchange for using it.

The Estates Manager reported that he had been asked by a member of the public if the canoe rack could be moved closer to the pontoon. It was agreed that this would make sense and encourage more applications for rack spaces.

Cllr. Needham asked if the Wivenhoe Society trees were still being watered. The Estates Manager confirmed that they were and Cllr. Needham thanked him.

Date of the next meeting:It was agreed that this would run bi-monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month with the next meeting being Monday 14th August 2017.

Meeting closed at8.55pm
