AP U.S. History: Course Syllabus
Instructor: Doug Burges
Room: D105
Phone: 843-899-8800
Class Website:
Course Description
Welcome to AP U.S. History! This class is designed to acquaint students with the major events and movements that have influenced our nation’s past. It traces the political, social, economic and cultural forces that have shaped American History from the colonial era through the modern era. Emphasis will be placed on selected topics such as the Age of Exploration, the British Colonies, the American Revolution, the Articles to Constitution, Jeffersonian era, Jacksonian Democracy and Reform, Westward Expansion and Slavery, the Civil War, Reconstruction, Industry and Immigration, Imperialism andProgressivism, World War I, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, the New Deal, World War II, the Fifties, the Cold War, the Sixties, Civil Rights, Vietnam, the Seventies, Rise of Conservatism, the Clinton years, and post 9/11 United States policies.
Course Expectations
- Be prepared with notes and having read any assigned content.
- Participate fully in any and all discussions and activities.
- Be willing and prepared to learn about your country!
Students will need the following materials:
- 3-ring binder
- notebook paper
- notebook dividers
- pen/pencil
- U.S. History books:
-A Patriot’s History of the United States by L. Sweikart and M. Allen
-The American Pageant by David M. Kennedy and Lizabeth Cohen
- AP US History Examination Review, by Tom Barnes, sixth edition
Classroom Rules
- Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. The second tardy will result in a detention after school. The third tardy will result in an administrative referral to ISS. The fourth tardy will result in ISS then OSS.
2. No food of drinks allowed in the classroom. This also includes no gum.
- Respect yourself, your classmates, the teacher and the classroom at all times.
- Be Responsible for your own work and actions;SHOW RESULTS
- All BHS and BCSD policies will be enforced.
Consequences of Misbehavior
1st offense: Student is warned.
2nd offense: After school detention is assigned.
3rd offense: Parent is called and after school detention is assigned.
Further offenses: Student is referred to the appropriate assistant principal.
Grading Scale
A= 93-100
B= 85-92
C= 77-84
D= 70-76
F= 0-69
Classroom Procedures
Electronic Devices: To minimize distractions in the classroom, there is a limited tolerance for electronic devices (cell phones, gaming, and music devices, etc.) Devices seen or heard will be confiscated, sent to the office, and released to the student at the end of the day. A second infraction will require a parent/guardian to pick up the device from the office.
Make Up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any notes, class work, handouts, or assignments if they miss class. Any missed work cannot be made up during class time. This is to prevent cheating/copying. All of the class notes will be available on-line if you are absent.
Late Work/Retake Policy: It is very important to turn in class work and homework assignments on time. This ensures that students will stay on top of the material that is being covered. All assignments for each unit must be turned in no later than the Unit Test date. No late work will be accepted and a zero will be given after the Unit Test has been given. Extenuating circumstances will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Students will be not be allowed to retake any assignments. This includes tests, quizzes, and projects. Any test corrections must be done before the following unit test.
Restroom Policy: Students are required to keep their student handbook to use as a restroom pass. Students will not be allowed to leave the class to use the restroom unless it is a dire emergency.
Frequently monitor your progress in class: Students and parents are encouraged to use PowerSchool to monitor class grades. You should know your grade at all times, not just when progress reports or report cards are issued. I may be reached quickly via school e-mail at: . Be sure to check the class website for any missed notes and homework assignments.
Student Name: ______
Date: ______
Dear Parent/Guardian:
VIDEO RELEASE PERMISSION: I often utilize short clips (anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes) of movies to illustrate historical issues. All movies are used in conjunction with worksheets or other assessment activities. Please sign the slip below indicating if you wish to allow the student named above to watch these movies. Should you indicate that you do not wish the student to see movies, I will provide academic work to be completed in the library during class time. Thank you. You may call me with any questions.
I will allow this student to view the movies______
I do not wish for the student named above to view the movies ______
Please indicate below that you and your child have read and reviewed this document. If you have any questions, kindly indicate them below, otherwise simply sign and return this sheet. (Student should retain the rest of the handout in their notebook.)
I look forward to working with you and your child. Do not hesitate to call or email with any concerns.
Question(s) to be addressed: ______
I have no questions at this time.
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian signature ______
Date: ______
Please provide – clearly printed – both student and parent/guardian emails.
Parent/guardian email home______
Parent/guardian email work______
Contact phone numbers ______
Student email ______