Dear IDEAMATH summer programstudent:

Welcometo IDEAMATH!Weare pleasedto have youjoinour program.

Weall knowthatthere are more relaxingwaystospendthesummer. Butin exchangeforhard(but interesting)workatIDEA MATH,youwillgainvaluableknowledgeandtechniques,andgettomeetand makemany new friendswithotherstudentswhoalsoenjoymath.Wearelookingforwardtomeetingyou andworkingwithyou.

We have enclosed the General Information Sheet about our program in this package. We are trying to communicate with students via email, so please make sure the attached student information sheet contains the correct email address. Also please make sure the email address you list will be one that you periodically check.

Afterreadingalltheenclosedmaterials,shouldyouhaveany concernsorunansweredquestions, pleasefeel free to contact usatIDEAMATH:ia emailor (603)686-1706.



IDEA MATH,P.O.Box 338, Exeter,NH 03833-0338Tel:(603)686-1706

Dear parentsofIDEAMATHprogramstudents:

Welcometo IDEAMATH. Thankyouforgivingustheopportunityto provideanexcitingexperience foryouryoungsterstobroadentheirviewof mathematicsandchallengetheirmindswhilefosteringtheir enthusiasmtoward further study.

Just asin anyprogram,IDEAMATH requiresstudents to carefullyreviewourregulations.Wehope thatyouwillremindthemtorespectallstaff membersof IDEAMATHandeveryotherstudentinthe program.Wealsoencourageyoutomakesurethatyouryoungstersfollowthescheduleof thesummer program, attend allthe classesand activitiesand communicatewithour stafffor any questionsand concerns.

Welookforwardtoexploringinterestingmathematicswith ourstudents. Webelievethat,byworking together, we canmake IDEAMATHa pleasantand rewardingexperience for studentsandtheir families.

Ifyou have any questions or suggestions, please feelfreetocontactus.




Students are expected to attend allclasses and activities.

Students are expected to respectthe instructors, IDEAMATHstaff, and other students.

Studentsareexpectedtotakegoodcareoftheschool’sfacilitiesandstaywithinthedesignatedarea for IDEAMATHstudents.

Campus Information:

Rivier University address: 420 South Main Street, Nashua, NH 03060

Campus map: (

Cell Phone Usage:

We do not allow the use of cell phones during class times. Students may use their phones outside of class.

Daily Schedule:

Morning Classes: 9:00 – 12:25 pm

Lunch Break: 12:25 pm – 1:40 pm

Afternoon Classes 1:45 pm – 5:00 pm

IDEA MATH,P.O.Box 338, Exeter,NH 03833-0338Tel:(603)686-1706


Arrival and Departure

Check-inand registration will be on Saturday, July 1st, 2017 from12:00pm– 5:00pmatBrassard Hall of Rivier University.

IDEA MATH Staff will be at Boston Logan Airport to pick up our students between 11:00 am to 5:00 pm (July 1st, 2017). Students who need airport pickup, please log in to his/her account to enter flight information at least one week before the program starts – an email will be sent to you 3 days before your flight with detailed pick up information. If a student is travelling as an unaccompanied minor (contact the airline company to check the age requirement for minors who can be travelling alone), please contact IDEA MATH at to make arrangement with the email title “Traveling as an unaccompanied minor” along with the students name and ID. Additional charge may apply.

Students are expecting to depart the dorm by noon on July 16, 2017. Roomsshouldbecleanedandlockedupondeparture, and the roomkeysmustbe returned to the IDEAMATHstaff.

Students who need airport transportation on departure day will be grouped by his/her departure time and transported to the airport by shuttles. If a student is travelling as an unaccompanied minor, please contact IDEA MATH at to make an arrangement. Additional charge may apply.

Clothing and Bedding

Dorm rooms are furnished withtwo or threebeds per room (per college’s setup).Thedormis air-conditioned. Studentsareaskedtobring theirown blanketsandsheets,pillowsandpillowcases,towels,cell phone,and schoolsupplies.

Whileclassdressisgenerally informal,allstudents areexpectedtodressappropriately foreachoccasion.Forexample,students maynotwearclothingthatexposesthemidriff,shirts with offensiveslogans, bathing suitsorhats inclassroombuildingsandthedininghall.Footwear must be wornin allbuildings.

There is laundry machine available oncampus.

IDEA MATH,P.O.Box 338, Exeter,NH 03833-0338Tel:(603)686-1706

Meals, Food & Allergies

All meals are provided by Rivier University dining services. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided daily beginning with dinner on arrival day and ending with breakfast on departure day.

Studentswhohaveaspecialdietaryneedshouldcontactusatleasttwoweeksbeforethe program starts.


Studentswillhaveaccesstoalibrary,computerlab,andoutdoor fields.

Library hours:

Bookstore hours:

Break Day Activities

Organized activities will be held on break days, such as carnival events, movies, a talent show, etc. Day studentsarewelcometo participate.Detailswill be available after the summerprogramstarts.

Mailing Address for receiving mails

When sending package to students, please use the following address:

Student’s name

c/o Sodexo (IDEA MATH)

420 S. Main Street

Nashua, NH 03060

Suggested PackingList

Must Bring

1.Casualclothes(shorts, T-shirt, slacks, jeans)

2.Comfortable shoes

3.Lightweightjacket and/or sweatshirt


5.Bedding–blanket, bed sheet(twinsize), pillow, pillowcases*

6.Personalhygiene needs: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, brush

7.Pens, pencils, ruler, one or two 1-inchbinders, notebook

8.Refillable waterbottle

9. Cash, coinsfor laundrymachine

* Even in July, it can be cold at night, please bring enough blanket and clothes.

Optional Items to Bring








8.Playingcardsor other games

9. Clothes hanger

10. Alarmclock

11. Backpacks

12. Readingbooks

13. Dictionary

Things NOT to Bring

1.Personalcomputersor laptops: We,the IDEAMATHstaff, feelstronglythatfor the bestinterestof the students,computersor laptopsshould not be broughtto our summerprogram. Wewillhave accessto alibrary and a computer lab.






Check In and Check Out

Day students are expected to arrive on campus between 8:30 to 8:55 am and be picked up between 5:00 to 5:30 pm on daily (including break days).

On the first day of the class – day students check in starts at 8:30 am at Memorial hall. On break day, day students check in starts at 9:00 am.

Day students are required to check out with IDEA MATH daily except bus takers which they will check out upon getting on the bus.

Meals and Allergy

Lunch will be covered for day students. Studentswhohaveaspecialdietaryneedshouldcontactusatleasttwoweeksbeforethe program starts.

Break Day Activities

Organized activities will be held on break days, such as carnival event, movie, talent show etc. Day studentsarewelcometo participate.Detailswill be available after the summerprogramstarts.

What to Bring to Camp

1.Pens, pencils, ruler, one or two 1-inchbinders, notebook

2.Refillable waterbottle

Optional items to bring

  1. Camera
  2. Cellphone
  3. Playingcardsor other games
  4. Readingbooks
  5. Dictionary


Day students can take our scheduled buses to our program. In 2017 summer, we will have 3 stops:

Bus Stop #1 (Bus Line #1)

Location: Lexington High School, 251 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA 02421

Departure Time: 8:00 am on class day, and 8:30 am on break day

Bus Stop #2 (Bus Line #2)

Location: Muraco Elementary School, 33 Bates Rd, Winchester, MA 01890

Departure Time: 7:45 am on class day, and 8:15 am on break day

Bus Stop #3 (Bus Line #2)

Location: Westford Valley Plaza (160 Littleton Road), Westford, MA 01886)

Departure Time: 8:20 am on class day, and 8:45 am on break day

Please Note -

On the first day of the class – day students check in starts at 8:30 am at Memorial Hall. After first day, day students will go to his/her classroom directly to check in with his/her instructor. On break day, day students check in starts at 9:00 am.

Day students are required to check out with IDEA MATH daily except bus takers.

IDEA MATH,P.O.Box 338, Exeter,NH 03833-0338Tel:(603)686-1706