Minutes of the Ilchester Parish Council meeting held on ThursdayDecember 14th 2017
at the Town Hall, Ilchester at 7.30pm.
Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman,Mr. J. Edmondson, Mr. A. MacGregor,Mr. S. Marsh, Mr. G. Pope,
Miss J. Stapleton,Mr. C. Williams, Mr. H. Williams,Mr. N. Bloomfield, County Councillor Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor,Rev. B. Faulknerand Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.
Six members of the public attended.
140. Apologies
Apologies were received fromMr. S. McAllisterPCSO John Winfield.
141. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated,were signed as correct.
142. Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
143. Open SessionCounty & District Councillors’ reports.
Mr. K. Andrews informed the meeting that he is intending to take on his father's former business 'Take away' selling food from the layby on the A.37 towards Yeovil, starting in January. Mr. Andrews asked if the Parish Council would consider assisting with putting in a waste bin. Mrs. Panter wished him every success and it was agreed to consider this request under Highway issues.
Mr. N. Bloomfield, County Councillorstated that the issue as to the legal status of Pillbridge Lane and its legal vehicular use is still ongoing, and he will be contacting SCC Rights of Way to get a definitive answer.
Mr. W. Masters asked for an update; reference the idea to re-locate the gate at the area of the turning area
beyond Mead Farm. Mr. Bloomfield stated that he was looking into the issue. This was noted.
Mr. G. Hill stated that he wondered if other modelling flows are being considered, as part of the modelling for which funding has been agreed. It was agreed to contact the SRA. It was noted that Mr. D. Mitchell is taking over from Mrs. S. Diacono at SRA.
Mr. Capozzoli, District Councillor highlighted the Christmas tree recycling service.
Mr. Bloomfield, County Councillor highlighted the demise of the SID service and that there are Orders for the SSDC area to limit layby parking. There is one highlighted for Ilchester at Northover.
144. Police & Community issues - RNAS, Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC Church Matters
The Council noted the apology received from PCSO J. Winfield. The slurry issue had been investigated.
It was noted in the Email from Mr. McAllister that RNAS Yeovilton was holding meetings with personnel reference safe driving.
Mr. H. Williams reported from the Ilchester Town Trust meeting that the Clerk's office is now moved onto the first floor.
Miss Stapleton reported from IDCA that the Newsletter is under discussion and there is to be a quiz held on January 13th.
The Council noted that IRINEC had supported the Diners Christmas lunch.
Rev. Faulkner reported that the Remembrance Sunday service had been well attended.
Rev. Faulkner stated that there has been a meeting to co-ordinate the Service to be held on November 11th 2018, marking the Centenary of the end of the 'Great War' (First World War) and other possible events.
Rev. Faulkner highlighted a Lantern parade being held on December 17th as well as highlighting 'Carols on the Green' being held on Monday December 18th at 6.30pm and the other Christmas services.
It was noted that the Christmas trees on the front of the Town Hall had been put up on Saturday December 2nd, and it was agreed that these are taken down on January 7th. Miss Stapleton agreed to purchase a timer for the tree lights.
Mrs. Panter reported that she, Mr. Edmondson, Miss Stapleton & the Clerk are to meet again with Symphony at the Surgery,on December 18th.
145. Youth Parish Councils
Miss Stapletonreported that the Youth Parish Councils ' had judged the seven Businesses, who had entered the 'Business in Light' and had also assisted with the Diners Christmas lunch by providing crackers & chocolates.
146. Planning matters
It was noted that the application 17/01215/FUL for Mr. M. Knight at New Spittles Farm for the construction of an aerobic digestion plant to include associated equipment and on-site infrastructure for the purpose of generating renewable energy from grass silage and straw and upgrading and improvement of the existing access farm track will be taken at a future meeting of SSDC Area East Committee meeting. The Parish Council noted Mr. Capozzoli's earlier comments.
The Council noted that the planning permission granted by SSDC Area North Committee for a Digester at Bearley Farm, Tintinhull has just expired. This was noted.
The Council noted that there was no decision to date on application 17/04396/FUL for Mr. Steve Marsh, 22, Limington Road for demolition of single storey/garage link and erection of a pitched roof extension.
This had been supported by the Council following the meeting.
147. Financial matters
The account balances were reported asat 30/11/17 C/A/c £100 & B/R A/c £42,514.46p
Receipts- Bank interest £1.49p, £47 Mr. G. Britton, £60 Fine Memorials & £68 Trinity College
Payments made -
14/12/172283£90Trinity College allotment rent
14/12/172284£20 Sophie Pack- Stone - skate park area
14/12/172285£30SSDC StreetScene remove rubble
14/12/172286£144ITT room hire to December 31st meetings
14/12/172287£15.50ITT room hire Remembrance & Tea party
14/12/172288£117.80Greenacres - hurdles at Cemetery
14/12/172289£77.36Wessex Water allotments
14/12/172290£533.48PTH salary & expenses
14/12/172291£102Parsigns sign for Back Lane
14/12/172292£32.31Miss J. Stapleton refreshments
14/12/172293£300 J. Edmondson for works at St. Andrew's N
The above cheques were approved and signed.
It was agreed to consider donations at the next meeting.
The Council were advised that the Precept needs to be considered at the next meeting, as the precept return has to be sent to SSDC by the end of January.
The Clerk reported that new External auditors have been appointed for the next three years, taking over from Grant Thornton, Bristol, being PKF Littlejohn LLP, SBA Team, 1, Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4HD. It was noted that there will be a charge for all Councils.
Mr. Edmondson apologised to the Council for having authorised works to clear St. Andrew's Churchyard, Northover by a person whom he uses for his gardening works. After some discussion, it was agreed to pay the Invoice of £300 for the works that had been carried out to date, and discuss the way forward at the next meeting.
The Council agreed to obtain a quote for a plaque to commemorate 200 years of the Mead being built, completed in 1819, this is ongoing, with the wording being advised to the Clerk by Mr. McAllister.
The Council considered Mr. Kevin Andrew's request for a contribution towards putting a litter bin in the layby on the A.37. After discussion, it was agreed not to make any contribution, as it would be setting a precedent that might prove expensive.
148. Website
Mr. C. Williams stated that there were no issues to report.
149. Cemetery
Mr. C. Williamsreported that the two broken hurdles had been replaced. Rev. Faulkner stated that the tidystate of the Cemetery is much appreciated.
150. Highway matters
The Council were read an Email received from a Mrs. Whittaker from Yorkshire, which expressed concern at drivers' lack of courtesy to respect the zebra crossing in Northover. This was noted, and a reply had been sent stating that it is difficult to educate some drivers.
Mrs. Panter reported that two quotations received from the County Highways Lighting Officers reference the issue of the lack of lighting inAlmshouse Lane raised by a local resident, these being £1,769.20p at the corner of the High Street & £2,913.35p to include a pole, connected from the supply by Manor Gardens.
It was agreed to put this on the agenda of the next meeting for further discussion.
The Council noted that the quotation of £350 plus VAT to replace themissing finial from the finger post sign at the junction of Church Street & Limington road, again this will be an agenda item.
It was reported that the dangerous manhole cover in the area of Browns Lane had been inspected & repaired.
Mr. Edmondson read from the Email received from Mr. McAllister, which highlighted an issue with the road surfacing outside 2, The Mead, which he had sent to SCC Highways. This was noted
Mr. MacGregor reported that he had collected the salt bags from the SCC Highways depot.
151. Flooding issues
The Council agreed to contact the IDB / Environment Agency reference the dip in the flood bank by the Pen stock at the Mead, as raised by Mr. G. Hill, as well as his query to Highways England reference other potential modelling.
152. Allotments
Mr. H. Williams stated that some allotments were still being used.
Mrs. Panter reported that Gareth Webb & Co. Yeovil had been appointed to represent the Council to act in the transfer of the Allotment area to the Council and the necessary preliminary papers had been signed by herself & the Clerk, these being sent to the Solicitors acting on behalf of Trinity College, Cambridge.
153. Mead Play area.
The SSDC inspection reports indicated that there were issues to address.
154. Skate Park
The SSDC inspection reports indicated that there were issues to address.
155. Rights of Way
Mr. Pope stated that he had no issues to report.
156. TreeMatters
There were no matters reported.
157. Correspondence
The Council noted the Somerset Waste Partnership newsletter, which had been circulated
158. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting
Mr. Pope stated that he had now reconsidered his decision to leave the Council and will be continuing as a member until May 2019. This was welcomed by all members.
The date of the next meeting was confirmed for Thursday January 11th 2018 at 7.30pm,
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present for attending, and declared the meeting closed at9.00pm.
Signed: Date: