Group 1 :

Mirna Assad Traveling With Odysseus

Garrett Bobic Group Projects & Presentations

Emily Trill

Mena Ibrahim

Location Characters to DiscussEvents/Themes/Topics

Aeolus/ Aeolus Odysseus Curiosity, what happened with the

Laestrygonia O’s Men Cannibals wind, how many died with the cannibals, Odysseus’ actions

Menu Options :

Column AColumn B

1. Copy change or adaptation of song or poem 4. Skit w artistic backdrop or background

2. Borrowed song / poem with interpretation 5. Illustration of one scene—stand alone

of lyrics or verse

3. News Report = Reporters and Interviewees

Directions :

1. Choose 1 selection from Column A and 1 selection from Column B

2. Assign roles—these will vary depending what you choose as a group to do

**Roles should be equally distributed

**You can divide up assignments of your choices EXCEPT FOR NEWS REPORT OR SKIT

3. Make a very big effort to be present for all Group Work days—this is an in class assignment; however,

you can do some work outside of class such as looking up songs or poems to borrow and interpret,

drafting original songs or poems, drafting songs or poems you will adapt to fit your assigned location.

4. Complete all requirements listed under each of your menu choice descriptions

5. Communicate with each other and work together to successfully complete your project

6. Look at your rubric to see how you will be graded and make sure you have completed all components

7. Your final step will be to turn your project into an organized presentation

--Decide who is presenting what

--Work together in your presentation

---Have fun with your project

Possible Materials to Use

a. Poster board—provided by teachers e. Cell phones to look up songsi. study guides to help you

b. Art supplies—provided by teachers f. Overhead sheets

c. your own art supplies you bring g. Overhead projector

d. Textbook to reread your location h. Computer / projector

Group Work Dates—YOU NEED TO BE HERE

Tuesday 02/04; Wednesday 02/05; Friday 02/07; YOU WILL PRESENT IN ORDER ON

Monday 02/10; Tuesday 02/11WED 02/12 AND THUR 02/13

Group 2 :

KhadarSoussou Traveling With Odysseus

Mauricio Rojas Group Projects & Presentations

Brian Fandrich

Brian Parks

Location Characters to Discuss Events/Themes/Topics

Thrinakia/Thrinacia Lord Helios Odysseus and his menOdysseus’ warning, eating the cattle,

Helios’ anger and threats to Zeus,

Zeus killing O’s men, O left alone

Menu Options :

Column AColumn B

1. Copy change or adaptation of song or poem 4. Skit w artistic backdrop or background

2. Borrowed song / poem with interpretation 5. Illustration of one scene—stand alone

of lyrics or verse

3. News Report = Reporters and Interviewees

Directions :

1. Choose 1 selection from Column A and 1 selection from Column B

2. Assign roles—these will vary depending what you choose as a group to do

**Roles should be equally distributed

**You can divide up assignments for your choices EXCEPT FOR NEWS REPORT OR SKIT

3. Make a very big effort to be present for all Group Work days—this is an in class assignment; however,

you can do some work outside of class such as looking up songs or poems to borrow and interpret,

drafting original songs or poems, drafting songs or poems you will adapt to fit your assigned location.

4. Complete all requirements listed under each of your menu choice descriptions

5. Communicate with each other and work together to successfully complete your project

6. Look at your rubric to see how you will be graded and make sure you have completed all components

7. Your final step will be to turn your project into an organized presentation

--Decide who is presenting what

--Work together in your presentation

---Have fun with your project

Possible Materials to Use

a. Poster board—provided by teachers e. Cell phones to look up songsi. study guides to help you

b. Art supplies—provided by teachers f. Overhead sheets

c. your own art supplies you bring g. Overhead projector

d. Textbook to reread your location h. Computer / projector

Group Work Dates—YOU NEED TO BE HERE

Tuesday 02/04; Wednesday 02/05; Friday 02/07; YOU WILL PRESENT IN ORDER ON

Monday 02/10; Tuesday 02/11WED 02/12 AND THUR 02/13

Group 3 :

Nicole Semanco Traveling With Odysseus

Joe D’Agostino Group Projects & Presentations

Caitlyn Stidham

Giovanni Zona

Location Characters to Discuss Events/Themes/Topics

Land of the Lotus Eaters2 men + a runner Offering the plant, never wanting to

Lotus Eaters Odysseus leave, forgetting home, O tying his

men to the rowing benches, etc.

Menu Options :

Column AColumn B

1. Copy change or adaptation of song or poem 4. Skit w artistic backdrop or background

2. Borrowed song / poem with interpretation 5. Illustration of one scene—stand alone

of lyrics or verse

3. News Report = Reporters and Interviewees

Directions :

1. Choose 1 selection from Column A and 1 selection from Column B

2. Assign roles—these will vary depending what you choose as a group to do

**Roles should be equally distributed

**You can divide up assignments of your choices EXCEPT FOR NEWS REPORT OR SKIT

3. Make a very big effort to be present for all Group Work days—this is an in class assignment; however, you can do some work outside of class such as looking up songs or poems to borrow and interpret, drafting original songs or poems, drafting songs or poems you will adapt to fit your assigned location.

4. Complete all requirements listed under each of your menu choice descriptions

5. Communicate with each other and work together to successfully complete your project

6. Look at your rubric to see how you will be graded and make sure you have completed all components

7. Your final step will be to turn your project into an organized presentation

--Decide who is presenting what

--Work together in your presentation

---Have fun with your project

Possible Materials to Use

a. Poster board—provided by teachers e. Cell phones to look up songsi. study guides to help you

b. Art supplies—provided by teachers f. Overhead sheets

c. your own art supplies you bring g. Overhead projector

d. Textbook to reread your location h. Computer / projector

Group Work Dates—YOU NEED TO BE HERE

Tuesday 02/04; Wednesday 02/05; Friday 02/07; YOU WILL PRESENT IN ORDER ON

Monday 02/10; Tuesday 02/11WED 02/12 AND THUR 02/13

Group 4 :

ArshDeol Traveling With Odysseus

Alyssa Gero Group Projects & Presentations

Jon Hockaday


LocationCharacters to Discuss Events/Themes/Topics

Land of the DeadHades Persephone Tiresias What he had to do to hear prophecy,

Odysseus His men His dead mom what happens if he avoids the cows,

what happens if he doesn’t, details of

of his prophecy and his death at sea

Menu Options :

Column AColumn B

1. Original song or poem 4. Skit w artistic backdrop or background

2. Borrowed song / poem with interpretation 5. Graphic novel page showing action

of lyrics or verse 6. Comic Strip

3. Copy change or adaptation of song or poem

Directions :

1. Choose 1 selection from Column A and 1 selection from Column B

2. Assign roles—these will vary depending what you choose as a group to do

**Roles should be equally distributed

**You can divide up assignments of your choices EXCEPT FOR NEWS REPORT OR SKIT

3. Make a very big effort to be present for all Group Work days—this is an in class assignment; however, you can do some work outside of class such as looking up songs or poems to borrow and interpret, drafting original songs or poems, drafting songs or poems you will adapt to fit your assigned location.

4. Complete all requirements listed under each of your menu choice descriptions

5. Communicate with each other and work together to successfully complete your project

6. Look at your rubric to see how you will be graded and make sure you have completed all components

7. Your final step will be to turn your project into an organized presentation

--Decide who is presenting what

--Work together in your presentation

---Have fun with your project

Possible Materials to Use

a. Poster board—provided by teachers e. Cell phones to look up songsi. study guides to help you

b. Art supplies—provided by teachers f. Overhead sheets

c. your own art supplies you bring g. Overhead projector

d. Textbook to reread your location h. Computer / projector

Group Work Dates—YOU NEED TO BE HERE

Tuesday 02/04; Wednesday 02/05; Friday 02/07; YOU WILL PRESENT IN ORDER ON

Monday 02/10; Tuesday 02/11WED 02/12 AND THUR 02/13

Group 5 : Traveling With Odysseus

Kaitlin McLaughlin Group Projects & Presentations

Taylor Czworkowski

Jenna Gibson

Kenzie Williams

Location Characters to DiscussEvents/Themes/Topics

Ocean / body of water Scylla Charybdis How many died, what did Odysseus

OdysseusO’s men do and not do in regards to his men

Menu Options :

Column AColumn B

1. Original song or poem 4. Skit w artistic backdrop or background

2. Borrowed song / poem with interpretation 5. Graphic novel page showing action

of lyrics or verse 6. Comic Strip

3. Copy change or adaptation of song or poem

Directions :

1. Choose 1 selection from Column A and 1 selection from Column B

2. Assign roles—these will vary depending what you choose as a group to do

**Roles should be equally distributed

**You can divide up assignments of your choices EXCEPT FOR NEWS REPORT OR SKIT

3. Make a very big effort to be present for all Group Work days—this is an in class assignment; however, you can do some work outside of class such as looking up songs or poems to borrow and interpret, drafting original songs or poems, drafting songs or poems you will adapt to fit your assigned location.

4. Complete all requirements listed under each of your menu choice descriptions

5. Communicate with each other and work together to successfully complete your project

6. Look at your rubric to see how you will be graded and make sure you have completed all components

7. Your final step will be to turn your project into an organized presentation

--Decide who is presenting what

--Work together in your presentation

---Have fun with your project

Possible Materials to Use

a. Poster board—provided by teachers e. Cell phones to look up songsi. study guides to help you

b. Art supplies—provided by teachers f. Overhead sheets

c. your own art supplies you bring g. Overhead projector

d. Textbook to reread your location h. Computer / projector

Group Work Dates—YOU NEED TO BE HERE

Tuesday 02/04; Wednesday 02/05; Friday 02/07; YOU WILL PRESENT IN ORDER ON

Monday 02/10; Tuesday 02/11WED 02/12 AND THUR 02/13

Group 6 : Traveling with Odysseus

Olivia Lombardo Group Projects & Presentations

Brittney Jamison

Michaela King

Madison Mastnardo

Location Characters to Discuss Events/Themes/Topics

Aeaea Hermes CirceOdysseus O divided his men, Eurylochus fears

Eurylochus O’s men a trap, men are turned into pigs, god

helps O w/ advice and moly, O tricks

Circe, no more witches tricks, stays

Circe for a year, Eurylochus sasses

Odysseus, he asks her to go home,

She says he has to go to the Under-

Menu Options : world to hear his prophecy first

Column AColumn B

1. Original song or poem 4. Skit w artistic backdrop or background

2. Copy Change or adaptation of song or poem 5. Graphic Novel Page

3. News Report = Reporters and Interviewee 6. Comic Strip

Directions :

1. Choose 1 selection from Column A and 1 selection from Column B

2. Assign roles—these will vary depending what you choose as a group to do

**Roles should be equally distributed

**You can divide up assignments of your choices EXCEPT FOR NEWS REPORT OR SKIT

3. Make a very big effort to be present for all Group Work days—this is an in class assignment; however, you can do some work outside of class such as looking up songs or poems to borrow and interpret, drafting original songs or poems, drafting songs or poems you will adapt to fit your assigned location.

4. Complete all requirements listed under each of your menu choice descriptions

5. Communicate with each other and work together to successfully complete your project

6. Look at your rubric to see how you will be graded and make sure you have completed all components

7. Your final step will be to turn your project into an organized presentation

--Decide who is presenting what

--Work together in your presentation

---Have fun with your project

Possible Materials to Use

a. Poster board—provided by teachers e. Cell phones to look up songsi. study guides to help you

b. Art supplies—provided by teachers f. Overhead sheets

c. your own art supplies you bring g. Overhead projector

d. Textbook to reread your location h. Computer / projector

Group Work Dates—YOU NEED TO BE HERE

Tuesday 02/04; Wednesday 02/05; Friday 02/07; YOU WILL PRESENT IN ORDER ON

Monday 02/10; Tuesday 02/11WED 02/12 AND THUR 02/13

Group 7 :

Julia McCann

Olivia Mego Traveling With Odysseus

Brandon Pickus Group Projects & Presntations

Louis Rahm

Location Characters to Discuss Events/Themes/Topics

Ogygia CalypsoAthena Odysseus How long he stayed there, how

Phaeacia PoseidonKing Alcinous Athena helped him, building a raft,

how his raft is destroyed & by whom

he lands on Phaeacia, gifts between

king and guest, king gives him boat

to get home

Menu Options :

Column AColumn B

1. Original song or poem 4. Skit w artistic backdrop or background

2. Copy Change or adaptation of song or poem 5. Graphic Novel Page

3. News Report = Reporters and Interviewee 6. Comic Strip

Directions :

1. Choose 1 selection from Column A and 1 selection from Column B

2. Assign roles—these will vary depending what you choose as a group to do

**Roles should be equally distributed

**You can divide up assignments of your choices EXCEPT FOR NEWS REPORT OR SKIT

3. Make a very big effort to be present for all Group Work days—this is an in class assignment; however, you can do some work outside of class such as looking up songs or poems to borrow and interpret, drafting original songs or poems, drafting songs or poems you will adapt to fit your assigned location.

4. Complete all requirements listed under each of your menu choice descriptions

5. Communicate with each other and work together to successfully complete your project

6. Look at your rubric to see how you will be graded and make sure you have completed all components

7. Your final step will be to turn your project into an organized presentation

--Decide who is presenting what

--Work together in your presentation

---Have fun with your project

Possible Materials to Use

a. Poster board—provided by teachers e. Cell phones to look up songsi. study guides to help you

b. Art supplies—provided by teachers f. Overhead sheets

c. your own art supplies you bring g. Overhead projector

d. Textbook to reread your location h. Computer / projector

Group Work Dates—YOU NEED TO BE HERE

Tuesday 02/04; Wednesday 02/05; Friday 02/07; YOU WILL PRESENT IN ORDER ON

Monday 02/10; Tuesday 02/11WED 02/12 AND THUR 02/13

Group8 : Traveling with Odysseus

Sarah Snavely Group Projects & Presentations

Jacob Sigan

Cassidy Brengartner

Location Characters to DiscussEvents/Themes/Topics

Land of the Cyclopes CyclopesPolyphemusOdysseusCuriosity, being trapped, trick of the

O’s menPoseidonNohbdyname, how many were eaten, trick Zeus of the sheep to escape, hubris, being cursed, Poseidon’s revenge

Menu Options :

Column AColumn B

1. Original song or poem 4. Skit w artistic backdrop or background

2. Copy Change or adaptation of song or poem 5. Graphic Novel Page

3. News Report = Reporters and Interviewee 6. Comic Strip

Directions :

1. Choose 1 selection from Column A and 1 selection from Column B

2. Assign roles—these will vary depending what you choose as a group to do

**Roles should be equally distributed

**You can divide up assignments of your choices EXCEPT FOR NEWS REPORT OR SKIT

3. Make a very big effort to be present for all Group Work days—this is an in class assignment; however, you can do some work outside of class such as looking up songs or poems to borrow and interpret, drafting original songs or poems, drafting songs or poems you will adapt to fit your assigned location.

4. Complete all requirements listed under each of your menu choice descriptions

5. Communicate with each other and work together to successfully complete your project

6. Look at your rubric to see how you will be graded and make sure you have completed all components

7. Your final step will be to turn your project into an organized presentation

--Decide who is presenting what

--Work together in your presentation

---Have fun with your project

Possible Materials to Use

a. Poster board—provided by teachers e. Cell phones to look up songsi. study guides to help you

b. Art supplies—provided by teachers f. Overhead sheets

c. your own art supplies you bring g. Overhead projector

d. Textbook to reread your location h. Computer / projector

Group Work Dates—YOU NEED TO BE HERE

Tuesday 02/04; Wednesday 02/05; Friday 02/07; YOU WILL PRESENT IN ORDER ON

Monday 02/10; Tuesday 02/11WED 02/12 AND THUR 02/13