Band Parents, 9/2/2013

Our last hoagie/pizza sale was an extreme success! Thanks to all who participated.

Who is THE BAND?

When references are made to the “Band” or the “Marching Band” this includes any student who plays an instrument, majorette and color guard groups, and any student that might be helping Ms. Casey with the band. Boosters are comprised of the parents of any student in the above category. All activities that the boosters may plan or host apply to those students.

Concession Donations:

It was voted at the last Band Booster Meeting on 8/26/13 that additional donations are needed in order to meet our New York City Trip down payment in November. In addition to the one 2L bottle ofsoda and one package of cookies for each game you are scheduled to work, each family is required to donate one of the following:

2- 8 packs of 20 oz Gatorade (any flavor, but no G2 please)


1 case of soda (pepsi, mt. dew, or diet pepsi)


$10.00 in cash

When dropping off your donation to the HOME concession stand by 9/13/13, sign the donation list for credit.

Fundraising to benefit NYC trip:

Next Hoagie/Pizza Sale on November 30th, 2013. All items are $7.00 and totals are due by November 24th.

Mid’s candy bars are also available to sell throughout the year. Each box of bars puts $12.00 in your student’s trip account. Text Joyce Bailey 814-248-1388 with hoagie/pizza totals as well as information regarding Mid’s.

Account information for your student on reverse side of this letter.


Boosters are sponsoring a green-out for the game on 9/13/13. T-shirts are for sale $5.00 for regular sizes and $6.00 for 2XL, 3XL and 4XL. See Chuck Slebodnick to order. All PAHS students will receive a free T-shirt.

NYC Trip information:

Parents who are planning on applying to be a chaperone for the NYC trip in the spring must complete the clearances required. Website for information and explanation on clearances can be found on the State College High School website: All interested parents are required to obtain a state criminal record check, child abuse history check and FBI background check prior to the trip. Cost is around $42.00. (Forms can also be picked up in the PAHS Administrative Building.)

Please attend the Friends of the Band meetings which are held every 4th Monday of each month, see below for dates and times. The meetings are in the PAHS Cafeteria and minutes can be found on the Portage website under Band Boosters -

·  October 28th, 2013 – 7pm

·  November 25th, 2013 – 7pm

·  December – no meeting

Portage Area – Friends of the Band Please email us with questions at