Clerk to the Council
Julie Cronin
Tel: 01227 710443
To: the members of Sturry Parish Council
Present – Parish Cllrs Louise Quirke (Chairman), Rosemary Harradine, Anne Dekker, Ashley Mills, Peter Wenham, Keiran Jessup,Hem Limbu, Ashley Bubb County Cllr Alan Marsh, Alan Webster, Jo Hitchcock, Julie Cronin(Parish Clerk, Anne Stevenson (Deputy parish Clerk/minutes taker).
4313. Apologies for absence. Parish Cllrs Ann Davies, Andrea Brabham, Carmel Hummerstone
4314. To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on any agenda items and notify Clerk of any changes to the DPI register held at CCC, such as change of job or home. – Cllr Mills reported he had had a change of occupation and is now a Research Associate.
4315. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 7th December 2016 – Proposed by Cllr Wenham seconded by Cllr Jessop as a true record, all in favour and signed off by Chairman.
4316. Chairman and Councillors’ Reports – Chairman, Cllr Quirke welcomed everyone back after the Christmas/New Year break and hoped the New Year would continue as successfully as the old year had concluded, including an the planned event in the summer which she hoped would prove as popular and well attended as the Christmas event had been.
Cllr Harradine reported the tree in Chapel lane has been removed.
Cllr Mills reported he had been contacted by a cyclist in the Parish who stated the cycle lane was in their opinion dangerous. County Cllr Alan Marsh responded by saying it was very difficult to maintain safety where cycles were involved but suggested the parishioner contact CCC Chief Executive Colin carmicheal or his deputy, Velia Coffey, who are both very keen cyclists and may respond.
4317. County and District Councillors’ Reports – County Councillor Alan Marsh reported that in his position of Chair of the Joint Transportation Board he had attended a pre-meeting earlier in the day and from that had come a recomendation to the full committee for double yellow lines in 5 locations in the parish, on corners to improve sight lines. Locations to include Park View, Popes Lane and Barnets Lane as well as others. The final decision on whether this will go ahead rests with the full committee. There is also the possibility of 6 more Parking Wardens for rural areas, but Cllr Marsh recommended contacting Richard Jenkins at CCC to report any persistently illegal parking.
Cllr Marsh also reported that KCC had scheduled a special meeting to discuss finance to see whether any money could be found and redirected to areas of need. He went on to wish everybody a Happy New Year, but stated it would be a challenging year for parish councils who will need more skills and dedication, with a need to work closely with CCC and KCC to ensure the best results for everybody.
4318. Community Warden and Police Officer’s Reports – None.
4319. Cemetery Superintendent’s Report –Jo Hitchcock reported it was quiet at the moment with no funerals planned. The Christmas tree in the cemetery is to be dismantled and the decorations etc. stored in the Parish Office should families wish to collect them. The cemetery gates have still not been repaired despite 5 companies being asked to quote for the work, but it was hoped Morgans had visited earlier in the day to inspect the damage in preparation to work out a cost. Cllr Marsh requested to be kept updated with the situation as he may be able to help with costs.
4320. Village Caretaker’s Report – Alan Webster reported that everything was quiet and that there had been little come in over Christmas.
4321. Clerk’s Report – Clerk reported that Deputy Clerk had been looking into grants for defibrillators, but it appeared the Parish did not fit the criteria. We are awaiting costings for non-funded ones.
Internet banking was underway and we are now receiving payments via BACS, but cannot make payments until mandates are signed by Cllrs who are signatories.
An invitation had been received for the Chairman to Attend the Lord Lieutenant’s service in Rochester Cathedral.
Clerk requested more training from RBS to enable her to audit the end of year accounts more easily and for both herself and Deputy Clerk to do the SILCA training together. Cllrs to discuss once actual costings are available.
Clerk recommended both Deputy Clerk and Cemetery Superintendent receive training on the legalities of burials etc. so that deputy Clerk could take over the role. It was agreed that Clerk should get quotes for in-house training.
National Grid consultation now complete, a report will be compiled and sent to The Secretary of State and if approved, building will start summer 2017.
Resolved – Clerk to get quotes for training costs for herself, Deputy Clerk and Cemetery Superintendent.
4322. Minibus Report – The bus is still being hired out regularly with 6 private hires recently. The shopping trip on a Thursday is still very popular and there was one trip to the pantomime in Broadstairs before Christmas.
Clerk reported that the MOT and service are due on the minibus in March.
4323. To discuss letter from Julian Brazier MP – Julian Brazier has replied to Clerk’s letter with regard to Marcus Jones recommendation that Parish and Town Councils be part of the legislation that states any increase in Council Tax/precept over 2% must go to referendum. The letter stated the consultation period had now concluded and that any comments received would be taken into consideration.
4324- To discuss then office space upstairs at 38 High Street – Cllr Quirke stated a previous letter from Julian Brazier MP had referred to councils generating their own income and asked if there were any ideas as to how the upstairs space could be used in this way. A discussion that followed included concerns that there was no disabled access, the alarm was situated in the actual office and as the filing cabinets do not lock, this would mean either Clerk or Deputy Clerk would need to be in attendance for any hiring to maintain security, there is only one toilet and at present, the space is being used as storage. Clerk reported that there was a need to clear the upstairs, but that it would take some time as some things had to be retained whereas other things could be destroyed. To do this efficiently, both Deputy Clerk and herself would need to spend some considerable time on it, meaning their day to day work could not be done.
A discussion arose about the future of the office in the High Street should the community centre be built. A quote for £1.2 million had been received from Abbotts for the construction of the planned centre, but other quotes came in at £800,000 for build with £200,000 needed for equipment and furnishings. Jacobs Builders have previously said they would do the foundations with the Parish Council providing the materials.
We had 2 years to begin the build following the planning permission being granted and 6 months of this have already passed, also, the money earmarked for the project has been questioned by auditors and there is a danger we may lose it.
It was agreed to put the Community Centre on the agenda for the February Parish Council meeting.
Resolved – to discuss and agree the Community Centre at the council meeting on February 1st 2017
4325. To discuss and agree a request from Hersden Under 5’s project - an application has been received from Hersden Under 5’s for a donation of £214.98p to cover the costs of a safe play surface. This request had been deferred from earlier meetings awaiting more information and an invitation had been sent to the Project asking for a member of staff to attend the meeting to answer any questions; however, no representative was at the meeting.
Cllr Wenham proposed giving the project half of what they had requested, but
Cllr Bubb proposed they received nothing as SPC had already given several local projects money and could not continue to do so.
Cllr Dekker proposed that any application for a donation be given £50 maximum if agreed by SPC.
A vote was taken which gave no clear majority to any proposal.
After further discussion, it was agreed that as nobody from the project had attended the meeting even though they had been asked to do so on two separate occasions, the Clerk should write and inform them SPC would not be giving them anything towards their costs.
Resolved – Hersden Under 5’s Project will not be receiving a donation from SPC.
4326. To discuss and agree Summer Event – After a brief discussion around dates, it was agreed to defer this until the February meeting so Clerk/Deputy Clerk could check the date of the Strawberry Tea hosted by Kinn Macintosh; however, it was agreed SPC should help Hersden with their Easter event.
Decision deferred until meeting on February 1st 2017
4327. To discuss office computers – Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Cllr Mills have been looking at various options to improve the IT system in the office, cutting back on some of the services which seem to be doubled, ie email providers and possibly changing the domain to
Cllr Mills recommended that SPC buy their own computers which he will install, using one provider and Training Highways as back up. The transition could be done slowly over a few months.
All agreed.
The printer contract was proving problematic with the possibility of it being mis-sold every two and a half years when they deliver an upgraded machine, stating the contract will just continue when in fact they take out another five year contract. The quoted cost of ending the contract is £3,000, but since their visit several weeks ago when Clerk and Deputy Clerk questioned the validity of the contract, they have not been in touch despite promises. Clerk requested the Cllrs gave consent for her to contract a solicitor with a view to them negotiating a termination of the contract with no fee. All agreed.
Resolved – two new computers to be purchased and installed by Cllr. Mills.
Clerk to contact a solicitor with a view to terminating the printer contract.
4328. To discuss and resolve budget for precept request – Clerk had circulated figures prior to the meeting and explained that the predicted over spend for this financial year would be £7,724.00.
The total amount required for 2017/2018 is £66,499.18, giving a shortfall from what we will receive of £10,006.89, which will need to be recouped from the precept. It was hoped that Section 106 money will pay for play areas maintenance and Centenary Wood upkeep.
Clerk recommended we request £10,000 on the precept, but Cllr.Bubb proposed asking for more as the precept has not been increased for four years and if Marcus Jones proposal is accepted, SPC will not be able to raise the precept over 2% in the future without holding a referendum, which would be very expensive.
It was proposed by Cllr. Quirke and seconded by Cllr. Wenham that Clerk request a total of £79, 555.00. All agreed.
Resolved – Clerk to request £79,555.00 from CCC for 2017/2018.
4329. Finance
a) To approve payment of accounts presented at the meeting – proposed by Cllr. Quirke, seconded by Cllr. Mills, all in favour.
b) To report on monies received – proposed by Cllr. Quirk, seconded by Cllr. Mills, all in favour.
c) To discuss an extra signatory – this is now unnecessary.
Cllr Bubb left the meeting at this point.
4330. To comment on Planning Applications received .
a) CA/16/02733/FUL, Swan Inn, High Street, Sturry – retention of double gates for an additional six months – No objections.
b) CA/16/02755/TPO, Corner of Field Way and Forge Close, Sturry – reduction of crown by 30%-50% - no objection but SPC would like proof of ownership of the tree and the opinion of a tree surgeon.
c) CA/16/02808/TPO, 3 Old School Close, Sturry – 15% reduction of crown. A recent application was recently rejected by CCC, this application is asking for a smaller reduction – No objections.
d) CA/16/02819/FUL, Gemini, 1a, Fairview Gardens, Sturry- single storey rear extension following demolition and alteration to windows – No objections.
e) CA/16/02782/FUL, 4 Ashendene Grove, Sturry – Single Storey rear extension – No objections.
f) CA/16/02793/FUL, Ardwyn, 6 Herne Bay Road, Sturry- 2 storey side and rear extension including raised rear patio area- No objection.
4331. Any other matters of an urgent or special nature – Cllr Limbu asked for an update on bin collections following the Christmas/New Year break.
There are still several street lights not working in the parish despite assurances received from KCC that they will be fixed.
Problem family living in the Parish are requesting to move.
Parish website to be amended to state the office is open from 9am.
Exclusion of the press and public pursuant of Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960.
4261. To discuss and resolve staff contracts and pay. Resolved in full.
The public part of the meeting concluded at 21.10 hours , full meeting concluded at 21.30 hours.
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………………(Chairman)
Dated ………………………………………………………………………………