Young Ladies and Gentlemen Society
Sponsors: Kay Saragusa, Brittany Kurtz, Jenny Saing
At Roseland Montessori School, we want our children to learn how to behave like respectable young members of society.
We want to teach our students to dare to be an example to others, and that it is better to be a leader than a follower.
In our society we will:
*teach respect of others
*teach self-respect
*teach how to speak in a manner that is valued in the work place and society
*teach about integrity, accountability, reliability, self-control, and respect – all of
which are highly marketable skills when getting a job
*teach skills like how to tie a necktie (boys), etiquette, and a focus on manners in all situations
so they will become “perfect young ladies and gentlemen”
The Young Ladies and Gentlemen Society is open to any interested 4th-6th grade boy and girl.
In order to remain in the society, the member must meet the following standards:
*No behavior office referrals from class or bus that result in out of school suspension or have no more than 2 PAC referrals
*Pay the $20 membership fee to cover some of the cost of field trips BY THE 2ND MEETING DAY
*Willingness to obey instructions/directions of group leader
*Be well-groomed at all times
*Participate in at least 2 service projects by end of year (Many opportunities will be offered.)
*Wear a collared, button down shirt with a necktie to the meetings (boys) or a conservative dress or skirt (girls) No bowties or clip-on ties. Any boy needing a tie needs to see Mrs. Saragusa. Dresses and skirts must touch the knees, leggings may only be worn under skirts, no low-cut or see-through shirts. No sleeveless or tight-fitting attire. If students arrive at school dressed inappropriately they will be asked to call home for a uniform and will be given a demerit. Students may dress out every Thursday even when there is no meeting.
*Be in attendance at most meetings
*Not have more than 6 demerits for the year.
*Be picked up on time at 4:25. Any students picked up late 2 times will be dismissed from the club.
The society will meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 3:30-4:30.
The society will participate in some local parades, community service activities, and a maximum of 2 field tripsto demonstrate skills learned during the year. All students are required to complete 2 service projects by the end of the school year. Service projects must be documented on the attached form and submitted to Mrs. Saragusa by April 30th.
Students not dressed out, not dressing appropriately, or not demonstrating society characteristics during the semester will be issued demerits. Any student receiving 6 demerits will be dismissed from the society. Parents must be prompt in picking up students on meeting days. Please arrive no later than 4:25 and pick up will be in the front of the school.
If you are in agreement with your child participating, please sign below and return it to school with your $20 BEFORE THE 2ND MEETING (10/20).
My child, ______has my permission to be a part of the Young Ladies and Young Gentlemen Society at Roseland Elementary Montessori School. I have read the attached information sheet regarding the focus of this group and the expectations for my child to remain a member.
Parent Signature Cell number used for texting
Student Signature Date
Please list any allergies your child may have: ______
Please put these meeting dates on your calendar:
October 6th
October 20th
November 3rd
November 17th
December 1st
December 15th
January 5th
January 19th
February 2nd
February 16th
March 2nd
March 16th
April 6th
May 4th