Contact Information

Ms. Lynn-Kirkbride:

(916)771-1720 X126

Buljan Website

Staff: Tiffany Lynn-Kirkbride

Welcome to eighth grade United States History. This year you will learn about America’s early history. You will engage in activities and assignments that will grow your understanding of how the nation was established, our governing principals and the difficulties that came with expansion. We will also examine how ideas and people influenced our nation and make important connections between the past and present.

Units of Study:

The English Colonies, Revolution, Independence, Forming a Government, Expansion, Division, Civil War, Reconstruction and Industrial Growth.

Classroom Expectations:

1.  Follow all school rules

2.  Respect yourself, those around you, their property, their views, and their right to learn.

3.  Come to class prepared to learn and participate.

4.  Turn in assigned work on time and completed.

Textbook: At times we will refer to readings in Holt’s United State History Independence to 1914. This textbook is online. Directions to access the online book is found at the end of the syllabus and on my Buljan School website.

Absences: Please see me for missed assignments. For an extended absence, please notify the office and I will gather work for independent study.

Grading: We use the Roseville City School District grading policy. (90% Summative, 10% Formative) The majority of work done in this class is summative.

Planners: Students are required to write down daily assignments and extended project information in their planners. Graded planner checks will take place on a regular basis.

Binders: Organization, accountability, and neatness are all very important in this class. AVID note-taking strategies will be implemented and graded. One section in your binder needs to be dedicated to U.S. History.

Homework/Projects: Students are assigned homework and project dates for submission. Late work will be accepted for a reduced grade.

Assessments: During each unit, students will complete assessments to demonstrate subject proficiency. Students who score below 70% have the opportunity to re-take an assessment if they have completed all work in the unit and have prepared to re-take the assessment. Students may earn up to a 70% on a re-take.

I have read the syllabus and understand the expectations and requirements.


Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

Online Textbook:


2.  Choose Social Studies Icon

3.  Choose Hole McDougal Online Icon

4.  User Name: sjohn313

5.  Password:w9v9b

6.  Choose Online Textbook