Getting Your Follow Up system Started

Have an index card box that will hold 5x7 index cards

Print Client Care Cards (link ) on Card Stock and cut to size.

I also use Blank 5x7 cards when not at a party.

You will need dividers of 1 – 31, A-Z and Jan – Dec,

Have numbers 1 – 31 and using our Patrice Matteson calling/followup system place the cards behind the numbered day. If you are working from 9 – 11 am on Mon – Thur. And you can make 9 calls in that time then put 9 cards behind each day Mon – Thur.


Have Client Care card for guest to fill out at your parties.

Transfer any pertinent info onto card also – credit card info. Birthday – Maybe hostess name so you remember where you met the person.

Follow up with these customers 3 days after they received their products. If you don’t reach them move the card back a day or 2 until you do.

Then after reaching them move it 30 days back. This is a service call. When you call, just say you are doing a service call to see if they have any additional questions or need any additional products.

Then after this, file it for 90 days. This is a time where you can set them up on Special Delivery or as a preferred client. Make sure they know how to use their preferred client account.

You can note on their cards when you called, left message, whatever you discussed etc.

After this, determine with your Client or PC, the frequenty that you will touch base. Then files them in the A-Z set.

For Preferred Clients I follow up every month thru e-mail with my monthly ezine newsletter. You can have your own personalized ezine. The newsletter is $10.00 per month

Make Email Groups ~ for example: ARBONNE.PC.MD (for your preferred clients that live in Maryland) ARBONNE.GFCON.VA (for your Grandfathered Consultants that live in Virginia) or ARBONNE.CLIENT.SC (for clients in South Carolina) This way you can easily email your PC and clients whether they are local or out of town.. Do this as you collect client care cards from your parties, then it is not a major task.

You can use to keep track of PC birthday’s. Either send them a Birthday Card via mail, or email or Facebook!


Send a thank you note to a hostess when she books a class- For the First hostess note I like to thank her for booking with me and tell her how much I appreciate it and that we will have a very fun time together.

Send a thank you note to a hostess after her party.

Includes a note in all the customer orders. For the thank you notes I like to say: It was a pleasure to meet you at Susan’s class. Thanks so much for your order. It helps Susan get over 300.00 of free Arbonne goodies. If you would like to earn free Arbonne products I would love to do a class for you and your friends.

All the best…. Love Robin

Send a thank you note and an Arbonne sample each time a preferred client spends over $100.00 . I like to say: Your business means the world to me and I wanted to personally thank you for your recent order. Please contact me if there is anything I can do for you. Enjoy the enclosed sample. Love Robin

I have a note book that I list all my preferred clients for the month and what product I am sending. I send fizz sticks, Detox tea bags, Primer, Shampoo & conditioner, Neck Cream, Cellular Renewal masque, Detox Spa sample – etc.

Famous Network Marketer Randy Gage says that the most successful Networkers send thank you notes.


File your Eye On Arbonne stories according to their category. For example – Nurse, Stay @ home Mom – Health Care - That way when you are making a prospecting package you can easily take out the Eye On Arbonne that is appropriate for that person.

As I read the EOA’s and they remind me of someone I also like to put a little sticky note on it and say – This story made me think of you. Enjoy reading. Have a great day. Pop it in the mail to them.