Policies & Procedures
All 8thMath Classes
Welcome to Math. These math classesare meant to reinforce and practice skills learned in elementary school and 7th grade,and to take these basic skills to a deeper level. In preparation for future high school math classes, we will be doing a ton of story problems, problem solving and vocabulary work.
Curriculum:The 8th grade program incorporates many different approaches to math, encouraging students to develop a strong math "sense". In this class, we will have added skills practice with equations in order to prepare our students for the more traditional Algebra programs that they will be taking in high school.
Organization:Each student will be required to keep a three ring math binder (no spirals). The math binder will contain notes, activities/ vocabulary/definitions, and practice problems. This binder should not be used for anything except directed math activities. Binderswill be graded at leastthree time each nine-weeks. The grade is based on neatness, completeness, and following directions.
Homework:Homework is required. Papers must be headed with the student’s first and last name, the date and the assignment. Students must show work and provide answers in full sentences where word answers are required. Homework will be assigned approximately 2 nights each week. Homework, unless otherwise stated, is always due the next day. Messy or incomplete homework will not be accepted. We will go over detailed guidelines in class.
Late work: Late assignments will be marked in the grade book as late. All subsequent late assignments will receive half credit. Late assignments must be turned in as "Late Work/Absent Work". Late assignments will be accepted for up to one week for half credit. Students will not be allowed to make up work more than one week after the original date it was due.
Grading:Grades will be calculated using a straight percentage. While it may not be exact, I will try to maintain a balance of about 50% of the points coming from Major Test, periodical assessment tests, quizzes and projects and 50% of the points coming from daily work and Binder check. Most daily work will be graded in class. I will grade all Major Tests.
Grades are assigned as follows: above 90% = A, 80% - 89 = B, 70% - 79% = C, 60% - 69% = D, and 59% and below = F.
Behavior/Attire/Tardiness:My classroom behavior guidelines follow the James A. Davis school guidelines (no sagging pants; shirt inside pants). Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Students removed from class are expected to find out and complete what they missed on their own time with out further disrupting the class. Continued disruptive behavior will result in the following: loss of classroom participation points, parent contact, after school detention, and in severe situations, removal from class completely. (consequences according to building guidelines).
A student who is not in the room when the bell finishes ringing is considered TARDY. I reserve the right to be creative with discipline and consequences in order to achieve the desired behavior. I believe that immediate consequences that fit with the "crime" are most effective. I will keep parents informed of any ongoing behavior problems.
Extra help: I am not available for help after school because of other commitments. I am available for help during school hours. Students must have permission from teacher whose class they will miss.(P.E. only))
Absences: Students who are absent have fiveschool daysto make up any missed work.After five days student will receive a zero (0) if make-up work is not turned in. Worksheets and handouts that were missed due to absence will be due within the five day limit. Make-up work should be turned in to the "late/absent" box. Papers not properly headed will not be graded.
Supplies: Students are expected to have the following supplies:
THREE RING BINDER for MATH ONLY (No other subject can be included)
PENCILS, PENCILS – any kind of #2 is ok (at least two every day). ALL MATH WORK IN MY CLASS IS DONE IN PENCIL!!
-Markers or colored pencils
- paper – college ruled notebook paper to be used for any pass-in assignments, including homework. These assignments are to be placed in BINDER.
-Graph paper
- calculator – simple, cheap with basic four functions.
- ruler – with both inches and centimeters.
Extra credit:Throughout the year there will be many opportunities for extra credit. Extra credit may not be turned in late, nor may it be made up.
Extra credit work is NOT a substitute for missed work.