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Greater Nashville Regional Council

501 Union Street, 6th Floor

Nashville, Tennessee37219-1705

Executive Committee Meeting

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 10:45 a.m.

MusicCity Central

400 Charlotte Avenue

Nashville, Tennessee



Rogers Anderson / Williamson County
Howard Bradley / Robertson County
Fred Burton / Wilson County
Mike Carter / Westmoreland
Sam Childs / Coopertown
Philip Craighead / Lebanon
Carlie Cruze / Senator Corker’s Office
Kevin S. Davenport / Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency
Scott Foster / Hendersonville
Jo Ann Graves / Gallatin
Gerald Herman / White House
Anthony Holt / Sumner County
Randall Hutto / Wilson County
Rick Johnson / Ashland City
Larry McGoogin / Tennessee Department of Transportation
Kim McMillan / Clarksville
Ken Moore / Franklin
Daryl Phillips / Cheatham County
Jimmy Smith / Clarksville
Harold Spray / Berry Hill
Bill Terry / TACIR
Jessie Wallace / Humphreys County
Ken Wilber / Portland
Tauna Blaisdell / GNRC
Greer Broemel / GNRC
Patty Cavanah / GNRC
Amanda Evilcizer / GNRC
Amanda Giner / GNRC-MADC
Grant Green / GNRC
Jovia King / GNRC
Tim Roach / GNRC


President Scott Foster called the Executive Committee Meeting to order at approximately 10:45 a.m. on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at the Music City Central Station, 400 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee.



Tauna Blaisdell, Deputy Executive Director of Administration/Operations and Chief Fiscal Officer, presented the financial report for the month ending February 28, 2013. The total expenditures for the month of Februarywere $512,842.36 with pass through funds of $11,437.95 expended this month for the emergency repair program. Year-to-date expenditures were $6,683,346.17 with $2,703,177.80 in pass through funds expended. The total revenues were $5,337,467.43.

Ms. Blaisdell reported that all dues have been collected for FY 2013.


Amanda Giner, MADC Acting Executive Director, reported that loan activity has slowed. Rather than needing to share the risk using MADC’s loan programs, banks are being conservative and cautious and are keeping the loans even though SBA interest rates remain low at 4.30% fixed for 20 years. There has been an increase in SBA 504 loans paying off and being refinanced with lenders on loans that were closed 8-10 years ago at higher interest rates.

There are currently 4 SBA loans that staff is working on (1 approved; 1 being presented at next MADC Board meeting and 2 that are still in the working stages).

There is 1 RLF loan and 1 IRP loan currently being worked on.

One of GNRC’s RLF loans located in Dickson has filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and we are trying to collect on our collateral which was equipment.

Ms. Giner reminded the County Mayors/Executives that the MADC Board needs representatives appointed.

After discussion, it was determined that MADC will present a report on past board members and their attendance records. This will assist in determining future appointees.


Tim Roach, Deputy Executive Director of Research, Planning and Development, that six (6)

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) were submitted. EDA pays the administrative fees on these projects. We will not know the outcome of the CDBG applications until October 2013.



President Scott Foster called for corrections or additions to the minutes of the February 20, 2013executive committee meeting.

Robertson County Mayor Howard Bradley made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan seconded the motion. There being no discussion, a vote was taken and the minutes were unanimously approved.


Tim Roach, Deputy Executive Director of Research, Planning and Development, presented four (4) projects that were reviewed this reporting period. No conflict with existing or proposed activities was found.

Portland Mayor Ken Wilber made a motion to endorse the projects as presented. Wilson County Mayor Randall Hutto seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed.


An updated Legislation of Regional Interest was presented to the members.

Sumner County Executive Anthony Holt asked that the School Bus Law Amendment be following by staff and urged all members to contact their state legislators and urged their support. The current law states that buses need to be retired at 200,000 miles but with property maintenance and inspection, buses today can easily be used up to 300,000 miles.


Tim Roach, Deputy Executive Director of Research, Planning and Development, reported the GNRC group visit to our Tennessee Delegation during the National Association of Development Organizations the week of March 11-14, 2013 was good. The group had a really good meeting with Senator Alexander.

Portland Mayor Ken Wilber urged everyone to attend the Portland Strawberry Festival being held May 4-11, 2013. Everyone attending April’s GNRC Executive Committee meeting will be treated with strawberry shortcake.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Cavanah

Recording Secretary

Executive Administrative Assistant/Fiscal Assistant


Adminwrk\ \Board Meetings\ Minutes\2013-0320 GNRC Minutes.doc