- Name of the unit offering the course: Department of Anatomy
- Head of the Unit/ Course coordinator: prof.dr hab. med. MichałSzpinda
- 1st year, number of hours: 188
- Form of the classes: lectures: 86, tutorials: 102
- Form of crediting: exam
- Number of ECTS points: 15
- Aims of the course: familiarize students with human, topographic and clinical anatomy, as a basis for further clinical disciplines be able to identify details in anatomic specimens introduce up-to-date teaching methods of anatomy based on the recent computer software familiarize with dissecting techniques of all structures be able to use correct medical terminology identify a relation between structure and function apply anatomical knowledge during clinical practice familiarize with control, integration and regulation mechanisms responsible for maintaining homeostasis
- List of practical skills that will be obtained upon completion of laboratory works:
- Identification of all anatomical structures and their topography in relation to body regions.
- Knowledge of the topography of organs, including skeletopy, which can be relevantfor examining of the patient (surface anatomy of the heart and great vessels, percussion and auscultation areas, costal lines of pleural reflection).
- Ability to read x-ray images showing both normal and some pathological conditions (e.g. pneumothorax, perforation of the digestive tract, bowel obstruction, dislocation of joints and bone fracture).
- Ability to relate biological structure of organs and their function.
- Ability to identify the symptoms of damages to the nerves of somatic plexuses.
- Ability to identify deficiency signs of damage to the motor and sensory pathways, occurring at different levels of central nervous system and within peripheral nervous system.
- Knowledge of the most important anatomic anomalies (e.g. vascular variations) and developmental anomalies (e.g. visceral inversion, persisting urachus, Meckel’s diverticulum, transposition of the great arteries).
- Topics of lectures:
Semester I
- Junctions of Vertebral Column and Thorax
- Junctions of Upper and Lower Limbs
- Classification of Nervous System. The Spinal Nerves
- Biomechanics of Movement in Skeletal Muscles
- Brachial Plexus
- Autonomic Nervous System
- Systemic, Pulmonary and Fetal Circulation
- Lymphatic System
- Alimentary System and Peritoneum
- Veins of the Abdomen and Pelvis. Portocaval and Cavocaval Anastomoses.
- Autonomic Nervous Systems of Abdomen and Pelvis
- Urinary and Reproductive Systems
- Pelvic Canal
- Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses
- Topographical Anatomy of Lower Limb
Semester II
- The Exterior of the Skull
- Topographical Anatomy of the Skull
- Larynx
- Overview of Cranial Nerves. Trigeminal Nerve
- Cranial Nerves
- Autonomic Nervous System of the Head and Neck
- Visual apparatus
- Auditory and vestibular apparatuses
- General characteristics of the Brain
- Cerebral cortex and Limbic System
- Hypothalamus and endocrine system
- Motor Pathways part 1
- Motor pathways part 2
- Somatosensory Pathways
- Organosensory Pathways
XI. Topics of tutorials
Semester I
- Anatomical axes and planes. General structure of bones. Classification of junctions and joints. Classification of skeleton. Regional characteristics of the vertebrae. General structure of vertebral column. Curvatures of the vertebral column.
- Ribs and sternum. Skeleton of the thorax. Junctions of the thoracic wall and vertebral column. Movements of thorax and vertebral column. Imaging of thorax and vertebral column.
- Bones, joints and ligaments of the upper limb. Imaging of upper limb.
- Bones, joints and ligaments of the lower limb. Imaging of lower limb.
- Osteology: Practice and test 1
- Regions of upper limb. Surface anatomy of the upper limb. Muscles and fasciae of upper limb. Synovial sheaths of hand.
- The spinal nerves. Brachial plexus. Lesions of nerves in the upper limb.
- Arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels of upper limb. Places for measuring pulse in the upper limb. Fractures of upper limb’s bones causing injuries of nerves and blood vessels. Topographical anatomy of upper limb: axilla, deltoideopectoral triangle and groove, bicipital grooves, radial nerve canal, ulnar canal, cubital fossa, forearm grooves, carpal canal, radial fovea.
- Upper limb: Practice and test 2
- Lines and regions of thorax and back. Muscles and fasciae of thorax and back. Diaphragm. The mammary gland.
- Intercostal nerves. Short branches of braxial plexus. Dorsal branches of the spinal nerves. Phrenic nerve. Thoracic part of vagus nerve. Thoracic part of sympathetic trunk. Cardiac plexus.
- Heart and pericardium. Surface anatomy of the heart and great vessels, percussion and auscultation areas, heart sounds. Ascending aorta, arch of aorta, thoracic aorta. Pulmonary trunk, pulmonary arteries. Pulmonary veins. Superior cava.
- Trachea and principial bronchi. Bronchopulmonary segmentation (tree). Lungs. Pleural cavity. Mechanics of respiration.
- Thymus. Esophagus. Thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct. Azygos veins system. Topographical anatomy and subdivisions of mediastinum. Topographical anatomy of the back: suboccipital triangle, intersplenial triangle, superior and inferior lumbar triangle, triangle of auscultation.
- Thorax: Practice and test 3
- Regions of abdomen. Muscles and fasciae of abdomen. Inguinal canal. Rectus sheath. Abdominal hernias. Lower intercostal nerves. Lumbar plexus. Peritoneum. Omental bursa, epiploic foramen, lesser and greater omenta. Peritoneal cavity and peritoneal reflections.
- Abdominal part of esophagus, stomach, duodenum. Liver, gallbladder and biliary ducts. Pancreas. Spleen. Celiac trunk.
- Small and large intestines. Superior and inferior mesenteric arteries. Portal vein.
- Retroperitoneal space. Abdominal aorta. Inferior vena cava. Abdominal lymphatic system. Lumbar part of sympathetic trunk. Celiac and intermesenteric plexuses. Topographical anatomy of posterior abdominal wall.
- Abdomen: Practice and test 4
- Regions of perineum. Pelvis and urogenital diaphragm. Internal iliac artery. Inferior hypogastric plexus. Pudendal nerve. Lumbar splanchnic nerves. Neurovascular plates. Pelvic canal. Fibrous spaces of pelvis. Ischiorectal fossa. Pubic recess. Pudendal canal. Superficial and deep perineal space. Greater and lesser sciatic foramina.
- Urinary system - organs, vessels and nerves
- Male genital system - division, organs, vessels and nerves
- Female genitalia - division, organs, vessels and nerves
- Pelvis: Practice and test 5
- Regions of lower limb. Muscles and fasciae of lower limb. Synovial sheaths of lower limb.
- Sacral and lumbar plexuses. Damage to nerves in the lower limb.
- Arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels of lower limb. The places for pulse measuring in the lower limb. Topographical anatomy of lower limb: lacuna vasorum and musculorum, femoral canal, adductor canal, femoral triangles, iliopubic fossa, popliteal fossa, tarsal tunnel.
- Lower limb: Practice and test 6
- Revision of semester I
Semester II
- General structure (overview) of cranium. Parietal bone, temporal bone, occipital bone. Canals of temporal bone. Tympanic cavity.
- Sphenoid bone, frontal bone, ethmoid bone, palatine bone, maxillae, inferior nasal concha, zygomatic bone, lacrimal bone, vomer, nasal bone, mandible, hyoid bone. Paranasal sinuses. Fonticuli (fontanelles).
- Temporomandibular joint. Cranial synchondroses and syndesmoses. Anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossae. Orbit. Pterygopalatine fossa. Temporal and infatemporal fossae. Nasal cavity. Retromandibular fossa. Passage of cranial nerves through openings in the cranial base.
- Skull: Practice and test 1
- Regions of neck and head. Muscles and fasciae of neck and head. Triangles of neck. Fascial compartments of the neck.
- External nose and nasal cavity. Paranasal sinuses. Oral cavity. Tongue. Deciduous and permanent teeth, hard and soft palate. Pharynx. Salivary glands: submandibular, sublingual and parotid.
- Larynx. Thyroid and parathyroid glands. Cervical part of esophagus and trachea.
- Common, internal and external carotid arteries. Subclavian artery.
- Dural septa and sinuses. Intracranial haemorrhages. Veins of the head. Internal, external and anterior jugular veins. Lymphatic nodes and vessels of neck and head.
- Cervical plexus. Olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trigeminal and abducent nerves.
- Facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory and hypoglossal nerves. Autonomic nervous system of neck and head. Cranial parasympathetic ganglia. Parasympathetic innervation of lacrimal, parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands.
- Topographical anatomy of the head: orbit, pterygopalatine fossa, temporal fossa, infatemporal fossa, nasal cavity, oral cavity, retromandibular fossa, parapharyngeal space, retropharyngeal space, buccal space - limitations and contents.
- Neck and Head: Practice and test 2
- Visual apparatus. Eyeball, accessory visual apparatus. Optic nerve. Nerves of extraocular muscles (III, IV, VI). Pupillary light reflex and accommodation reaction.
- Auditory and vestibular apparatuses. External, middle and internal ear. Vestibulocochlear nerve. Sound pathway.
- Sensory Organs: Practice and test 3
- Topographical and anatomical classification of the brain. Gross structure of the brain. Cerebral cortex: main sulci and fissures, lobes and gyri. The main cortical areas. Basal ganglia. White matter of hemispheres. Limbic system. Lateral ventricle.
- Diencephalon. Thalamus and hypothalamus.Third ventricle.
- Mesencephalon. Cerebral aqueduct. Metencephalon. Reticular formation of the brainstem.Cerebellum.
- Brainstem. Myelencephalon. Cranial nerve nuclei in the brainstem. Fourth ventricle. Spinal cord. Meninges. Subarachnoid space. Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Arteries and veins of the brain, circulus arteriosus of Willis. Lumbar puncture.
- Neuroscience - brain: Practice and test 4
- Nerve fascicles of the cerebrum (association, projection and commissural fibres). Basal ganglia. Pyramidal system. Spinal motor organization. Brainstem supraspinalcenters. The ocular motor system. Dysfunction of efferent pathways.
- The somatosensory system. Peripheral components. Spinal and cranial tactile, vibration, and proprioception pathways. Spinal and cranial pain and temperature pathways. Clinical implication of somatosensory pathways.
- The organosensory system.Visual, auditory, olfactory and gustatory pathways. Dysfunction of organosensory pathways.Hemisection and transection of the spinal cord.
- Neuroscience - nervous pathways: Practice and test 5]
- Topographical and clinical anatomy of limbs.
- Topographical and clinical anatomy of trunk.
- Topographical and clinical anatomy of neck and head.
- Topographical anatomy: Practice and test 6
- Revision of semester II.
XI. Booklist:
1)Moore Keith L. and Dalley Arthur F. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 7th ed., 2013
2)Tank P. W. Grant’s Dissector. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 15th ed., 2012
3)Agur Anne M.R., Dalley Arthur F. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 13th ed., 2012
4)Weir J., Abrahams P.H. Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy, Mosby, 3rd ed., 2003.
5)Chung Kuang W. Gross Anatomy - Board Review Series, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 7th ed., 2011
6)Netter Frank H. Atlas of Human Anatomy. Urban & Partner, 5th ed., 2010
7)Paulsen F. SobottaAtlas of Anatomy; vol. 1-3 Churchill Livingstone 15th ed. 2011
8)Moses K.P., Nava P.B., Banks J.C., Petersen D.K. Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy, 2nd ed. Saunders, 2012
1)Young Paul A. and Young Paul H. Basic Clinical Neuroanatomy. 2nd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007
2)Brodal Per The Central Nervous System. Oxford Univ. Press, 2004
3)Waxman S.G. Clinical Neuroanatomy. 26th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2009
4)Haines Duane E. Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications. 3rd Edition, Elsevier, 2006
5)Haines Duane E. Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections and Systems. 7th Edition, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, 2007
6)Gould D., Fix J.D. BRS Neuroanatomy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 5th ed., 2013