Learning environment: Media selection
Completed sample LDA 6: Learning environment: Media selection
Use the media analysis tables in this LDA to help in the selection of media in your online course. Under each of the three learning objectives, we've added in different events of teaching or places within your lesson where you may want to consider various media choices (e.g. simulation, websites, lecture, a whiteboard, a film, a graphic, an audio recording, audio-based PowerPoint, a particular software, survey or quiz software). The 'Teaching strategies' column ties in to the learning activity you completed in LDA 4.
You do not need to fill in a medium for each choice, but it will help you better plan what you will need in the end, which in turn will help you consider the amount of time needed to prepare the various media.
(Note: this sample has been completed for two lesson objectives)
Media analysis worksheetLearning objectives/teaching event / Teaching strategies / Media choice / Rationale for media choice
Learning objective/teaching event 1: / Students will develop a blog with digital photos
- To gain attention/interest
/ Current websites featuring real-world agriculture news stories and blog entries using photos.
- Information and examples
/ Along with examples of real-world blogs – ask students to read Chapters 5 and 6 about blogs and web reporting. This textbook is free and current with new information about writing for online formats.
- Summarise and review
- Assess performance
final blogs will be posted to online discussion for everyone to review and discuss. / Blackboard course information with folder for rubric, space for uploading assignment, and assignment feedback to students. / Secure, approved academic environment for downloading the rubric, submitting, and marking assignments.
- Feedback/remediation
Media analysis worksheet
Learning objectives/teaching event / Teaching strategies / Media choice / Rationale for media choice
Learning objective/teaching event 2: / Students will develop a blog with an audio podcast
- To gain attention/interest
/ Current websites featuring real-world agriculture news stories and blog entries using podcasts; easily accessible and free.
- Information and examples
/ Read Chapter 7 of textbook.
- Summarise and review
- Assess performance
- Feedback/remediation
Peer and teacher feedback of audio podcasts via a provided rubric. / Blackboard assignments space and announcements. / Secure, approved space for providing assignment feedback and overall announcement to class on overall successes and challenges with the final projects.
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