Thomas E. Lloyd, M.D., Ph.D.

Current Appointment:

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology and Neuroscience

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine


Address:600 N. Wolfe St. / Meyer 5-119

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Baltimore, MD, 21287

Phone:office: (410) 502-6851, lab: (410) 502-6469, fax: (410) 955-1961


Education and Training:

B.A. in Chemistry and Biochemistry,cum laudeSeptember 1991 – May 1995

Rice UniversityHouston, Texas

M.D., Graduated with HonorsAugust 1995 – May 2003

Baylor College of MedicineHouston, Texas

Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell BiologyAugust 1997 – February 2002

Baylor College of MedicineHouston, Texas

Intern (PGY1) in Osler Internal Medicine Department July 2003 – June 2004

Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineBaltimore, Maryland

Resident in NeurologyJuly 2004 - June 2007

Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineBaltimore, Maryland

Fellow in Neuromuscular DiseasesJuly 2007 - June 2008

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland

Postdoctoral Fellow in NeuroscienceAugust 2006 –May 2010

Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineBaltimore, Maryland

Professional Experience:

Assistant Professor, Department of NeurologyJuly 2008 - present

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Assistant Professor, Department of NeuroscienceDecember 2010 – present

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Research Activities:

Laboratory Research Objective: My laboratory takes genetic and cell biology approaches to understand how intracellular transport processes are affected in neurodegenerative diseases, focusing primarily on Drosophila models of motor neuron and peripheral nerve diseases.

Peer-reviewed original research articles (in chronological order):

  1. Jeevan, Amminikutty, C.D. Bucana, Z. Dong, V.V. Dizon, S.L. Thomas, T.E. Lloyd, and M.L. Kripke (1995) Ultraviolet radiation reduces phagocytosis and intracellular killing of mycobacteria and inhibits nitric oxide production in mice. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 57: 883-890.
  1. Lloyd, T.E., L. Yang, D. Ng Tang, T. Bennet, W. Schober, and D.E. Lewis. (1997) Regulation of CD28 Costimulation in Human CD8+ T Cells. Journal of Immunology, 158: 1551-1558.
  1. Wu, M.N., T. Fergestad, T.E. Lloyd, He, Y., Broadie, K., Bellen, H. (1999) Syntaxin-1A Interacts with Multiple Exocytic Proteins to Regulate Neurotransmitter Release In Vivo. Neuron, 23: 593-605.
  1. Mao, Y., A. Nickitenko, X. Duan, T.E. Lloyd, M.N. Wu, H.J. Bellen, F.A. Quiocho (2000) Structure of the VHS and FYVE tandem domains of Hrs, a protein implicated in membrane trafficking and signal transduction. Cell, 100: 447-456.
  1. Lloyd, T.E., P. Verstreken, E. J. Ostrin, A. Phillippi, O. Lichtarge, H. J. Bellen. (2000) A Genome-wide Search for Synaptic Vesicle Cycle Proteins in Drosophila. Neuron, 26: 45-50.
  1. Wu, M.N., K.L. Schulze, T.E. Lloyd, H.J. Bellen (2001). The ROP-syntaxin interaction inhibits neurotransmitter release. European Journal of Cell Biology, 80(2):196-9.
  1. Fergestad, T., M.N. Wu, K.L. Schulze, T.E. Lloyd, H.J. Bellen, K. Broadie (2001) Targeted mutations in the syntaxin H3 domain specifically disrupt SNARE complex function in synaptic transmission. Journal of Neuroscience, 21(23): 9142-50.
  1. Lloyd, T.E., R.A. Atkinson, M.N. Wu, Y. Zhou, G. Pennetta, H.J. Bellen (2002) Hrs Regulates Endosome Membrane Invagination and Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Signaling in Drosophila. Cell, 108: 261-269.
  1. Verstreken, P., O. Kjaerulff, T.E. Lloyd, R. Atkinson, Y. Zhou, I.A. Meinerzhagen, H.J. Bellen (2002) Endophilin mutations block clathrin-mediated endocytosis but not neurotransmitter release. Cell, 109: 101-12.
  1. Lanson NA Jr, Maltare A, King H, Smith R, Kim JH, Taylor JP, Lloyd TE, Pandey UB. (2011) A Drosophila model of FUS-related neurodegeneration reveals genetic interaction between FUS and TDP-43. Hum Mol Genet. 20(13):2510-23.
  1. Wong, M.Y., Zhou, C., Shakiryanova, D., Lloyd, T.E., Deitcher, D.L., and Levitan, E.S. (2012). Neuropeptide Delivery to Synapses by Long Range Vesicle Circulation and Sporadic Capture. Cell, 148(5): 1029-38.

Paper previewed in Cell: Moughamian, A.J. andHolzbaur E.L.F. (2012) Synaptic Vesicle Distribution by Conveyor Belt. Cell, Leading Edge Preview. 148, 849-851.

  1. Lloyd TE*, Machamer J, O’Hara K, Kim JH, Collins SE, Wong MY, Sahin B, Imlach W, Yang Y, Levitan ES, McCabe BD, Kolodkin AL* (2012) The p150Glued CAP-Gly Domain Regulates Initiation of Retrograde Transport at Synaptic Termini.Neuron, 74, 344-360.

* Corresponding author

Paper previewed in Neuron: Cronin, MA and Schwarz T.L. (2012) The CAP-Gly of p150: One Domain, Two Diseases, and a Function at the End. Neuron, 74, 211-213.

Peer-reviewed original research articles – Clinical Research (in chronological order)

  1. Mammen AL, Gaudet D, Brisson D, Christopher-Stine L, Lloyd TE, Leffell MS, Zachary AA (2012) Increased Frequency of DRB1*11:01 in Anti-HMG-CoA Reductase-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy.Arthritis Care Res, epub.
  2. Mammen, AL, Werner, J, Ghazarian, SR, Pak, K., Kus, J., Daya, NR, Lloyd, TE, Christopher-Stine, L (2012). Antibody Titers Correlate with Creatine Kinase Levels and Strength in Anti-HMG-CoA Reductase-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy. Arthritis and Rheumatism. In press.

Reviews on Research

  1. Lloyd, TE. (2012) Axonal transport disruption in peripheral nerve disease. Journal of Peripheral Nerve Society(in press).

Scientific Courses Attended:

Neurobiology of Drosophila, Cold Spring Harbor Course, July 1999

Neuroimaging Course, Cold Spring Harbor Course, July 2008

Extramural Sponsorship (current, pending, previous)

Current Funding

07/01/2008 – 6/30/2013

A Drosophila Model of Motor Neuron Disease Using Mutations in P150 / Dynactin, K08-NS062890.

Sponsor: NIH/NINDS

Total direct costs: $175, 635 per year

PI: Thomas Lloyd, M.D., Ph.D. (75% effort)

Mentors: Alex Kolodkin, Ph.D. and Jeff Rothstein, M.D., Ph.D.


Genetics and Natural History of CMT.

Sponsor: NIH

Total direct costs: $13,000 per year

PI: Michael E. Shy, Role: Site PI

11/2011 – present

North American CMT Network

Sponsor: MDA/CMT Association

Total direct costs: $10,000 per year

PI: Michael E. Shy, Role: Site PI


NIH/NIMH: National Research Service Award Predoctoral Fellowship, Lloyd (PI) 07/1998-02/2002

Role of Hrs in Neurotransmitter Release. Role: PI.

MDA / The Packard Center for ALS Research at Johns Hopkins; Lloyd (PI) 11/2006-5/2011

Generation and Characterization of a fly model of ALS. Role: PI.

Educational Activities:

Invited Reviews, Minireviews, and Book Chapters:

  1. Lloyd, T.E. and H.J. Bellen. (1999) Genetic Analysis of Neurotransmitter Release in Mice and Humans. In Neurotransmitter Release, Bellen, H.J. (ed.), Oxford University Press.
  1. Lloyd, T.E. and H.J. Bellen (2001) pRIMing synaptic vesicles for fusion. Nature Neuroscience, 4 (10): 965-6. News and views.
  1. Seto, E., H.J. Bellen, and T.E. Lloyd(2002) When Cell Biology Meets Development: Endocytic Regulation of Signaling Pathways. Review. Genes and Development, 16: 1314-36.
  1. Lloyd, T.E., B. Greenberg, E. Aldrich (2006) Stroke. In The Osler Medical Handbook, 2nd ed. Editors K. Nilsson, J. Paccini. Philadelphia: Mosby.
  1. Lloyd, T.E. and P. Taylor (2010) Flightless Flies: Drosophila Models of Neuromuscular Diseases. Review. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1184:e1-20.
  1. Lloyd, T.E. (2010) Novel therapeutic approaches for inclusion body myositis. Review. Current Opinion in Rheumatology.Nov;22(6):658-64.
  1. Lloyd, T.E. and V. Chaudhry (2010) Management of Hereditary Neuropathies. In Neuromuscular Disorders: Management and Therapy, Bertorini, T. (ed.), Philadelphia: Elsevier.
  1. Wadhwa, V, Thakkar, RS, Maragakis, N, Höke, A, Sumner, CJ, Lloyd, TE, Carrino, JA, Belzberg, AJ, Chhabra, A (2012) Sciatic Nerve Tumor and Tumor like Lesions - Uncommon pathologies, Skeletal Radiology, in press.


Classroom Instruction:

Lecturer, Neuromuscular Pathology Conference Series, Biweekly lecture (09/07-05/08)

Lecturer, Neurology Resident Noon Lecture Series. Neuromuscular review for boards (02/08, 2/09, 2/12); Hereditary neuropathies: 5/15/2008, 2/9/2012; Inclusion Body Myositis 2/3/2012.

Lecturer, Neuropathology Conference Series, Annual Lecture: Inflammatory Myopathies (11/08), Vasculitic Neuropathies (02/09), Metabolic Myopathies (4/09), Myogenic and Neurogenic changes (10/09), Vacuolar Myopathies (01/10, 01/11, 1/12), Muscle review (04/10, 04/11)

Lecturer, Neurology Clerkship, Bimonthly lecture (07/08-current), “Numbness and Weakness”. Recent lectures given 5/6/11, 8/22/2011, 11/22/2011, 3/26/2012

Lecturer, Neuroscience and Cognition, 9/19/2011, “Presynaptic Events of Neurotransmitter Release”, given to Neuroscience Graduate students.

Lecturer, Neuroscience, 9/2011, “Imaging in Neuroscience”, Lecture and Laboratory Demonstration.

Clinical Instruction:

Neuromuscular Pathology (Muscle and Nerve Pathology Attending, one month, yearly, 10/2008, 12/2009, 2/2010)

Instructor/Preceptor, Medical Student Clinical Skills Course (02/07, 02/08, 02/09, 6/11).

EMG attending: Supervise PM&R and neurology residents in EMG clinic.

CME Instruction

Lecturer, “Update in Neuromuscular Diseases” 6/12/2009, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Editorial Activities:

Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Human Molecular Genetics (X, Jan 2012), Journal of Experimental Neurology (March 2010), Pharmacological Reviews (October 2010), Plos One (December 2010, Dec 2011, Mar 2012), Journal of Cell Biology (March 2011), Brain Research (December 2011), PNAS (Mar 2012).

Grant reviewer: Wellcome Trust (Feb 2012), Thierry Latran Foundation (April 2012)

Mentoring (Pre- and post-doctoral) – Laboratory

Current Advisees

James Machamer, Ph.D. / 2010-present / Postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University
RajnishBharadwaj / 2010-present / Research Associate

Undergraduate Students

Lee (Trey) Tacon, Johns Hopkins University (Neuroscience, May 2010-present)

Morgan Yang, Johns Hopkins University (Neuroscience, May 2010-present)

Brian Lee, Johns Hopkins Univeristy (Neuroscience, January 2011 – June 2012)

Amanda Le, Johns Hopkins University (Biology, January 2011 – August 2012)

Morgan Dauer, Johns Hopkins Univeristy (Neuroscience, May 2012 – present)

High School Students

Mina Al-Salihi, Johns Hopkins Internship in Brain Sciences, June – August 2012

Mentoring – Clinic

Nicholas Frost – MD/PhD student at University of Maryland – observed weekly EMG and clinic June – Aug 2010, plans residency in Neurology

Shih-Hsiu (Jerry) Wang – MD from Taiwan, Neuroscience PhD student at JHU – observed clinic Aug-Oct 2011, plans residency in Neurology

10-5-11 Dinner to advise MD/PhD students interested in neurology career at CSHL Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting.

Clinical Activities:

Specialty Certification and Licensure:

American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry, August 2008

Maryland Medical License: # D0066925, expires 9/30/2012

NPI number: 1396881074

DEA: FL1390498 (exp 3-31-2012)

CDS: M67757 (exp 4-30-2013)

Clinical Service Responsibilities:

  • Co-director, Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Clinic, 4 hours every other month
  • Myositis Center Clinic specializing in Inclusion Body Myositis, 8 hours / month
  • Nerve and muscle biopsy reading, 6 hours / week, one month / year
  • Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies, 16 hours / month
  • Cutaneous nerve biopsy reading, 8 hours / month
  • Attending Neurologist, Neurology Consultation Service, 2 weeks/year

Previous Activities:

Lumbar punctures for ALS clinical trials

Organizational Activities:


  • Johns Hopkins University, MD/PhD Program Faculty Advisor
  • Appointments and Promotions Committee, Neurology Department, April 2010 to present
  • Organize weekly seminar series “Clinical Neurosciences Seminar” July 2008 to present
  • Neurology Department, Jay Slotkin Award Selection Committee, July 2008 to present


  • Society for Neuroscience, Member
  • American Academy of Neurology, Member
  • American Society for Cell Biology, Member
  • Genetics Society of America, Member
  • Peripheral Nerve Society, Member



2012American Neurological Association Wolfe Research Prize

2008S. Weir Mitchell Award through AAN for Excellence in Neurology Research

2008Passano Young Physician Scientist Award

2007Jay Slotkin Award for Excellence in Neuroscience Research

2006 AAN National Symposium Travel Scholarship

2005ANA National Symposium Travel Scholarship

2003Richard R. Dickason, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. Outstanding Physician Scientist Award

2002Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society Nominee

2002Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, awarded to 17 graduate students nationally

2001Deborah K. Martin Achievement Award in Biomedical Sciences, awarded to one Baylor graduate student annually

2001Beckman Award for Best Overall Poster Presentation and First Place Poster Graduate Student Symposium

2000, 2002Baylor Medical Scientist Training Program Publication Award

1998-2002National Research Service Award Predoctoral Fellowship

National Institute of Mental Health

1997Honors in Medical School Basic Sciences (top 15%)

1995-2003Medical Scientist Training Program (M.S.T.P.) Fellow, NIH

Invited Scientific Talks

  1. November 30, 2010, “Fly models of dynactin-mediated neurodegenerative diseases”.Neurogenetics Branch Meeting Seminar. NINDS, NIH. Bethesda, MD.
  1. January 8, 2011, “The Friends of the Axon, the Schwann Cell, & Jack Griffin” Scientific Symposium. “Dynactin regulates initiation of retrograde axonal transport: Implications for neurodegenerative diseases”.Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland.
  1. January 10, 2011, “Dynactin regulates initiation of retrograde axonal transport: Implications for neurodegenerative diseases”. Special Seminar; host: Erika Holzbaur. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  1. March 17, 2011, “Axonal transport in motor neuron degenerative disease”, Neurology Grand Rounds, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri.
  1. April 11, 2011, “Axonal transport disruption in fly models of neurodegenerative diseases”, Clinical Neurosciences Seminar, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland.
  1. November 1, 2011, “Inclusion Body Myositis”. Bayview Neurology Retreat. Johns Hopkins at Eastern. Baltimore, MD.

Invited Patient Support Group Talks

  1. December 5, 2010, “Update in CMT”. CMT Association Patient Support Group Meeting. Washington, D.C.
  1. October 30, 2011, “Update in CMT”. Muscular Dystrophy Association “Make A Muscle Conference”, Columbia, MD
  1. March?, 2012 “CMT: Pathogenesis and Treatment”. CMT Association Patient Support Group Meeting. Easton, MD
  1. June, 2012 “CMT: CMTA Star Program to Accelerate Research”. CMTA Support Group Meeting. Easton, MD

Conference Platform Presentations:

  1. Neurobiology of Drosophila Biennial Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY. Platform presentation. October 5, 2011. “Motor neuron disease-associated mutations in p150/Glued disrupt the initiation of retrograde axonal transport at synaptic termini.”
  1. Fourth International CMT Consortium, Potomac, MD. Platform presentation. July 1, 2011. “Dynactin mutations in HMN7B disrupt the initiation of retrograde axonal transport at neuromuscular junction terminals.”
  1. Drosophila Research Conference, Washington, D.C. Platform Presentation. April 10, 2010. Washington, D.C. “Motor neuron disease-associated mutations in p150/Glued disrupt processivity and initiation of retrograde axonal transport.”
  1. Annual Packard ALS Center Symposiums. April 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. Baltimore, MD “A Drosophila model of motor neuron disease using mutations in p150 dynactin.”
  1. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Platform Presentation. October 2006, “A Drosophila model of motor neuron disease using mutations in p150 dynactin.”
  1. Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award Presentation. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, May 2002. "Role of Membrane Trafficking and Hrs in Developmental Signaling Pathways".
  1. American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., December, 2001

Endocytosis Minisymposium. "Hrs Regulates Endosomal Sorting, Degradation, and Signaling of Tyrosine Kinase Receptors in Drosophila".

  1. Cold Spring Harbor Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Labs, 2001

"Multivesicular body formation regulates Notch and EGFR signaling, but not neurotransmitter release".

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