2017 New Athletic Directors Workshop

Presented by the

Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA)


This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview designed for the new athletic administrator, an aspiring athletic administrator or any athletic administrator desiring a refresher. The philosophy is to assist the athletic administrator in the many and varied duties associated with the position. The workshop will be 1) introducing topics, 2) provoking thought, and 3) providing resources. The Workshop will be presented over two days. There is an abundance of information to be shared.

Topicsaddressed will include Financial Procedures and Budgets, Human Resources procedures, Legal Issues, The First Year Experience, NIAAA certification, Getting Organized with Staff – Office – Community – Events, Independent School-specific Topics and VHSL-specific Topics.

Wednesday, July 19th, 9:30am – 7:00pm
VHSL Building
1642 State Farm Blvd, Charlottesville, VA 22911 / Thursday, July 20st, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Fluvanna County High School
1918 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA 22963

The registration feeis $155. This fee includesregistration, lunch and snacks on both days.

Attendees who attend both days will have completed all the course work needed for the first level of NIAAA athletic administrator certification, Registered Athletic Administrator (RAA). For more information,

Individuals needing overnight accommodations should contact the English Inn of Charlottesville, 1-800-786-5400. The VIAAA has contracted a special rate for this event.This rate includes free internet access and a hot breakfast bar! When making a reservation, please identify yourself as an attendee at the VIAAA New Athletic Directors Workshop. For directions and more information concerning the English Inn you may visit their website,

Register now! Space is limited to the first 40 registrants.

School / Email Address
School Address / City, State, Zip
Work Phone / Cell Phone
Current Position / Years in current position
Region (Fall 2017) / Date
I would like the VIAAA to assign a mentor / Yes No
Registering for /

both days - $155

/ Late fee (if applicable) - $25
TOTAL registration

Registration may be accomplished by mail/check or online. To register online, .

If you are registering by mail/check, sendyour registration form and check (payable to VIAAA) to:

Melody Modell, CMAA

Fairfax County Public Schools

8115 Gatehouse Road, Suite 5100.

Falls Church, VA 22042

You will be emailed a confirmation of registration upon receipt of your registration form.

You will receive a receipt for payment at the workshop (upon request).

For information regarding NADW 2017, contactMelody Modell at 571-423-1265 .

Deadline for registration – Friday, July 7, 2017

Registration form must be received by Friday, July 7, 2017.

Late registration will be accepted beginning July 8 with an additional $25 late registration fee,up to maximum attendees.