Out-of-School Time (OST) Programs:
Participation in George Washington Carver Science Fair
What is Out-of-School Time?
The National Institute on Out-of-School Time (2000) defines out-of-school time (OST) as "A wide range of program offerings for young people that take place before school, after school, on weekends, and during the summer and other school breaks." The terms OST, afterschool, school-age care, and positive youth development are often used interchangeable, although they differ in the details.
Why Should OST Programs Participate in the Carver Fair?
- Our overarching goal is to engage Philadelphia children in science exploration, engagement, excitement, and success. OST programs serve students that might not otherwise have access to hands-on science or science fairs.
- There is a great deal of local, regional, and national interest in infusing STEM into OST programming. We hope to help these programs access the Carver Fair, which already has accessible activities, teacher training, web-based resources, and other opportunities.
- Involving in-school and out-of-school time staff, students, and families in a citywide science initiative will help strengthen collaborations among everyone involved.
Were There Previous Barriers to OST Participation?
In the past, some OST programs entered students in the Carver Fair. These OST programs often served children from a single school, and their students were part of that school's quota of entrees. However, if a school "used up" its quota of entrants, then there were no more spots available to that school’s OST individuals or teams. This was particularly problematic/confusing for OST programs that served students from more than one school.
How Can OST Programs Can Participate in the Carver Fair?
In 2013, the Carver Committee created a unique application process for OST programs. Our intent is to 1) make it easy for OST programs and students to participate; and 2) not force schools to exceed their per-school project quota. Specific OST guidelines include:
- OST students need to complete the same ISEF paperwork, and adhere to the same Carver guidelines and timelines, as school-day students.
- Instead of the Carver 4-6th grade and 7th-12th grade applications, OST individuals and teams MUSTcomplete the comprable Carver-OST applications.
- The Carver-OST applications require proof that OST programs are managed by, or are themselves a 501(c)(3) organization.
- Each OST organization (not site) is limited to the same quotas as the schools: up to 11 projects in the Elementary Fair, and up to 44 projects in the Secondary Fair.
- OST programs serving children from multiple schools MUST complete the Carver-OST application(s). OST programs serving children from the same school can complete the Carver-OST or the regular Carver applications. However, if these OST programs complete the regular Carver applications, they must be counted in and cannot exceed their school's overall project quota.
- OST applications should be submitted to the School District of Philadelphia (consult the "Carver Handbook" for dates and details).
- OST staff and students can participate in all Carver activities including professional development sessions, medal and Special Award eligibility, etc.
Due to space constraints at the Carver Science Fair, each elementary school is permitted to send a limited number of students.
- For the purpose of the Carver Fair, elementary schools include grades 4, 5, and 6. If your school contains higher grades as well, registrants from those grades will participate in the Secondary Fair and will not impact your elementary student quota.
- Each participating elementary school may register up to 3 individual student projects in each of the 3 primary categories: Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science (a total of 9 students). These students may be in 4th, 5th, or 6th grade.
- Schools may only register one individual student project in the Consumer Science category. This student can be in 4th, 5th, or 6th grade.
- Schools may only register one team project per school in the Team Project category. Teams are comprised of 2-3 students from any grade or combination of grades.
- Keep in mind that your entire school can only register a maximum of 13 students. It is therefore important to coordinate registration with other teachers in your school.
SCHOOL ______LOC #______
DATE ______
Please list the names of the students your school is registering.
Life Science (3 students) / Earth Science (3 students)Physical Science (3 students) / Team Project (1 teamper school/max 3 students per team)
Consumer Science
(1 project/ 1 student per school)
For the purpose of this application, out-of-school time (OST) programs are defined as “A wide range of program offerings for young people that take place before school, after school, on weekends, and during the summer and other school breaks" (NOIST, 2000).
Due to space limitations at the Carver Science Fair, OST programs are permitted to send a limited number of students per grade level and category. Each participating OST program is permitted to send up to 3 students for each grade level (7/8th, 9/10th, & 11/12th) categories #1- 14. Programs may register only one student per OST program for Consumer Science, and only one Team Project (regardless of grade level). It is important that you coordinate registration with other staff in your OST Program, as this quota applies to programs, not individual sites.
Note: If your OST program does NOT have 501(c)3 status, or is NOT formally affiliated with an organization that has 501(c)3 status, then you must register through your school. Your students will be counted as part of your school’s student/project quota.
SPONSOR ______
DATE ______
On the next page, please list the names of the students that your OST program is registering. Keep in mind that your entire program can only register a maximum of 43 students.
Behavior/Social Science (3 students maximum, from any grade) / Environmental Science (3 students maximum, from any grade)Biochemistry (3 students maximum, from any grade) / Mathematics (3 students maximum, from any grade)
Botany (3 students maximum, from any grade) / Medicine/Health (3 students maximum, from any grade)
Chemistry (3 students maximum, from any grade) / Microbiology (3 students maximum, from any grade)
Computer Science (3 students maximum, from any grade) / Physics (3 students maximum, from any grade)
Earth Space Science (3 students maximum, from any grade) / Zoology (3 students maximum, from any grade)
Engineering (3 students maximum, from any grade) / Team Project (1 team of 2-3 students maximum, from any grade)
Consumer Science (1 student maximum, 7th & 8th Grade Only)