Foldable directions Create a trifold (fold paper into thirds)
Cover Page – Your name and title Earthquake foldable
Page 1 Draw, label, and define a Normal Fault
page 2 Draw, label, and define a Reverse Fault
Page 3 Draw, label, and define a Strike Slip Fault
Page 4 Define the following: Epicenter, Focus, Primary waves, Secondary Waves and Surface Waves
Page 5 Describe what a seismograph is and explain where most earthquakes occur(Hint: Plate ________)
Foldable directions Create a trifold (fold paper into thirds)
Cover Page – Your name and title Earthquake foldable
Page 1 Draw, label, and define a Normal Fault
page 2 Draw, label, and define a Reverse Fault
Page 3 Draw, label, and define a Strike Slip Fault
Page 4 Define the following: Epicenter, Focus, Primary waves, Secondary Waves and Surface Waves
Page 5 Describe what a seismograph is and explain where most earthquakes occur(Hint: Plate ________)
Foldable directions Create a trifold (fold paper into thirds)
Cover Page – Your name and title Earthquake foldable
Page 1 Draw, label, and define a Normal Fault
page 2 Draw, label, and define a Reverse Fault
Page 3 Draw, label, and define a Strike Slip Fault
Page 4 Define the following: Epicenter, Focus, Primary waves, Secondary Waves and Surface Waves
Page 5 Describe what a seismograph is and explain where most earthquakes occur(Hint: Plate ________)
Foldable directions Create a trifold (fold paper into thirds)
Cover Page – Your name and title Earthquake foldable
Page 1 Draw, label, and define a Normal Fault
page 2 Draw, label, and define a Reverse Fault
Page 3 Draw, label, and define a Strike Slip Fault
Page 4 Define the following: Epicenter, Focus, Primary waves, Secondary Waves and Surface Waves
Page 5 Describe what a seismograph is and explain where most earthquakes occur(Hint: Plate ________)