Pixlr – Moderation Task - Essential Skills – Using Computers and the Internet ESC205114
2016 September
1Teachers Bring their own samples to share/mark/discuss from a common task
Criterion 3: Follow procedures to perform given tasks, and review performance
Pixlr is the creator of online cloud-based image tools,Pixlr Editorbeing its most popular tool.
You can access Pixlr online at pixlr.com/editor
*Begin by creating a Pixlr folder in your H drive folder. All projects for Pixlr should be saved here.
We will be displaying our work for Pixlr in a Powerpoint Slideshow so please, begin a new slideshow called Pixlr and save it in your Pixlr folder. Your slide show would include:
- Title slide (Title: Pixlr)
- A new slide for each part.
- An appropriate slide title for each assignment (example: Part 1 - Opening, Zooming, and Resizing)
- Each slide will display the original image you started the assignment with and the edited image/images as well
Watch this first:
Pixlr Interface
Part #1 - Saving, Zooming and Resizing
Begin by watching the video on getting images from the net.
Copy image from Internet into Pixl
Then, find an image in Google that is 600 pixels by 400 pixels in size. Use what you learned in the video above to get the image into Pixlr. Next, watch the video below to find out how to resize an image and make the image 300x200 and change the quality as in the video.
Size and Saving
Place the original image and the resized image in your slideshow.
Part #2 - Brightness and Contrast
Find an image by searching for "overcast" that you can use Pixlr to fix or clarify the image after watching the video below:
Brightness and Contrast
Add images to your slideshow.
Part #3 - Tilt and Cut
Please use the following image for assignment #3 and then, watch the video below:
Tilt and Cut (Various adjustments)
Part #4 - Hue/Saturation and Levels
Please use the following image for assignment #4 and then, watch the video below:
Adjusting Hue and Saturation
Adjusting Levels
Part #5 - Various Adjustments
Please use the image found @ addeachedit to the same slide (desaturate, threshold, etc) with an appropriate label.
Various Adjustment
Part #6 - Using Filters
Choose an image from the net to use for assignment #7 and add a pixelated version of it to the Assignment #7 slide.
Using Filters
Part #7 - Marquee Tool
Choose a large image (you may want to search by typing in a large resolution(try 2000 x 1500) and create a new image using hints from the video below:
Part #8 - Clone Stamp, Lasso/Background Colour and Pencil/Brush
Use the image found @ complete assignment 10. Add each modified image to your powerpoint.
Clone Stamp
Lasso & Background Colour
Pencil and Brush
Part #9 - Magic Wand
Find an image associated with Rome to use for assignment #11.
Magic Wand
Part #10 - The Colour Picker Tools
Find an image of a table setting and follow the video.
The Colour Picker
Part #11–Self Review
On the final slide of the powerpoint you are going to review your performance in this task. Write 3 sentences describing:
- The part of the task you found easiest to complete.
- The part of the task you found most difficult to complete.
- Something new that you have learnt from completing this assignment.
Upload the Powerpoint slideshow into the fronter submission area.
Essential Skills – Using Computers and the Internet,
Criterion 3: Follow procedures to perform given tasks, and review performance