Week of: 11/3-25/ 2014 Teacher: Ms. Barnes American Sign Language
Monday / Objective: Deaf culture component using a deaf documentary film.Agenda: Watch the film “through deaf eyes” documentary. Fill out the information packet related to the film. When the film has concluded students will write an essay and take an assessment over the films information.
Materials: Film packet
Homework- practice vocabulary
Tuesday / Objective: Deaf culture component using a deaf documentary film.
Agenda: Watch the film “through deaf eyes” documentary. Fill out the information packet related to the film. When the film has concluded students will write an essay and take an assessment over the films information.
Materials: Film packet
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Wed/Thurs / Objective: Deaf culture component using a deaf documentary film.
Agenda: Watch the film “through deaf eyes” documentary. Fill out the information packet related to the film. When the film has concluded students will write an essay and take an assessment over the films information. (at this point the film should be finished and students will be given the essay topic to write)
Materials: Film packet
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Friday / Objective: Deaf culture component using a deaf documentary film.
Agenda: Students will hand in essays, go over their packets for correcting answers, review the pledge, review family signs.
Materials: Film packet
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
*Note, these lessons are subject to change by class.
Monday / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.Agenda: Finish learning Family signs vocabulary packet, family tree worksheet, homework page to do partly in class, practice sentences
Materials: vocab packet
Homework- practice vocabulary
Tuesday / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.
Agenda: watch and interpret video about family signs, review vocabulary, hand out family tree project and start working on it.
Materials: notes, vocab,
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Wed/Thurs / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.
Agenda: Review pledge, test over open note test, test for pledge (student sign), Continue working on family tree.
Materials: notes and vocab
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Friday / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.
Agenda: Deaf culture video and discussion, review vocabulary, quiz over family vocabulary, review colors,
Materials: Vocabulary packets, notes
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
*Note, these lessons are subject to change by class.
Monday / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.Agenda: Review vocabulary, Who Am I? activity, Start writing the Ice Cream story
Materials: vocab packet
Homework- practice vocabulary
Tuesday / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.
Agenda: Finish writing the ice cream story, sign to partner ice cream story, SWAT
Materials: notes, vocab,
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Wed/Thurs / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.
Agenda: Sign family tree, centers for practicing signing skills, partner signing story activity
Materials: notes and vocab
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Friday / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.
Agenda: FHPO reading and questions due at end of class, review vocabulary, practice sentences
Materials: Vocabulary packets, notes
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
*Note, these lessons are subject to change by class.
Monday / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.Agenda: White board review game, quiz over vocabulary, what am I thankful for activity, Interpret video clip
Materials: vocab packet
Homework- practice vocabulary
Tuesday / Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: family vocabulary and basic relationships. They will be able to sign about their family trees.
Agenda: Silent Meal DAY! Students will bring food and have a silent meal where they will only sign and do the ask questions worksheet.
Materials: notes, vocab,
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Wed/Thurs / Objective:
Agenda: NO SCHOOL!
Friday / Objective:
Agenda: NO SCHOOL!
*Note, these lessons are subject to change by class.