15% of final mark (10% for report, 5% for presentation)
Your task is to select a company to research and prepare a report and presentation for potential companies that would be interested in co-branding with your chosen company.
You must choose one specific product and research the company that produces it. Your research should consist of the following:
1) Introduction and Company Profile
o History of the company
o Founder of the company
o When was it founded
o Main product/services sold
2) Product Mix (p. 21 of textbook)
o List other products that are sold by the company
o Describe your chosen product
o Explain the target market for your product (i.e. Demographics, psychographics)
o How is the product packaged
o Show examples of the products offered
3) Promotion Mix (p. 22 of textbook)
o Research advertising methods and sales promotions used by the company
o Show the logo, slogan, colours, etc. that the company and/or product uses
o Provide two examples advertisements (print ad or TV commercial)
o Explain when and where they were shown and include a screen image of any videos you use
4) Pricing Mix (p. 22 of textbook and in Chapter 7)
o What pricing strategies are used for your company/product? (market skimming, penetration pricing, competitive pricing, or benchmark pricing) Note: You may have to make an educated guess based on pricing
o Explain why you think these strategies are used
o If the company sells a wide variety of products, select a few of them to analyze
5) Place Mix (p. 22 of textbook)
o What distribution strategies are used (intensive, selective, exclusive, integrated)
o How does the company get the product to the consumer
o Where are the products sold?
o Where is the product produced?
o In general, how does the company transport the products?
o How can consumers purchase the product?
6) Competition
o Who is the competition?
o Describe the products/services, prices of the competition
o How much market share does your company/product have?
o How can the company improve its market share?
7) Corporate Social Responsibility
o How is the company socially responsible? (be specific)
o Provide proof (article) of what they have done
8) Future Outlook
o What does the future look like for the company?
o Are there new products coming out in the near future?
o What company/brand/product would you recommend to co-brand with this company and why?
o Concluding statements
For your Presentation:
The presentation will be your opportunity to summarize the highlights of your report for the company who you want to co-brand with you. The presentation should be 5-7 minutes long and will be marked on the following:
o Organization – is your presentation organized in a way which is easy for the audience to understand?
o Content – does the presentation include all the important information and do you seem knowledgeable about it?
o Visuals – are there visual representations in your presentation which engage the audience?
o Mechanics – are there spelling errors and other grammatical errors in your presentation?
o Delivery – do you give the presentation with confidence and look the audience in the eye?
MARKING SCHEME BMI3C – ISU Marking Sheet – 2014/2015
Student Name: Date of Submission:
oTitle page o Table of contents o Page numbers o Images o Technical care
o Hard copy o Internal citation where necessary
Comments and Marks1) Introduction and Company Profile
o History of the company
o Founder of the company
o When was it founded
o Main product/services sold / /4
2) Product Mix (p. 21 of textbook)
o Describe your chosen product
o List other products that are sold by the company
o Explain the target market for your product
o How is the product packaged
o Show examples of the products offered / /5
3) Promotion Mix (p. 22 of textbook)
o Research advertising methods and sales promotions used by the company
o Show the logo, slogan, colours, etc. that the company and/or product uses
o Provide two examples advertisements (print ad or TV commercial)
o Explain when and where they were shown / /6
4) Pricing Mix (p. 22 of textbook)
o What pricing strategies are used for your company/product? (market skimming, penetration pricing, competitive pricing, or benchmark pricing)
o What are the pricing policies (p. 267 of textbook)
o Explain why you think these strategies are used
o If the company sells a wide variety of products, select a few of them to analyze / /5
5) Place Mix (p. 22 of textbook)
o What distribution strategies are used (intensive, selective, exclusive, integrated)
o How does the company get the product to the consumer
o Where are the products sold / /6
6) Competition
o Who is the competition?
o Describe the products/services, prices of the competition
o How much market share does your company/product have?
o How can the company improve its market share? / /5
7) Corporate Social Responsibility
o How is the company socially responsible? (be specific)
o Provide proof (article) of what they have done / /3
8) Future Outlook
o What does the future look like for the company?
o Are there new products coming out in the near future?
o What company/brand/product would you recommend to co-brand with this company and why?
o Concluding statements / /6
9) Presentation
o Organization – is your presentation organized in a way which is easy for the audience to understand
o Content – does the presentation include all the important information and do you seem knowledgeable about it
o Visuals – are there visual representations in your presentation which engage the audience
o Mechanics – are there spelling errors and other grammatical errors in your presentation
o Delivery – do you give the presentation with confidence and look the audience in the eye / /20
Total Marks for ISU / /60