Sonning Common Health Centre
Patient Participation Group
Minutes of meeting
3rd December 2015
Present: Jennie McLean, Finella Woolsey, Fred Nickson, Rika Adams, Peter Woolsey, Sue Litchfield, Mike Williams
Apologies: Mike Hall
Minutes of the last meeting: Approved PW and RA
Chairman’s report:
* The Chairman reported that she had gone to the Caring Matters 2015 Conference and will report in detail at next committee meeting.
* She joined the Oxford University Hospitals’ Trust. Still finding out about it and will report next time.
* Permission was sought to supply and exchange addresses and phone numbers between committee members.
Mike Hall’s report: read out. See attached print out of report
* The outside lights and CCTV were discussed
* The public footpath needs to be discussed at the next meeting. Also the fire escape.
* Mike to be asked to speak to the Physiotherapist as the committee agreed her advertising needed to be within reasonable limits. It was agreed that ALL advertising and leaflets should go through Mike or Ruth.
* Fred felt that it was a mistake to no longer put the Newsletter in the Peppard News. In discussion it was felt that not enough older people were on line. It was also mentioned that it might be more beneficial to have more emphasis on prevention and medical news rather than e.g. a list of newborn babies, a column of prevention rather than cure in the Sonning Common paper. All three magazines should have it.
* Peter Woolsey’s report on Self 5th November which was also attended by Dr. Burnett.
PAW to get an editorial on flu. It was reported that there had been a drop in the uptake of flu jabs at the surgery and it was felt that this might be because people were going to the chemist to have them. The Chairman commented on the fact that the chemists were being paid more than the surgery to give the flu jab and this she was wrong. It was suggested that the chemists should have to provide the surgeries with a list of whom they had injected in order to keep records up to date.
He reported on an article about best practice in PPGs.
It was suggested that there was a need to advertise the work of the PPG within the practice.
Pace Lift
RA reported on the results and was to give further details at the next committee meeting.
FN reported on home visits and the need for them, and the difficulty getting volunteers. He reported that the FISH Bus has a full weekly programme so if there was a need for transport to swimming for the over 60s it would have to be done by private car.
It was discussed that volunteer visitors for the elderly and home bound should be put in the newsletter and personal appeals could be made by the committee members.
The Constitution
The Chairman reminded the committee that applications to become one of the officers (Chairman, vice Chairman, Minutes Secretary) had to be sent to Mike Hall at least one week prior to the next meeting.
Membership application
XXXXX applied to become a committee member. After discussion it was agreed to keep the numbers of the committee at its present level.
End of Life
RA reported briefly on the End of Life meetings and would give more details at the next committee meeting.
Date of next meeting
Thursday, 7th January 2016 (subsequently changed to the 21st January)
Mike Hall's report for SC PPG on 3rd December 2015
· Resurfacing the car park has been agreed as our priority and we are seekingCCGfunding to be able to at least share the cost. Unlikely to be done anytime soon as we need to avoid the winter weather although having said that it is extremely mild at the moment of course.
· CCTVis being considered but not deemed essential. We have obtained quotes and are thinking this one through before committing either way.
· A new automatic door (with push button / disabled access) is planned at some stage and we are in the process of obtaining quotes and investigating options. It will require a degree of additional work in order to help ensure the reception area is kept as draught free as possible during the winter and we will share more news on this when we have it.
· Waiting room - we feel that the waiting room can be improved in several ways not least by tidying up and sorting out the overload ofinformationposters and leaflets on display to patients. I understand the PPG have contributed to this in the past and we would welcome your groups input and advice. Donna Edwards is leading this from the surgery point of viewand perhaps acouple ofvolunteers could put their names forward to helpus improve the waiting room environment.
· Newsletter - production of our winter newsletter is underway and will hopefully be out well beforeChristmas. The jury is still out as to the value of the newsletter to patients and how best to print and distribute it and again we would welcomethePPG'sinput. Perhaps you could summarisethe views of your members and send them to me so that I canput in front of thedoctors?
· The practice booklet is undergoing a make-over and I will update you as and when we have more news.