The Village of Weston Council

August 17, 2015

The regular council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jason Worthen at 7:00pm, followed by the pledge of allegiance.

A roll call of the council members was taken: Mrs. Danelle Langley, Mrs. Tammy McClellan, Mr. Jeremy Schroeder, Mr. Shad Kendall, Mr. Greg Stevens, and Mrs. Dawn Blandy were all present.

The minutes from the previous meeting (8/3/15) were reviewed and approved with one correction--- Mr. Kendall pointed out that the statement about the Fiscal Officer’s salary should say “set at” instead of “increased to”. It was also noted that the vote to rescind the Fiscal Officer’s 5% raise was accidentally omitted from the 7/20/15 minutes. Sarah asked if it was ok to add that in, or if they would like to re-do the motion now. It was agreed to re-do the motion to include in tonight’s minutes. Mrs. McClellan then moved to rescind the previously approved 5% raise for the Fiscal Officer, seconded by Mr. Kendall, 5 were in favor and 1 opposed (Stevens); motion passed.



Rob Myerholtz asked questions in relation to the Fiscal Officer’s current salary and the number of hours worked. Mr. Kendall stated that she is currently at $18.38/hour (hours vary, between 15-25/week), which equals out to what her average salary was upon hire in 2008 ($30K for 30 hours/week). They are now seeking to set a flat salary of $25K. He felt that this was an excessive raise, based on the number of hours the office is open, along with the percentage the increase will average out to per hour. Mrs. McClellan pointed out that council makes between $30-$50/hour, when looking at it from that perspective. She stated that the job encompasses many more administrative duties (we no longer have a Village Administrator), and the position is hard to quantify by the hour. Sue Clanton (visitor) stated that the Village is lucky to have Mrs. Schroeder, and she does an excellent job. Mr. Myerholtz clarified that his issues were not with Sarah, but with the amount of the raise itself. He urged council to look at the issue again; his concerns were noted.

Paul Klukowski, the individual helping out with the fall adult baseball league, arrived towards the end of the meeting. He has 8 teams participating this year. Balls have been ordered. He still needs keys in order to start getting things ready.


The payment register (chk #’s 46825-46846, totaling $19,833.21) was presented to council. Mr. Kendall moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mrs. McClellan, all were in favor; passed.

Sarah read over the recommendations from the PERSO/PEP loss control/insurance survey conducted last week. The replacement part for the play structure has already been ordered, Mr. T Schroeder will be asked to replace listed stop signs, and the Fire Chief will check out the notes related to their building and the fire extinguisher at the post office. We’ll also need to consider including mulch as a part of our annual budget, and make sure the Rec Board resumes periodic playground inspections.

The Ordinance to approve the 2015 S-10 supplement to the Weston Basic Code received the first reading.

Ordinance 2015-7, to amend the Fiscal Officer’s salary and time requirements, received the second reading.

Resolution 2015-3, to authorize the Mayor and Fiscal Officer to apply for OPWC grant funding for Main Street improvements, was read, declaring an emergency. Mr. J Schroeder moved to suspend the rules, seconded by Mrs. Blandy. A roll call vote was taken, resulting in 6 ayes and 0 nays. Mr. Stevens moved for passage, seconded by Mr. J Schroeder, all were in favor; passed.


Council/Committee Business:

·  Mr. Kendall noted that Fletcher’s is getting everything ready to go for the Route 235 sign.

·  Mr. Stevens reported that the Safety Committee will not have a meeting in August.


The Solicitor stated that he has an answer for the individual with the question on his cemetery lots, and has been trying to contact him (so far, he has not been successful). He also talked about the needed amendments to the Village tax ordinance, and stated that we won’t want to repeal the old current/old ordinance until the 7 year statute of limitations is up, since taxes through 2015 will still be governed by this.


Mr. Tolles gave a Maintenance report on behalf of Mr. T Schroeder:

1) The Durapatch machine has arrived, and they will be getting the chute put on the tailgate. The guy will be coming out soon to train them.

2) L-B Electric was unable to fix the pole at the ball diamond, since they don’t have a bucket truck. The City of BG will send someone out as soon as they have time.


At 7:50pm, Mrs. Langley made a motion to go into executive session to discuss a Fire Dept personnel issue. This was seconded by Mrs. McClellan, and a roll call vote was taken (6 ayes and 0 nays); motion passed.

At 8:03pm, Mrs. Langley moved to go back into regular session, seconded by Mrs. Blandy, all were in favor.

The matter was referred to the Personnel Committee. Mr. Stevens, Mrs. McClellan, and Mr. Kendall will meet on Tuesday, 8/25/15 at 7:15pm to discuss a raise for the Chiefs.

No further business was brought before council. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.

Sarah Schroeder, Jason Worthen,

Fiscal Officer Mayor