School Visits
Welcome to Ripon
– it’s your cathedral
Content / PageIntroduction and general information / 3- 4
KS1 and KS2 RE Modules
Exploring a Place of Worship (KS1) / 5
Exploring a Cathedral (KS1/KS2) / 6
The Church Year (KS1/KS2) / 7
Exploring Baptism (KS1/KS2) / 8
Celebrating Marriage (KS1/ KS2) / 9
Easter Journey (KS1/KS2) / 10
Sacred Spaces (KS2) / 11
Journey of Life (KS2) / 12
KS2 modules with other curriculum links
Art: Stained Glass Windows / 13
Art: Art in Religion / 14
History: St Wilfrid and the Anglo Saxons / 15
KS5 Modules
Religious Experience (A Level) / 16
Enrichment Activities / 17-19
Other Learning Opportunities at Ripon Cathedral / 20
Ripon Cathedral has been a place of welcome and worship for over 1,300 years. It is one of the oldest places of continuous Christian worship in the country. We invite schools and children to come and be part of that rich heritage, to explore a place of worship, learn about the art and artists that enrich it and experience its Anglo Saxon foundation. Whilst this booklet contains basic outlines for our core modules we are very flexible and responsive and will be happy to modify or design modules afresh to suit your needs and curriculum. Please discuss your needs with us.
Most of our modules are one hour long, but there are also several half day or whole day units. It is possible to combine more than one of the shorter modules, according to the needs and interests of your children and curriculum. You may also find that a 2 hour visit allows time for structured learning and some more ‘free-range’ time when the children can access areas of the Cathedral not covered in their formal sessions and return to areas of particular interest to them.
We aim to host school visits on the days and times that suit you. However with a busy programme of events, services etc. in the Cathedral it is not always possible to arrange specific dates. In general, you will be most likely to be successful if you can come on Monday or Tuesday. Friday is also possible and we can link modules into children attending the Thursday lunchtime recitals (see page 17 for more details).
We ask for a contribution of £2 per child for visits of up to 2 hours. A further £1 per child is requested for an extended visit. The full day on St Wilfrid and the Anglo-Saxons costs £5 per child. Smaller groups will be charged pro-rata for the use of the Hall. Specialist modules have their own costing structures which we will discuss with you.
A full day in Ripon
We are aware of the costs of travel for schools and offer a variety of ways in which you can enjoy a full day of learning in Ripon. Core modules can be combined together or extended with craft or other enrichment activities. You can combine your chosen module with a free lunchtime concert on most Thursdays.
We also work in close partnership with Ripon Museums, all of whose sites are very close to the Cathedral. Two half day visits, one to each site can be arranged. For details of the Education Programme at the Museums please see or contact their Learning and Access Officer 01765 690799 or email
Ripon Cathedral has a long history of offering hospitality, which goes back to our monastic roots, so we are happy to provide squash and biscuits for a mid-visit break. This can also be a suitable time for a toilet trip (seebelow). For those staying for a full day, we can offer a variety of places suitable for the children to eatpacked lunches. If using the Cathedral Hall for activities during your visit, that is the suggested place to eat lunch and also has toilet facilities.
There are no toilets within the Cathedral building. The nearest toilets are across a public road. The toilets themselves are also open to the public, so please be aware of the safeguarding aspects of toilet visits.
Not all of the Cathedral site is wheelchair accessible, but we are happy to tailor programmes to meet any accessibility requirements that your students or staff may have.
Contact Us
To discuss your requirements or make a booking please contact Canon Elizabeth Sewell (Canon Educator) 01765 698545, email or via the Cathedral Office on 01765 603462.
Title: Exploring a place of worshipDuration: 1 hour /
Learning Focus:Children will
learn how the building is used and the common features with other
Christian places of worship.
Learn how a font, communion table, pulpit and lectern are used
Learn about some ways to pray in the Cathedral.
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS1: Symbols
KS2: Worship, Pilgrimage and Sacred Places;
What’s Included:
Tour of the cathedral focusing on the font, communion table, pulpit and lectern and what happens at each during church services.
Explore the Anglo Saxon crypt and other special places of prayer around the cathedral
Participate in a simple re-enactment of a baptism (if not also doing the longer Baptism Module)
Title: Exploring a Cathedral
Duration: 1 hour /
Learning Focus: Children will
learn how the building is used and the common features with other
Christian places of worship.
learn about the features which are more unusual and part of our
Monastic and Cathedral heritage.
Learn how St Wilfrid is connected to Ripon and some of the history of Ripon cathedral
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS1: Leaders and Teachers; Symbols
KS2: Worship, Pilgrimage and Sacred Places; Inspirational People
What’s Included:
Brief look at key features, including font, communion table, pulpit and lectern and what happens at each during church services
Explore the Quire including the cathedra, and choir stalls
Visit to the Anglo Saxon crypt
Visit to the treasury / Ripon Jewel
Title: The Church Year
Duration: 1 hour /
Learning Focus: Children will
Acquire a simple understanding of the structure of the Church’s year
Learn the names of the main Christian festivals and the Bible stories connected to them
Learn about the colours, symbols and vestments used in churches for the different feasts and seasons
how special times (e.g. Advent, Christmas, Harvest, Hallowe’en) are rooted in the church year.
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS1: Celebrations; Symbols;
KS2: Symbols and Religious Expression
What’s Included:
Using child-size vestments to explore the purpose of special clothes worn for church services.
Creating a ‘Circle of the Church Year’ with children wearing different vestments, grouped by colours and arranged to reflect the main seasons – Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Trinity and back to Advent.
Hands-on use of appropriate artefacts to explore children’s experiences of these festivals
Title:Exploring Baptism
Duration:1 hour /
Learning Focus: Children will:
find out about key Christian beliefs connected to baptism
explore the meaning of the symbols and actions used during a baptism
find out why baptism is important to Christian communities
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS1: Celebrations; Symbols, Believing
KS2: Beliefs and Questions; Journey of Life and Death; Symbols and Religious Expression; Religion, Family and Community
What’s Included:
Brief input about baptism with opportunity for questions and links to children’s own experiences
Participation in the baptism of a baby doll, using key symbols
Creative activity linked to themes and symbols of baptism
Title: Celebrating Marriage
Duration: 1 hour /
Learning Focus:Children will
find out about key Christian beliefs connected to love, marriage and family
explore the meaning of the symbols, words and actions used during a wedding
find out why marriage is important to Christian communities
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS1: Celebrations; Symbols, Believing
KS2: Beliefs and Questions; Journey of Life and Death; Symbols and Religious Expression; Religion, Family and Community
What’s Included:
Brief input about marriage with opportunity for questions and links to children’s own experiences where appropriate
Role play key aspects of a C of E wedding ceremony
Creative activity on the theme of love
Title: Easter Journey
Duration: Whole Day /
Learning Focus: Children will
Understand the Christians celebrate special occasions
Understand that Easter is associated with Jesus
Know some of the Bible stories told during Easter
Know that Jesus is special for Christians
Begin to recognise some of the key features of Jesus’s teachings
Understand that the structure of the Church year reflects key events in the life of Jesus and his Church
Know that the main Christian act of worship is based on the Last Supper Jesus had with his friends
Begin to explore some of the beliefs Christians have about Jesus
Recognise some of the symbols and objects used in Christian worship and what they represent
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS1: Story; Celebrations; Symbols
KS2: Teachings and Authority; Worship, Pilgrimage and Sacred Places; Symbols and Religious Expression
What’s Included:
Story-telling – the stories connected to Holy Week and Easter in child-friendly form
Children involved in re-enactment of key events from those stories around the cathedral building
Hands-on experience of key objects and symbols connected to the stories
Opportunity for children to reflect and make connections with their own experience
Creative activities, including collage, clay modelling and drawing and decorating
Title: Sacred Spaces
Duration: Whole day /
Learning Focus: Children will
Learn some of the history of Ripon cathedral
Understand how the building is used today
Learn about the features common to most Christian places of worship and how they are used
Learn some of the features unique to the Cathedral
consider why people love their sacred places
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Worship, Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
What’s Included:
Ripon Cathedral as a place of worship – learn about the font, lectern, pulpit and altar and how each is used
Ripon Cathedral in Christianity – a visit to St Wilfrid’s crypt and an opportunity to learn how people pray in the cathedral
Ripon Cathedral in the local and national community – exploring the chapel of Justice and Peace, Wilfrid Owen installation and some of the memorials
Stories in art and symbol – misericords and stained glass. Opportunities for pupils to do art and tell stories
Why people love their sacred spaces: exploring some of the key features of the Quire. Quiz sheet on Kings and Bishops
Title: The Journey of Life
Duration: Half day /
Learning Focus:Children will:
find out about key Christian beliefs connected to baptism, marriage, family and life after death
explore the meaning of the symbols and actions used during a baptism and a marriage ceremony
find out why baptism/ marriage is important to Christian communities
explore some of the ways Christians remember and celebrate those who have died
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Beliefs and Questions; Journey of Life and Death; Symbols and Religious Expression; Religion, Family and Community
What’s Included:
Brief input about baptism with opportunity for questions and links to children’s own experiences
Participation in the baptism of a baby doll, using key symbols
Creative activity using symbols of baptism
Role play key aspects of a C of E wedding ceremony
Creative activity: craft or collage around the themes of love, marriage or family
Explore the ways in which people are remembered using memorials, plaques, windows and statues around the cathedral
Reflective activity: There are various possible ways of approaching this, which can be decided in discussion with the class teacher, according to the needs of the children in the group.
Title: Stained Glass Windows
Duration: 1 hour /
Learning Focus: Children will
learn how stained glass is made
learn how it is used in churches and cathedrals
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Symbols and Religious Expression
Links to other curriculum areas:Art
What’s Included:
Explanation of how stained glass is made
Exploration of examples of stained glass around the cathedral – stories and symbols in glass
Art activity: Create their own designs for stained glass window
Title: Art in Religion
Duration: Half day /
Learning Focus: Children will
Learn about the purposes of art
Discover some of the materials used to make art
Understand some of the ways art is used in religion
Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Symbols and Religious Expression; Worship Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
Links to other curriculum areas: Art
What’s Included:
Silver & Gold: a chance to explore items in the Cathedral Treasury, including the Ripon Jewel
Creative activity: using symbols to decorate their own crosses
Art in Textiles: Explore textures, styles, colours and symbols on the Cathedral’s frontals, robes and embroidered fabrics
Misericords (Wood carvings from the 15th Century.)
Explore the carvings in the choir stalls and the stories they illustrate.
Activity: sketching and story-writing
Sculptures: Time for reflection using Harold Gosney’s three images of Mary and Jesus.
Title:St Wilfrid and the Anglo-Saxons
Duration: Whole Day /
Learning Focus:Children will
Learn the story of St Wilfrid, who founded Ripon Cathedral and the Anglo-Saxon culture in which he lived and worked
Learn how he was partly responsible for changes within the Christian Church in England.
learn about the conflict between the Roman and Celtic churches leading to the Synod of Whitby.
explore the conflicts, in which St Wilfrid was involved, between Bishops and Kings in the Northumbrian church.
Learn how the Anglo Saxons made their books
Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Beliefs and Questions, Worship, Pilgrimage and Sacred Places; Inspirational People
Links to other curriculum areas:History
What’s Included:
Role play / drama activities in costume exploring the story of Wilfrid and the conflict between the Celtic and Roman Churches
Visit to St Wilfrid’s crypt
Opportunity to view close-up artefacts from Wilfrid’s time in Ripon.
Creating an Anglo Saxon illuminated manuscript
Title: Religious Experience
Duration: Half day /
Learning Focus:Students will
Explore different aspects of ordinary and corporate religious experience, such as prayer and worship, stillness and silence, use of music
AS/A2 Specification Links:
OCR G581 Experience and religion
AQA AS Unit C Philosophy of Religion – 2. Religious Experience
A2 Unit 4A Religious Experience
What’s Included:
Tour of cathedral with particular focus on how different objects / spaces / symbols facilitate religious experiences
Opportunity to experience different types of prayer within the cathedral including silent prayer and Eucharist
Talk on music in the cathedral
Talk on philosophy and religious experience
Opportunity for questions / discussion
Enrichment Activities
Title: Mapping the CathedralDuration: 30 minutes /
Learning Focus:Children will
Learn how the different areas of the cathedral are organised
Be able to name key features within the cathedral
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Worship Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
What’s Included:
Using materials provided, explore cathedral and map key features (quire, nave, north & south transepts, altar, font, pulpit) onto diagram
Title: Gosney Statues
Duration: 30 minutes /
Learning Focus:Children will
Learn how art (statues) can be used to express religious ideas
Explore imaginatively key ideas about Mary and Jesus
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Symbols and Religious Expression; Worship Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
What’s Included:
Introduction to the 3 Gosney statues of Mary and Jesus in the cathedral
Opportunity for questions and reflection and links to own experience
Creative / imaginative task writing a poem or prayer related to one of the statues and its theme
Title: Stained Glass Windows
Duration: 30 minutes /
Learning Focus:Children will
Learn how art (stained glass) can be used to express religious ideas
Explore the Gospel account of the Beatitudes
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Symbols and Religious Expression; Worship Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
What’s Included:
Introduction to the Beatitudes.
Matching sections of the window to the different elements of the Gospel story
Opportunity to explore other windows around the cathedral and identify the characters and stories they portray
Title: Misericords
Duration: 30 minutes /
Learning Focus:Children will
Learn how art (carvings) can be used to express religious ideas
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Symbols and Religious Expression; Worship Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
What’s Included:
Explanation of what the misericords are and how they tell stories
Opportunity for children to choose and sketch one misericord and use it as an inspiration for their own stories
Title: Quiz
Duration: 20-30 minutes /
Learning Focus:Children will
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Symbols and Religious Expression; Worship Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
What’s Included:
Various quiz sheets are available to support either a general visit to the cathedral or a more specialised theme e.g. signs and symbols
Title: Explore and Sketch
Duration: 20-30 minutes /
Learning Focus:Children will
North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus Links:
KS2: Symbols and Religious Expression; Worship Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
What’s Included:
Opportunity to explore the cathedral independently
Sketch and label any features of interest / explain or comment on them – with support from cathedral education team
Other Learning Opportunities in Ripon Cathedral