Use bright-colored envelopes numbered 1-8, different sizes are fine!
Hand out envelopes to 8 random people as they’re coming into the party. “Can’t tell you what’s in there yet. Hand on to it for now. I’ll tell you when you can open it. I’ll give you some tickets for holding it for me.”
If there’s not 8 people in attendance, “Who’s going to volunteer to take 2 envelopes for more tickets/auction money?”
Each envelope has a question and the answer. The person who holds it gets tickets for reading both the question and the answer.
#1: What does it cost for me to get started in Tupperware?
Would you believe that for only a $35 down payment, you can start your very own business and receive over $340 of products
#2: What are the perks?
Right now I’m working on a challenge to win a trip to the Tupperware Factory in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. But I’m always making money and earning prizes
#3: How fast can I move up?
You can move into a leadership position as soon as you find 3 friends to join your team.
#4: What type of training will I get?
The BEST! We will be with you every step of the way – we even have weekly meetings where you will be recognized and given new ideas to build your business.
#5: How much money can I make?
That’s a great question! It is totally up to you. If you want to hold 1 party/week, then you would make $600/month. If you want to hold 2 parties/week, then you would make $1,400/month
#6: What do you like most about your job?(you will type your own answer here)
I like helping people change their lives with Tupperware – either with the $$ they make or the products that help them save $$
#7: Would I be required to work a certain amount of time?
The best part of having your own business is that you set your own hours. You are the boss!
#8: When would I get paid?
You get paid every time you work (hold a party). There’s no waiting
At this point, if you’re comfortable with the idea, let them ask you questions for tickets. If you’re not comfortable with this party, then move on to the survey.
Pass out the notecards and do your survey for a prize. Ask these questions…
Name & phone # on the top
- What did you like most about my job?
- Would you ever consider joining our team? Yes, No, Maybe or I could be bribed
- Why did you answer #2 the way you did?
- It may not be for you, but does someone pop into your head that might like to hear more about what Tupperware has to offer? If nobody comes to mind, fold your card in half and we’ll do the drawing
What do I do with these leads? Call you upline & she’ll help you!
Congrats, you are on your way to more friends, more $$ and more fun!!