Spiritual Warfare on the Mission Field
Have Someone Read Ephesians 5:1-2
(Walk in Love)
Ephesians 5: 8-13
(Walk in Light)
Ephesians 5:15-21
(Walk in Wisdom)
Ephesians 6:10-18
(Put on the Full Armor of God & Pray in the Spirit)
Talk about issues that come up to discourage and kill the team.
Jealousy –
Someone doing something you wanted to do. Someone else being more upfront with ministry opportunities than yourself more noticed than you.
Attitudes –
Not wanting a particular job. You think you’re beyond doing a menial task. Not wanting to submit to authority.
Selfishness –
First in line all the time. Taking more food than everyone else. Hogging the shower time.
Personality Conflicts –
This person irritates you. Too loud, outspoken. Not getting along with team mates. Others doing things differently than you would.
People seeking all the attention vs. people who are in the background.
Read – John 13:34-35 – (Be a witness) James 3:13-18 – (Good conduct)
Hebrews 12:14-15 ( Pursue peace and forgive one another)
Lone Ranger –
Not wanting to associate with the team. Feels more comfortable with working by themselves.
Not Praying Together or Individually –
This will tend to create an atmosphere of working out of the flesh rather than spirit.
Not Spending Time in the Word –
God gives us a word to encourage us as we read His word. He may also give you a particular word to encourage a team member or host.
Poor Leadership –
Not having daily team meetings to plan day and debrief at days end
Not handling conflict appropriately lets things just work itself out. Not being able to answer questions important to a team member. Not doing duties that others are doing.
All of these areas are what the devil uses as schemes to break the team down. These things if not put in check will harm your Christian witness to your hosts.
Read – John 13:1-17
Jesus knew He was about to be betrayed.
He knew He was about to leave this world.
He wanted to pass on an important lesson to His disciples.
Jesus gave an example of being a servant leader.
Jesus humbled Himself.
Jesus led by example.
Break into the four different teams you are serving with. Ask yourself…
1. How well do I know my team mates? Take time to get to know them.
2. Are there any potential issues you have identified or developed? Take care of them!
3. What potential weaknesses do I tend to have dealing with other people? Share those with your team!
Wash each others feet and pray for your team members.
Guatemala – 8
Kenya – 4
Nepal – 4
Russia - 3