Health Lesson Plan
Adrienne McDonald
Week of: Jan. 16, 2011
Written Curriculum
What am I teaching?
Modifications: CMC
Daily Assignment/Taught Curriculum
Monday-Labor Day School Holiday
TEKS: 1B, 2A, 6A, 16A, 12A, 7F / Whole Group / Individual / Partner / Small GroupHook: Write down the three components of health and an example of each.
7th-What’s the AVPU scale? What is it used to determine? / yes
Guided Practice: Review for test / yes / yes
Independent Practice: Test / yes
Assessment/Product: Class Discussion / yes / yes
Debrief: How may your decision making affect your physical health? / yes
Instructional Strategies/Activities
2A, 6A / Whole Group / Individual / Partner / Small GroupHook: What are you going to do today to be a champion?!!! Show video
Ultimate Motivation / yes
Guided Practice: Check Ch. 4 Headlines, Discuss Vocabulary, Physical Activity for Life and Benefits of each component of health (social, mental/emotional, and physical) Show the benefits of these three components in ppt. format. Ch. 4 Lesson 1
7th- Discuss Emergency Care / yes / yes
Independent Practice: Students will get into groups of three taking turns identifying and recording a physical, mental/emotional, and social activity they enjoy and benefit of each. They will record these in each of the three columns.
7th-Identify the principal aims of first aid, general procedures, aspects of first aid, legal aspects of first aid / yes
Assessment/Product: Students will choose one of the activities on their chart and complete activity 11. They will then create an ad that illustrates the physical, mental/emotional, and social benefits of that activity. Grade Ch. 1-3 tests
7th-Go over 1st Aid packet of aspects of first Aid / yes / yes
Debrief: Present ads to the class / yes
Instructional Strategies/Activities
1B, 6A, / Whole Group / Individual / Partner / Small GroupHook: List excuses that we use to keep us from working out and or not doing what we think will be good for us. Watch NO Excuses! / yes
Guided Practice: Go over ppt. on Ch. 4 Lesson 2, Physical Fitness and its importance, Elements of Physical Fitness
7th-Go over Controversies in First Aid Care, Understand how infections are transmitted / yes / yes
Independent Practice: Students will complete Activity 12 as the dvd is discussed
7th-Review and go over key terms not previously discussed / yes
Assessment/Product: Discuss Activity 11 Discuss Fitness and You Ch. 4 Lesson 2.
7th-Fill out Injury chart, and how each victim is treated / yes / yes
Debrief: Class Q & A / yes
Instructional Strategies/Activities
1B, 6A / Whole Group / Individual / Partner / Small GroupHook: How do Cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and body composition play a role in your exercise?
7th-List some First Aid terms that refer to the legal aspects of First Aid. / yes
Guided Practice: Discuss Planning a Physical Fitness Program. Do step test on pg. 81 and record results, abdominal strength, upper body strength, sit and reach test body composition Ch. 4 Lesson 2 Aerobic and anaerobic exercise, and improving flexibility
7th-Promethean Planet first aid, and terminology / yes / yes
Independent Practice: Do tests and record results
7th-Vocab foldable / yes
Assessment/Product: Discuss how to improve these aspects of fitness / yes / yes
Debrief: Class discussion / yes
Instructional Strategies/Activities
1B, 6A / Whole Group / Individual / Partner / Small GroupHook: How do you think running helps your mind?
7th-What do you know about the bones of the body? Which ones can you name? / yes
Guided Practice: Targeting Cardiovascular Fitness (Finding Target Heart Range)
7th-Discuss and go over anatomy and physiology / yes / yes
Independent Practice: Finding Target Heart Range and charting results
7th-Body map / yes
Assessment/Product: Discuss radial pulse and Carotid pulse both 8th and 7th and muscles and bones / yes / yes
Debrief: Discuss the importance of Cardiovascular Fitness / yes