(Charge revised September 20, 2016)


An overall goal for forming the task group is to involve the PCC program in actively developing practices around the BIBFRAME Initiative and other linked data activities.

Jointly mapping of PCC standard records to BIBFRAME is the initial sub-project for this group. The mapping is a key MARC to BIBFRAME enabling project that will have many consequences for operationalizing PCC metadata in a BIBFRAME environment.

Group members:

Jennifer Baxmeyer Co-leader

(Princeton University, PCC Linked Data Advisory Committee, LD4P)

Amber Billey Co-leader

(Columbia University, PCC Task Group on Identity Management in NACO, LD4P)

Joanna Dyla

(Stanford University, PoCo NACO Representative, PCC Linked Data Advisory Committee, LD4P)

Steven Riel

(Harvard University, CONSER Operations Committee)

David Van Kleeck

(University of Florida, BIBCO Operations Committee)

Resource persons:

Les Hawkins (PCC Secretariat)

Hien Nguyen (PCC Secretariat)


The PCC Standing Committees (invited to participate or monitor as needed)

Other consultants (as neededto provide expertise, technical assistance, information and clarification in support of sub-projects)


The group is an ongoing committee; members have one-year renewable termsbeginning August 4, 2016.

Reporting chain:

At minimum, the group will provide an activities report to the PCC Policy Committee by October 15 and April 15 each year it is in place.


The PCC BIBFRAME Task Group will:

  • Oversee subtask groups working on identified issues such as mapping PCC standard records to BIBFRAME.
  • Evaluate the outcomes of task group and subtask group activities on an annual basis and readjust charges of subtask groups or other efforts as needed.
  • Monitor and formulate responses to BIBFRAME 2.0 vocabulary draft specifications posted at
  • Monitor discussions on the BIBFRAME listserv for questions and issues that impact BIBCO, CONSER, NACO and SACO.
  • Monitor similar work in LD4P, BIBFLOW, Casalini,OCLC, Zepheiraand other initiatives working with bibliographic data for potential conflicts and information sharing.
  • Identify issues that are of interest to BIBCO, CONSER, NACO, and SACO members to share and/or formulate responses on PCC’s behalf.

PCC BIBFRAME Subtask Groups

The subgroups operate under the auspices of the PCC BIBFRAME Task Group.

The subgroups will communicate directly with PCC membership as needed, with each other to coordinate work, and with the PCC BIBFRAME Task Group to share observations and findings related to mapping the PCC standard records to BIBFRAME 2.0 vocabulary and the draft specifications.They will report to the PCC BIBFRAME Task Group.

1. Mapping BSR to BIBFRAME 2.0 and other vocabularies

Subtask group charge: Map the BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) to BIBFRAME 2.0 and collaborate in defining a BIBFRAME Profile to Support BIBCO community’s descriptive practices.

Time frame: August 2016-

Group Members:

Barbara Bushman (National Library of Medicine) (Co-Leader)

Clara Liao (Georgetown Law Library) (Co-Leader)
Nicole Arbuckle (Backstage Library Works)

Sharon Benamou (University of California, Los Angeles)

Sever Bordeianu (University of New Mexico)

Lia Contursi (Columbia Law School Library)

Thomas Dousa (University of Chicago)

Asheleigh Folsom (Georgetown University)

John Hostage (Harvard University)

Chris Long (University of Colorado Boulder)

Jackie Shieh (George Washington University)

Jennifer Erica Sweda (University of Pennsylvania)

2. Mapping CSR to BIBFRAME 2.0 and other vocabularies

Subtask group charge: Continue the work started by the CONSER BIBFRAME task Group. Collaborate on refining CONSER Standard Record (CSR) mappings to BIBFRAME 2.0. Explore other vocabularies to enhance CSR/BIBFRAME, beginning with PRESSoo. The group should also consider the relationship of CSR/BIBFRAME to the schema.org extensions.

Time frame: August 2016-

Group Members:

Xiaoli Li (UC Davis) (Co-Leader)

Tina Shrader (National Library of Medicine) (Co-Leader)

Kevin Balster (UCLA Study Group liaison)

Robert Bremer (OCLC)

Valerie Bross (UCLA Study Group liaison)

Mary Jane Cuneo (Harvard)

Ed Jones (National University)

Shana McDanold (Georgetown University)

Robert Rendall (Columbia University)

Regina Reynolds (ISSN Network, LC)

Jacquie Samples (Duke University Libraries)