NAVJYOTHI ACTIVITY REPORT – since July 2001 – Nov 2001



Cc: ;

Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 12:19 PM

Subject: report from nandlal

Dear sudeshji, i have received the following report from nandlal translated by brajendra bhai of asha-ballia team. The translation is not likely to be of very good quality. if you have any questions please refer them to us.

love, sandeep

Nai Jyoti education centre Run by Nav Jyoti Swawlamban Sewa Sansthan

Office: Mehadi Ganj , Raja talab , Varanasi. Pin 221311(0542) 632433®

Established: 13 Aug 1994

Total centers: 11

No of children: 401

Working field: Venipur (usrapatti), Mahesh patti, Tawakhupur, Nagepur, Jamuni, Kallipur Saida, Harsos dih, Harsos Muslim Basti, Harsos Rajbhar Basti Dindaspur and Ganeshpur villages under Block Aaraji Line Varanasi (UP)

School timing: Evening 6 PM to 9 PM. Also in the morning in some schools and from 5 PM in the evening.

Main Aim: To educate children who have been left over in the society due to any reason and upgrade their moral character.

Other Aims:

(1) to train social workers at village level;

(2) To organize the youths and help them to become social Worker. To motivate people to do their job themselves and also get it done where ever necessary.

(3) To raise funds for self-reliance and creative works.

(4) To pay more attention for girls education and make them aware of their rights in the society. To work together for upliftment and honour of the women.

(5)To make the children and youths aware of themselves and be come energetic and faithful to the family, society and the Nation.

(6)To elevate the shortcomings in the present education and act as per humanity.


Nai Jyoti Education Centre is working for education in AARAJI LINE Block of the Varanasi Dist. Varanasi Sarees are made in most of the villages. Many people of this area get this work done from their children also due to poorness. Hence the children do not get even the basic education. The present schools run by the Govt. or other parties are the day schools hence the youths do not go to these schools. The girls generally do not go to school

Keeping above in mind we started one evening school on 13 Aug 1994 in vill:Usrapatti. For this we collected money and other things from the village. It was mainly to educate left over children who could get time after finishing their day work. We motivated people in other villages also and opened such centers. There are 11 centers in the present. There are about 400 children in all such centers. We run these centers without any aid from any source through people help only. All teachers and workers in the centre are volunteer and get no honorarium.

Teachers do get guidance from the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi, Vinova Ji, Lok Kayak Jai Prakash Narain and Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. The activities run in the villages on the above thoughts. To support working of these centers we started operating Nav Jyoti Swawlamban Seva Sansthan since 09 April 1999.

Education centre: Basic education is being given on all the centre s from 6 PM to 9 PM. It is also given in the morning as suited to students. Educated person of the village give their time for this purpose. The education is given from class I to V. The syllabus is according to Govt schools. After providing examination of Class 5th through other sources, certificates are being given. There were 14 children in 1998 and 8 children in 1999 who appeared for 5th class exam and got govt-approved certificates. Now these children are being given social edn.

Training: Children are being taught social and behavioral activities. People working for the society are being brought in the school to address the children and also the teachers wherever necessary. Children are being sent in the different houses to learn and act mannerly on different issues. Teachers are also brought in touch of other social centers and activists to strengthen their experiences. To make the children self-reliant we got a little amount deposited about 3 years back. The amount was returned to them after three years. With this money 3 girls purchased sewing machine and few boys spent this money in their saree work. We collected some money from respected persons and the girls also to make them self-reliant. We purchased 4 sewing machines out of this money and opened 2 centers for sewing so the girls and women working there can earn a little. Presently these machines are in the office. The training will start in the winter at office itself. This center also gives education to illiterate girls.

We celebrate National and social festival like Republic day, Independence day, 02 October, Children day, Teachers day, Idul fitur, Sarv Dharma Prarthana Sammellan, Christmas day etc. with school children, villagers, Govt officials and other reputed persons from the society.

National, Natural and Non-political issues : We collect small money from the people for the problems at National Level. We collected amount for Kargil victims and also for the storm, which hampered the Orissa. Our 2 workers went Orissa and handed over the collected clothes, ration and money by hand. We also worked for Gujarat victims. In order to make a new society we work with any important person, non-political movements and make the people aware of such activities.

In order to achieve our aim we propose to: -

1.Add more such works with our centers, which can make the students social in their behaviors and economically self-reliant. So far the people are being given only the letters knowledge. We propose to change the system to assess child without exam on the basis of his behaviors with others.

2.To start one training centre where our teachers will be trained about the education on humanity. People and children will be trained in this centre for such education

3.In order to motivate the children and the teachers to work for the society they are accommodated with intellectuals and social thinkers to improve their knowledge.

4.To achieve economical self-relevancy together with education so that the teachers work whole-heartedly, we have started Rachnatmak Work amongst them.

5.To popularize our education system in the society, we perform small drama, nukkar natak, songs etc.

6.To educate children and the society on new thinking to increase thoughts of village independence.

7.To establish one library where one can have deep thoughts to increase their inner sights in themselves and the society to achieve the village independence.

8.To achieve our goals, take part in the non-political people movements.

Programme done in the last three months:-

Due to summer and marriage season the centers were closed, They all were contacted and now functioning.

On the 10th of every month there is a meeting of teachers in the office. People from Kalamach also take part in it. The problems related to the village, school, political situation are discussed and further course of action decided there in, opening of self help groups in Nagepur, Usrapatti, Jamuni Saida, Harsos, Maheshpatti and kallipur

Training of Panchayat members. There are many selected candidates in the panchayat system who are not aware at all of their works. About 35 such members were given training on the subject at the centre.

The Independence Day was celebrated with the children and teachers.

Meeting on teacher’s day was done on 5-9-2001. Teachers role in making good society was the subject discussed therein. In addition to teachers of our centers, there were 25 govt officials, teachers from other schools, Village Pradhan, and Members. The meeting was presided by Block Pramukh and attended by SDI Aaraji Line. There was great discussion on the present faulty system of education and the aim of education.

One day training of the teachers was organized on 15-9-2001. The subject was development and self help group,

One day training for women on the need of women in the self help group was carried out. 25 ladies attended the training.

To give awareness in the public, Kalamanch workers performed Nukkad Natak, folk dance and village songs etc.

Touring to increase the awareness in the society about Globalisation, and other National and International Issues are being done. We took part in the meeting of NAPM at Lucknow on 02 Sep 2001 and at Sewagram on 19-20 and 21 Sep 2001.

Details of the centres run:

1.Education centre at Harsos. Teachers Name is Bhai Lal. He has passed High school. 25 children are there in the school.

2.Education centre at Harsos (Muslium Basti). Bablu Anasari teaches there. There are 24 students.

3.Education centre at Maheshpatti. Mr. Suryabali teaches there. He is high school.

4.Education centre Dindaspur (scheduled caste village). There are 38 students. Mr Rajendra Prasad and Intermediate teaches there.

5.Mr Phul Chand- High School and Gulab Patel, Junior high school teaches at Education centre Takhupur. There are 26 students.

6.Education centre Ganeshpur run by Mr Rambali Patel. There are 25 students.

7.Education centre Kallipur (Saida) taught by Mr Subhash Patel, He is Intermediate. There are 25 students.

8.Education centre Nagepur (Usra patti). Presently Mr. Nand Lal,(MA), Vinod Kumar (junior High school), Suresh Kumar(Inter) and Suresh Kumar Rathor (Inter).

9.Education centre Nagepur (Jamuni). The teachers are Mr. Rakesh Kumar(Graduate), Mukesh Kumar(Graduate) and Raj Kumar (High School). There are 26 students.

10.Education centre Nagepur. Teacher Name is Shyam sunder Rai. He is still a student.

11.Education centre Harsos Dih. Teacher Name is Sunil Kumar. He is intermediate. There are 66 students.