Proposal for JPEG XR transfer syntax in DICOM
SUBMITTED BY ___Evgeny Salnikov______
Presenter’s Name
On Behalf of Working Group _WG4__
Provide two or three sentences to explain why the work is needed and what result is expected.
The work item proposes to include JPEG XR as new transfer syntax to the DICOM standard. It allows comparable image quality to JPEG2000 at much lower algorithm complexity (as low as 30% over JPEG baseline). Same code path for lossless and lossy encoding, native support for wide variety of pixel formats (GRAY, RGB/A, camera raw RGBE/GBGR, CMYK, YUV, and n-Channel) and signal precisions (integer 8/16 bit, 16 bit fixed point,16/32 bit floating point). Algorithm based 100% on integer arithmetic even for floating point signal that would allow lower cost on the chip implementations.
Limitations of Current Standard
What is missing from the current standard? How will the proposed addition to the standard improve interoperability of products from different vendors?
Currently in DICOM there is no native representation of floating point signals that seems desirable since some medical imaging modalities produce floating point signal natively and the only option right now to represent it in DICOM is to use linear slope/intercept transformation that is lossy operation by definition, plus it is limited to resolution and dynamic range of 0-216. Also JPEG2000 is the only option right now for high quality lossy image compression for high dynamic range images but it has rather high computational cost.
JPEG XR represents standardized approach for storing both lossy and lossless representations of floating point data generated by current and future imaging modalities. Also JPEG XR provides lower complexity that will allow higher performance for encoding/decoding operations in comparison with JPEG2000.
Description of Proposal
How does your working group plan to fix this problem? Here’s where you demonstrate that your objective can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time.
The objective of this proposal is to expand DICOM definition to include native floating point signal representation and also add JPEG XR as supported transfer syntax for both lossy and lossless image compression.
Parts of Standard Affected
Resources & Time Line
What resources can you bring to address this problem? What vendors and people are willing to work on the task? Who will be the editor? What is your estimate on how long it will take to achieve a draft worthy of consideration by WG-06? How many meetings and Tcons will be needed? Over what period of time?
TBD: Need recommendation/input from WG
How much of WG-06’s time will be needed to review and win approval for public comment, letter ballot and final text? Some guidelines may be found in the article on “How to Develop a Supplement to the DICOM Standard.” This may be found at:
TBD: Need recommendation/input from WG