Pupil Behaviour and Rewards Policy




The school is justly proud of the exceptionally high standards of behaviour shown by the pupils. This is reflected in some of the Aims of the school, for example

"We aim to create an environment where each child is respected and valued as an individual and where he or she can develop self confidence, independence, tolerance and respect for others"

"We aim to make the school a happy, friendly environment where good manners and behaviour and high standards are considered normal"

The purpose of this policy is to keep the standards of behaviour at their present high standards, and to outline the ways in which we do this. We have devised a set of child friendly rules in consultation with the children and these are our ‘Golden Rules’. (see appendix)


The aims of the policy are as follows:

to allow children to become aware of the need for self - discipline, and to behave well even when not supervised;

to make children aware of how their behaviour is perceived by the outside community, and to make sure the school has a good corporate image;

to allow learning to take place in an atmosphere where disruptive behaviour is neither expected nor tolerated;

and to ensure the safety of pupils.

A positive attitude towards good discipline is as important as clearly defined sanctions for unacceptable behaviour.


The school starts working at encouraging socially responsible behaviour in Class 1. Children are encouraged by example, and by praise, to work and play co - operatively with others. A system of stickers and badges may be used for good work extended to include notably good behaviour, and the children are encouraged to feel proud of being part of the school.

Throughout the school all the children are awarded stars for good work and house points for good behaviour. Each class has house point charts which are collected at the end of the week and the winning team is presented to the class with the gold cup and a certificate. The gold cup is displayed with the winning team ribbons.

Achievers’ Assembly

A special assembly takes place at the end of each week to present the gold cup and individual certificates. Friday assemblies take the form of a celebration of good work, where the children share good pieces of work and other achievements of which they are proud (including ones gained out of school). Each class teacher awards three class certificates which includes ‘the worker of the week’

At the end of the Summer Term each Year 6 child is awarded a special book personalised with a certificate inside the front cover. As these books are given to the children time is spent reflecting upon the positive contribution each Year 6 child has made to the school.

Disciplinary Procedure

The rules of the school are few but are designed for the safety of all and good conduct. If a child misbehaves, and does not respond to praise and encouragement, our discipline procedure is as follows:

1. The child should be verbally admonished by the class teacher or by any other member of staff for their inappropriate behaviour. It is vital that the nature of the behaviour is addressed and that the child is not labelled as a naughty child. Appropriate members of staff should be aware of any serious problems outside school, which may have an adverse effect on behaviour. Staff have received training on the language to use

If this is not effective…..

2. The child will be deprived of personal spare time and placed in a supervised area to reflect upon their behaviour. Sometimes they will be asked to carry out small tasks or assist others. Care should be taken to avoid humiliating punishments. If it is deemed appropriate, the class teacher may inform the parent/guardian at the end of the day, with the full knowledge of the child.

If this is not effective…..

3. The child will be referred to the Headteacher. Should the Headteacher need to be informed, he will discuss the matter with the child reinforcing the fact that the behaviour is unacceptable. The Headteacher will inform the parents/guardian of this meeting and the nature of the behaviour. The parent/guardian will usually be asked to reinforce the importance of good behaviour in school.

If this is not effective…..

4. The Headteacher will call the parents/guardians in for a formal meeting to discuss the child's unacceptable behaviour and consider ways that will prevent the inappropriate behaviour from continuing. This interview may include the class teacher and/or the child, where appropriate. The child may receive support at lunchtimes using a traffic light system to monitor behaviour.

If this is not effective…

5. The Educational Psychologist should be consulted and, based upon advice received, a pastoral support plan will be agreed with the parents and child.

If behaviour does not improve…..

6. If the behaviour plan is having little effect then the advice of the Behaviour support team will be sought and appropriate support put in place.

If behaviour does not improve…………

7. The Headteacher may conclude that as every effort has been made to help the child and there is little or no improvement, that temporary exclusion is likely. In this event the school should attempt to discuss with parents ways in which exclusion can be avoided, and these should be confirmed in writing. Once this stage is reached the Chairman of Governors and Area Education Office need to be advised together with copies of our correspondence.

If this is not effective....

8. With the help/guidance of the LEA a Fixed Period Exclusion should be enforced. (Currently a maximum 15 days in any one term).

If this is not effective, and if all steps relating to the Exclusion of Pupils procedure are exhausted......

9. Permanent Exclusion - The Headteacher to write advising parent of the position, and a special Governors meeting convened within 15 days.

The governors will only consider exclusion from school in exceptional circumstances, when every effort has been made to help the child improve their behaviour.

Staff Training

Staff are kept up to date with whole staff training on behaviour. We also try to support staff with the relevant literature to read to support individual children. We have individual programmes that support some children in school. Each member of staff has a behaviour sheet that details different behaviours and the appropriate sanctions. All staff have received training on this.

Clyst St Mary Primary School

Golden Rules

  • We are kind to one another
  • We look after our school

(inside and out)

  • We make the right choices
  • We are honest
  • We use nice language and treat others with respect


Clyst St Mary Primary School- P13 Behaviour and Rewards Policy - Reviewed Jan 2014