A TNP is required to be submitted to the TAC if there has been a gap in treatment of longer than six months. For most new clients you will not need to complete a TNP unless specifically asked to do so. Clients with a 'severe injury' or in receipt of an 'Immediate approval of services' letter do not need a TNP submitted to the TAC prior to treatment.The TAC may request a TNP at other times during your patient's treatment.
1. Is this client likely to be discharged from physiotherapy treatment within 12 weeks?
Physical factors that may necessitate treatment longer than 12 weeks include significant multi trauma, ABI or spinal cord injury.
Presence of certain non physical factors may increase the risk of a client developing chronic pain which may influence your management plan. These factors include a combination of:
- Decreased activity levels
- Low mood/social withdrawal
- Avoidance of movements or activities due to misplaced anticipation of pain
- A belief that pain is harmful and potentially severely disabling
- Expectation that passive treatments rather than active participation will help
Refer to for further information
2. Has this client attended your practice prior to the transport accident?
State any conditions present prior to this transport accident that have required physiotherapy treatment. Indicate the period of treatment. Please note that the TAC will only fund treatment based on the client's needs resulting from the accident.
3. Specific anatomical site of accident injuries and clinical diagnosis
Provide your clinical diagnosis as determined by your assessment of the client. Specify the anatomical site involved eg. ‘right cervical musculoligamentous injury’ versus ‘neck pain’, or ‘fractured left tibial plateau’ versus ‘knee pain’.
4. Current physical assessment findings
State the current symptoms related to the accident as the client describes them to you. Place symptoms in order of priority for your physiotherapy treatment. Detail your measurable findings, for example – range of movement, neurological examination findings, muscle strength tests, palpation findings etc.
5. Standardised Outcome Measures (SOM)
Indicate the name of the SOM, date administered, and the client’s score. A physiotherapist may, however, customise measures for individuals, but only if there is no appropriate standardised measurement tool available. This is because the reliability, validity and responsiveness of customised outcome measures are generally not known. Examples of commonly used questionnaires are the Neck Disability Index, Client Specific Functional Scale, Oswestry, 10 metre walk. For further information on the selection and interpretation of SOMs refer to Ensure that the SOM is relevant to the transport accident injuries/condition. Extreme scores on the SOM may indicate abnormal illness behaviour (refer to non physical factors in 1).
6. Activity limitations and treatment goals
Provide details of specific activity limitations that your client experiences as a result of the accident. These will directly relate to your activity goals of treatment. State the activity goals of your treatment with estimated timeframes for achieving the goals, for example, ‘unable to hang washing on the line’ ‘to be able to hang washing on line by 6/1/05’.
7. Proposed treatment plan
List total number of services to be provided over set number of weeks. Provide start and end dates for treatment. If your client has a spinal cord injury, severe ABI, severe burns or lymphodeoma, and you require extended consultations for treatment, you will need to apply in writing to the TAC for prior approval stating the client’s activity status and clinical justification rationale including SOM scores.
8. Proposed treatment methods
Indicate the treatment interventions you intend to use to achieve your client’s activity goals by ticking the appropriate box.
9. Self-management strategies
List the strategies and educational advice that you are going to implement and undertake to empower the client to self manage their condition such as a specific home exercise program, a general fitness and walking program, unsupervised hydrotherapy, relaxation and/or joint protection techniques. Client education may include advice given to the client about the diagnosis and prognosis of their condition, and self-pacing principles.
Client authorisation
Please ensure that you discuss this TNP with the client before they sign the plan. Unsigned plans will be returned unless the client is unfit to sign.
Lodgment of TNP
Please post to the address below.
Please note that all questions must be answered for the TNP to be considered. Please use block letters and attach any information thatmay be relevant.
PTF1n 03/12 / 60 Brougham Street
PO Box 742
Ausdoc DX 216079 Geelong / Telephone 1300 654 329
STD Toll Free 1800 332 556
ABN 22 033 947 623 /
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