Course Syllabus

Course Overview: Classroom Drivers Education is one of the two courses that are required for students that have reached or are nearing the legal age for state licensure. This course covers the basic fundamentals in theory and is a prerequisite to behind-the-wheel. Topics include licensure procedures, basic driving maneuvers, insurance issues, alcohol/drugs and driving information, traffic laws, safety awareness, management of risk, and general car maintenance.

Student Expectations: The following is what is expected of students in the course.

-The State of Virginia mandates that students have 36 hours of classroom driver’s education (20 class blocks). Therefore, students must complete those hours or he/she will not meet the mandate and will therefore fail the course. *If the student does not meet 20 block requirement, they will have to make up the classes, in order to pass the class.

-You must bring to class each day a pen/pencil, your notebook, and any materials from your teacher.

-Cheating on tests, quizzes, projects, or class work is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

-Driving is a privilege and is not a right. Students are expected to demonstrate cooperative, responsible behavior in class in order to prove that they are ready to receive the privilege of driving a car. Students should be respectful to themselves and others. Students who cannot exhibit responsible qualities demonstrate that they are not prepared to accept the privilege of driving and will not pass the course.

Grading Policy: Students’ grade is based on three sections tests, quizzes/project, and homework/classwork/daily class activities.

-Grades: His/her grade in Drivers Education will be show on the report card as a separate Drivers Education grade as well as be combined with the Physical Education grade for the first semester.

-20% Homework, and In-Class Assignments : Students can earn full credit if the work in turned in early or on time. For each day an assignment is late it loses points.

If a student is absent they will have one week following their return to turn in any missed work. The student is responsible for getting the assignments missed from the teacher.

-35% Quizzes/Projects- There are several quizzes during the course of the quarter. The quizzes may have multiple choice, true/ false, fill-in the blank, and short-answer. Each project assigned comes with a format sheet that tells the student the due date and specific directions on how to complete the assignment. These projects may ask to have a parent or a sibling that is 18 or over participate.

-45% Test:The test may have multiple choice, true/false, fill-in the blank, and short-answer. If the student misses class on a test day, they are expected to arrange with the teacher a time to make it up.

* As of July 1st 2011 in order to earn credit for the classroom portion of driver’s education the student and a parent/guardian must attend one of the parent/teen driving nights at any of the Loudoun County High Schools.

Reasonable Attempt Grades:1) the student attempted at least 50% of the work, 2) the student follows the directions as outlined by the teacher, 3) the student’s answers are on topic. Students who do not complete these elements will receive a 50 or lower.

Contact Information: Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Phone Number: (703) 722-2680 Email:

Pleaseview the website ( for additional information.

I have read and understand the attendance policy, grading policy, and class expectations for the Drivers Education and Physical Education Course at John Champe High School.


Parent SignatureStudent Signature