Terms of Reference for Appointment of a Consultant for the Development of Beypore port in Kerala
- Introduction
Beypore port (Latitude 11 degrees 15 minutes North, Longitude 75 degrees 45 minutes East) is a Sub- port of Calicut Port and is situated approximately 10 km South of Kozhikode. It is an estuarine port, where BeyporeRiver discharges into the Arabian Sea. Beypore is 180 km north of Cochin and 391 km away from Trivandrum. Beypore port is the second biggest port in Kerala after Cochin and currently handles about 100,000 Tonnes of cargo per annum. The nearest competing ports are Kochi and Mangalore. The hinterland of the port consists ofKozhikode, Wayanad, Malappuram, Kannur and Palakkad districts of the state as well as the major cities like Mysore, Bangalore and Coimbatore etc.
At present Beypore port has 2 wharfs and other minimal infrastructure facilities like storage sheds, cranes and tugs. It is currently handling around 100,000 tonnes of cargo traffic and 7500 passengers per annum. Now the port has a depth of about 4 meters alongside wharf and approach channel and it is proposed to be developed in stages.
- Objective of the Assignment
2.1 The objective of this assignment is to engage a consultant who will be associated with the project to develop the port at Beypore in Kerala through Public Private Partnership (PPP), right from conceptualization till its technical and financial closure. The assignment is to develop the existing port of Beypore to the maximum possible draft. The consultant is required to study the location in terms of draft, existing infrastructure, feasibility of infrastructure required to meet the cargo projections, hinterland connectivity, prepare cost estimates, financial structuring, assistance in selecting a developer for the project and assist during technical and financial closure etc.
2.2 The consultant shall prepare a Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR), containing analysis of all relevant aspects required to undertake the project including technical viability and detailed cost estimates. After approval of DFR by the competent authority, the consultant will help the implementing agency in the process of selection of a developer for the successful implementation of the project.
3.Scope of the Assignment
The broad scope work shall cover the following activities, phased into 3 distinct components:-
1. Preparation of detailed feasibility report (DFR)
2. Selection of developer for the project.
3. Assistance towards technical and financial closure until commencement of
Commercial port operation.
An outline of works under each phase is given below. The consultant is expected to adequately detail these activities/components as part of their Technical Proposal. The consultant is also free to suggest any alternatives/changes to meet the objectives better, provided that such deviations are properly justified and implemented in an optimal manner.
3.1 Phase I - Preparation of Detailed feasibility report (DFR)
a. Technical
- Study the development of the existing port for maximum viable draft after conducting detailed technical study.
- Study different parameters / condition like marine, meteorological, hydrographic, morphological, hydrological, geotechnical, topographical etc and suggest proposal for improvement.
- Methodology for developing the port and back up area for storage and development of ancillary facilities.
- Examine and established the existing and potential hinterland.
- Availability of rail, road and inland water connectivity with respect to mainland and requirement for development of other infrastructure facilities
- Traffic analysis includingtraffic forecast for 20 years after assessing the market potential
- Detailed geo-hydro-morpho & meteorological investigations followed by technical analysis to develop the port.
- Based on trends in the global and Indian shipping, determination of the profile of ships likely to call at the port in respect of the types of cargo to be handled.
- Determine and fix levels to which capital and maintenance dredging is required, based on ship sizes likely to call at the port. Determine exclusive berth location for state-of-art cargo including hazardous cargo and container handling facilities
- Environmental analysis including EIA and EMP studies and suggest required mitigation measures
- Detailed port planning and selecting a layout most suitable from the point of operational convenience, economic capital and maintenance cost, environmental consideration and prospective future expansion
- Details of Navigational Aids and port crafts required. Details of fire fighting, sanitary arrangement, water and waste water management.
- Collect data available with the Port and Harbour Engineering Department, Government of Kerala(GoK) the details of which would be provided by the Director of Ports upon execution of agreement.
- Development Plans
Port and berth layout plan(s)
-Approach channel and its alignment
-Current/wave conditions at port entrance
-Existing breakwater protection and need for extension
-Berth orientation
-Berth dimension
-Tug and other floating craft required for berthing/un-berthing of vessels
-Turning Circle in the basin
-Navigational requirements
-Inland waterway connectivity
- On shore layout
-Identify area requirements also to suggest rehabilitation proposals if necessary.
-Identify services/facilities required/equipments required
-Establish type of handling equipment for loading/unloading and cargo movement from berth to storage area
-Road/rail connection within the port premises
-Establish connectivity with the mainland
- Utilities/Pollution Control
-Requirement of water, electricity and effluent disposal system and other utilities
-Requirement of sewage/effluent disposal from ships and treatment for pollution control
-To conduct detailed Environmental Impact Assessment and suggest suitable mitigation measures.
- Operational Requirement
-The Information Technology and communication – position fixing system requirement in the operation and management of state-of-art port including VTMS surveillance
- Clearances
-List out environmental clearances required
-List of other clearances required.
b. Financial
Prepare cost estimates based on the detailed project designs and shall be based on market prices.
a) Capital costs (in phases)
Marine works – Channel, buoys, dredging of approach channel and DockBasin
Port works - Breakwaters/Extension, if required
Quay structures – Evaluate alternative structures, as applicable
On shore development – Storage, utilities, services, roads, hinterland connection Operational facilities - Offices including IT and communication position fixing requirement & VTMS surveillance
Equipment - Marine: pilot boats, tugs, and other craft
-Terminal: Cargo Handling/Transfer/Stacking equipment
b) Operation / maintenance costs
Management, labour, fuel, utilities / services, maintenance of structures, equipment and craft including maintenance dredging
c) Viability Analysis of the project including Sensitivity analysis
- Fixation of tariff structure and revenue estimates
- Economic impact and financial analysis of the project
- Project structuring options along with recommendations
- Project implementation methodology (Phasing) and time schedule
- Risk analysis and mitigation measures
d)Examination of possible project implementation formats (BOT, BOOT, BOLT, BOST etc) and recommending an appropriate one.
e)Assess the legal frame work governing the implementation of the project on a commercial format, which may be required. The study shall address the legal frame work at the centre and state levels.
f)Funding options/Arrangements for the entire project and to identify the resources for meeting the project cost.
3.2Phase II - Selection of Developer for the project
After approval of the DFR, which covers the technical and financial aspects, by the Competent Authority, the consultant shall:
- Prepare a project information memorandum which would be required for prospective investors to express interest in the project
- Assist the Government of Kerala in marketing the bid to domestic and international Ports operators / developers / investors and developing suitable strategy to invite Global tenders
- Assist the Government of Kerala in inviting Expression of Interest from prospective bidders by providing necessary inputs
- Assist Government of Kerala in conducting investors meet to promote interest among investors.
- Assist Government of Kerala to short list candidates by evolving suitable criteria to evaluate the Expression of Interest received.
- Prepare of Request for Proposal (RFP) document
- Assist the Government of Kerala in fixing criteria for evaluating the bids
- Assist in Evaluation of bids (technical and financial)
- To provide clarifications / answers to queries in respect of the bid documents raised by the bidders and provide related assistance during bidding/selection process.
- Assist Government of Kerala in evaluating deviations made by bidders in technical proposal including cost evaluation
- Make presentations to bidders or any other Committees as directed by Government of Kerala regarding marketability / viability of the project
- To give necessary assistance to Government of Kerala in selecting the developer
- Prepare draft concession agreementto be executed between Government of Kerala and the preferred developer.
3.3. Phase 3 Assistance towards technical and financial closureuntil commencement of commercial port operation
The consultant shall provide all necessary inputs and assistance required to Government of Kerala as well as the special purpose company (SPC) that would be formed to implement the project until the achievement of Technical and Financial closure and commencement of commercial port operations.
4.Requirements for Submission of Proposals
4.1The proposal shall contain detailed information about the Consultant / firm and the team proposed to be deployed for the assignment.
5.Preparation of Proposal
5.1Bidders shall submit their proposal with a covering letter enclosing the following labeled appendices:
Appendix-A / Certificate of Authority to sign the proposalAppendix-B / Technical Proposal
Appendix-C / Financial (Price) Proposal (One copy only, in a separate sealed envelope)
6.Submission of Proposal
6.1The Technical and Financial proposals must be submitted simultaneously but in separate sealed envelopes so as to reach in the designated office not later than 1500 hrs. IST on 12th Novemder 2007. Both inner sealed envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the bidder. The first inner envelope shall contain the bidder’s technical proposal duly identified as technical proposal and marked “Original” and “Copy”. The second inner envelope shall include the financial proposal duly identified as such. Proposal where Financial proposal not received in separate sealed envelope will not be considered. If the envelopes are not sealed and marked as instructed, the Port Department, Government of Kerala will assume no responsibility for misplacement or pre-mature opening of the proposals submitted.
6.2Technical Proposal duly identified as such must be submitted in one Original, clearly marked as such, with three (3) additional copies. The Technical proposal (both Original and Copies) must be sealed in a specially marked envelope/package, marked “Technical Proposal - For Appointment of Consultant for development of BeyporePort in Kerala”.
6.3Financial Proposal must be submitted in one separately sealed envelope, marked “Financial Proposal - For Appointment of Consultant for development of BeyporePort in Kerala”.
6.4The Technical Proposal, Financial Proposal and Certificate of Authority to Sign the Proposals duly sealed along with the Covering Letter should be put in a specially marked envelope/package, marked “Appointment of Consultant for development of Beypore Port in Kerala” and should be addressed as follows for mailing:
The Director of Ports,
Directorate of Ports,
5th Floor, New CorporationBuilding,
Vikas Bhavan P.O.,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 033.
7.Amendment of Bid Documents
In order to afford prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendments, if any, into account in preparing their offers, the Director of Ports on behalf of the Government of Kerala may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of offers.
8.Deadline for Submission of Proposals
8.1The Director of Ports, Government of Kerala must receive the proposals not later than 1500 hrs (IST) on 12th November No response for extension of the deadline shall be entertained. If the date of submission of the Proposals is declared a public holiday, the proposal may be delivered upto 1500 hrs on next working day.
8.2The “Certificate of Authority to sign proposals” attached must be executed by a representative of the bidder, who is duly authorized to execute contracts and bind the Bidder. Signature on the Certificate represents that the bidder has read this document, understands it and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions. The Bidder’s proposal with any subsequent modifications and counter-proposals, if applicable, become an integral part of any resulting contract.
8.3The bids will be opened on 1600 hrs in the presence of the bidders, who wish to be present, at the Directorate of Ports, Thiruvananthapuram, India by a Committee constituted for this purpose.
9.Eligibility Criteria
9.1For the purpose of qualification, the bidder should satisfy the following minimum eligibility criteria and submit the supporting documents:
- The bidder should have undertaken similar consultancy project in a port sector as lead consultant, of which at least one project worth of not less than Rs. 250 crores (US $ 55 million) has been successfully implemented during the last 5 years.
10.Selection and Evaluation Criteria
The bidding process will be based on two cover system viz. Technical cover and Price cover. The technical proposals shall be examined by a Committee to be constituted by the Government of Kerala to determine whether the proposals received are complete as indicated in Para 6 - Submission of Proposal.
10.1Technical Proposal
10.1.1Bidders meeting the eligibility criteria are required to submit details of experience in the subject work including names of resource persons/experts with durations proposed to be deployed for the assignment together with their qualification and experience and concept plan & methodology proposed to be followed for carrying out the said assignment. Bidders may be called upon to make a presentation of their proposals, at their own cost, to the Evaluation Committee appointed by the Government of Kerala, which will carry out the technical evaluation applying the criteria and points rating as listed in the table below:
Parameter / Maximum Total Technical ScoreExperience of the firm/bidder / 30
Team Composition
(Experience of team leader and other members of team) / 40
Concept Plan and Methodology / 30
Total Technical Score / 100
10.1.2On each of these parameters, the bidder would be required to achieve a minimum 60% of the Technical score assigned to that parameter.
10.1.3The maximum achievable total Technical Score for any bidder would be 100.
10.2.1Bidders should indicate the number of completed projects, including the name of the port / party for whom the assignment has been carried out.
10.2.2Bidder’s experience in respect of this criterion should be supported by documentary evidence in the form of certificate from the client, clearly stipulating the services rendered by the Consultant. Alternatively, copies of the contracts awarded by the client could also be submitted provided the contract clearly specifies the scope of work of the Consultant. Copy of the evidences should be in English or supported by way of authenticated English translation.
10.2.3Evaluation Committee of the Government of Kerala would evaluate the experience of each firm/bidder in respect of eligible projects and assign score on its evaluation.
10.3 Team Composition
10.3.1Bidders would need to provide details of the experts proposed to be deployed together with the time / duration for each phase of the proposed assignment
10.3.2 The Curriculum Vitae (CV) of each expert proposed to be deployed for the assignment may be given along with the duration proposed for this assignment.
10.3.3Evaluation Committee of the Government of Kerala would evaluate each member proposed to be associated based on their qualifications, experience, duration, etc., and assign score for every bidder based on its evaluation.
10.4Concept Plan and Methodology
10.4.1The bidders are required to furnish the following details as part of their technical bid for the project:
- Understanding of the Terms of Reference of the assignment;
- Recommended approach;
- Proposed methodology; and
- Work Plan
- Evaluation Committee of the Government of Kerala would evaluate each item of concept Plan & Methodology indicated above and assign appropriate score to every bidder based on its evaluation.
10.5Total Technical Score
The total Technical Score of any bidder would be an arithmetic sum of scores obtained by the bidder for each of the parameter indicated above viz. experience, team composition and concept plan & methodology.
10.6Financial Proposal
10.6.1The successful bidder will be paid a fee which will consist of two components namely, a lump sum amount and a certain percentage of the project cost as success fee. The lump sum amount shall be payable towards feasibility study and preparation of DFR which will be borne by the State Government.. The successful bidder shall be paid 1% of the estimated cost of the project (arrived at the stage of technical closure) as success fee to be paid by the Joint venture company.Which will be released as per the schedule described in papa 14.2 In the Financial proposal, the bidders are required to indicate their lump sum fees inclusive of all taxes, duties and other out-of-pocket expenses for undertaking the assignment. In case the bidder fails to associate with the project during the Technical and Financial Closure and until commencement of commercial port operation or the project does not fructify, he will not be entitled to receive the success fee, as indicated above or any compensation whatsoever.
10.6.2The lump sum fee shall be quoted in Indian Rupee only.
10.6.3Price bids will be opened for bidders who have obtained a minimum score of 70% in the technical evaluation.
10.6.4The award of contract shall be given to the bidder quoting lowest lump sum fee amongst technically accepted proposals.
11.Award Criteria
11.1Award of the contract shall be given to the lowest financial offer amongst technically accepted proposals. The award will be in effect only after acceptance by the selected bidder of the terms and conditions and final statement of works. The successful bidder will be required to give an undertaking in writing that all Experts will be available for the entire term of the assignment.
11.2Director of Ports, Government of Kerala, however, reserves the right to reject any or all the offers received.
11.3Selected bidder is expected to commence implementation of the project within 15 days from the award date.
11.4Proposed award schedule
Bid release / Base dateClarification requests / 2 weeks from the base date
Proposals due / 5 weeks from the base date
Proposed award date / 10 weeks from base date