ParishFinancial Report

1st January 2010-31st December 2011

Special Collections

Needs of The Holy Land/Holy Places336

Lourdes Helpers 340

Peter’s Pence293

Emigrant Services 326

Kerry Mission Outreach 332

Education of Priests 342

Sick & Retired Priests 820

Pastoral & Retreat Centres 402

Diocesan Needs 290

Propagation of the Faith 318

Irish Church Commissions & Agencies 299

Diocesan Youth Collection 227

2012 Eucharistic Congress 364

Trócaire 2,615

Horn of Africa 2,946

Total €10,250


  1. The Diocesan Collections(€10,250) transfers from the Parish Account to the Diocesan Office Account.
  2. The Diocesan Administration Levy(€11,856) goes towards the administration costs of the Diocese and are used solely for this purpose.
  3. The Rathmore Fund(€2,100) is a parish contribution to the care of the sick and retired priests of the Diocese.
  4. If you wish, you can include the parish as a beneficiary in your will.

The Parish Finance Committee

Fr. John Buckley, Peggie Bowler, Pat Foley & Pádraig Ò Móráin

Diocese of Kerry. Corcha Dhuibhne Pastoral Area

Parish Priest: Fr. John Buckley. Tel.:066 9157103. Mobile No.:087 2409624


Statement of Income and Expenditure

for Parish of Annascaul 2011.

The Parish Finance Committee expresses sincere thanks to you for your financial support of the parish during 2011. Your generous financial support is very much appreciated.

The renovation work on St. Mary’s Church, Camp was completed in March 2012. The parish spent €100,012.00 on the project in 2011. The bulk of this money came from a Kerry Parochial Trust Account held by the parish in the Diocesan Office in Killarney. The entire cost of the project including fees and VAT came to €217,020.21. The total cost will be paid over three financial years, 2010, 2011 & 2012. The remainder of the cost will appear in next year’s accounts. The parish did not need a loan from the Diocese for this project and the account in Killarney is still in credit. I wish to thank those who have already contributed to the fund-raising for this project. Over the next number of years it is hoped to raise around €100,000.00.

Mìle búiochas,

Fr. John Buckley P.P.

Parish Priest Income

I thank you most sincerely for your generous contribution to the dues collection during the year.

My income for 2011 was €26,655. This comes from the dues offerings at Spring, Easter, Autumn, November and Christmas, and from the stipends for baptisms, weddings, funerals, and chaplaincies.

Again, many thanks for your support.


2010 2011

€ €

Offertory Collection(Loose) 28,83726,541

Offertory Collection(Envelope) 50,20548,060

Shrines/Cribs 2,762 2,784

Booklets etc 1,898 1,968

Donations 5,570 11,827

Bank Interest Nil 146

Interest on Kerry Parochial Trust 5,024 4,700

Diocesan Collections 14,242 10,250

Confirmation Money forKenya School 920 Nil

Total. €113,908 €106,276


2010 2011

€ €

Lighting & Heat 5,700 5,702

Altar Requisites 1,417 1,283

Insurance 6,438 7,095

Salaries/P.R.S.I. 20,962 20,599

Repair Annascaul & Inch Churches 13,240 829

Repair to Camp Church 14,929 100,012

Repair to Presbytery 11,604 714

Repair to Camp Old School Nil 23,443

Parish Telephone 1,421 1,277

Printing, Postage, Stationary 1,804 1,340

Pastoral Programmes 4,865 3,261

Missalettes, booklets etc. 2,291

Professional Fees Nil 18,519

Diocesan Administration Levy 13,029 11,856 V.H.I. 715 914 Rathmore Fund 2,000 2,100 Purchase of Equipment 1,780 Nil Courses, Meetings, Hospitality 2,608 2,465

Bank Fees 180 205

Service Charges 794 345

Diocesan Collections 14,242 10,250

Confirmation Mission Money Nil______920

Total. €117,724 €215,420