Draft Programme – as at 19 May 2015
Joint Insolvency Conference,25-26June 2015, “Re-imagining rescue”
Djanogly International Centre (DICe), Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham
12h30-13h15 / Registration13h15-13h30 / Welcome / Prof Janine Griffiths-Baker (Dean, Nottingham Law School)
Robert van Galen (INSOL Europe President)
Prof David Burdette (NLS) / Prof Michael Veder (RUN)
13h30-14h00 / Key-note address
Prof G. Ray Warner (Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Bankruptcy Studies, St John’s University, School of Law, New York, USA)
14h00-15h30 / First Session: Why rescue? A critical analysis of the current approach to corporate rescue
This session will look at the current approach to corporate rescue across a number of jurisdictions and also from the perspective of international agencies such as the World Bank
Chair: Neil Cooper (Honorary Life President, INSOL Europe / Visiting Professor, Nottingham Law School, UK)
Dr Irit Mevorach (World Bank / University of Nottingham School of Law)
Jenny Clift (Secretariat, UNCITRAL Working Group V)
Dr Sarah Paterson (Assistant Professor of Corporate Insolvency, London School of Economics, UK)
15h30-16h00 / Coffee and Networking Break
16h00-17h30 / Second Session: Corporate rescue: Experiences and insights from the bench (panel discussion)
In this session eminent judges from a range of international jurisdictions will share their experiences and insights on corporate rescue
Chair: Hamish Anderson (Norton Rose Fulbright, UK / Visiting Professor, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, UK)
Mrs Justice Desiree Staal (District Court Central Netherlands, Insolvency Division, Utrecht, Netherlands)
Mr Justice Heinz Vallender (Chief Judge, Cologne Bankruptcy Court, Germany)
Mrs Justice Jeanette Melchior (Senior Deputy Judge, Maritime and Commercial Court, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Mr Justice David Richards (Chancery Division, Royal Courts of Justice, London, United Kingdom)
17h30-18h30 / Young Academics Network
18h30 / Bus leaves from DICe for Riverbank Restaurant at 18h30 sharp
19h00-late / Reception followed by Dinner at Riverbank Restaurant, Nottingham
After-Dinner Speaker: Sijmen de Ranitz (RESOR, Netherlands)
08h30-09h00 / Retrieval Registration
09h00-10h30 / Third Session: Corporate rescue and the practitioner
This session will focus on corporate rescue from the perspective of the practitioner, dealing with aspects such as what practitioners need in order to conduct a successful rescue
Chair: Prof Frits-Joost Beekhoven van den Boezem(Radboud University Nijmegen / ING Bank NV)
Nicolaes Tollenaar (RESOR, Netherlands)
Adrian Thery (Garrigues, Spain)
Mark Fennessy (Proskauer, UK)
Michael Nienerza(Goerg, Munich, Germany)
10h30-11h00 / Coffee and Networking Break
11h00-12h30 / Fourth Session: Pre-insolvency arrangements: a comparative perspective
With pre-insolvency arrangements being high on the agenda of the EU Commission, this session will contain a discussion of pre-insolvency arrangements in selected jurisdictions
Chair:Prof Paul Omar(Professor of International Comparative Law, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, UK)
Prof Juana Pulgar Ezquerra (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Prof Melissa Vanmeenen (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Alexandra Kastrinou(Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, UK) and Lezelle Jacobs (University of the Free State, South Africa)
12h30-13h30 / Lunch
13h30-15h00 / Fifth Session: Re-imagining cross-border rescue in the EU
This session will contain a critical analysis of the amended European Insolvency Regulation, specifically the (new) scope of application, synthetic secondary proceedings, group coordination proceedings and COMI-shifting.
Chair: Richard Sheldon QC (South Square / Visiting Professor, Nottingham Law School)
Prof Gerard McCormack (University of Leeds, UK)
Prof Francisco Garcimartin (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Prof Michael Veder(Radboud University Nijmegen / RESOR, Netherlands / Visiting Professor, Nottingham Law School, UK)
15h00-15h10 / Closing Address / Professor David Burdette, NLS