All teachers are expected to document any issues that arise in classes or out in the yard with students. The system allows for monitoring of student behaviour and progress, including the ability to track detentions that have been issued.

The ‘Chronicle Entries’ that staff can record on Compass can be found under the following headings (please note File Report is the default setting, click on the drop box to find the appropriate template):


This can be found in the Curriculum Supplement of the Staff Handbook.


  • Behaviour Concern Letter – you would like to inform parents of their child’s repeated poor behaviour in your class.
  • Confiscation of an electronic devise – This is to be used if you require a parent/guardian to collect the item as a text message will be sent to the parent/guardian to collect the item from the front office.
  • File Report – you have followed the steps in you BMP and now the incident needs referring to the relevant Sub-School or there was a serious incident in class or the yard.


  • After-school Detention – detention issued for misdemeanour in class.
  • Recess/Lunchtime Detention – detention issued for misdemeanour in class.


  • Parent Correspondence – recording contact with parents via email, phone call or in person.

Positive Feedback & House points

  • Golden Ticket – Middle school students only
  • Merit Certificate – All students
  • Participated in extra-curricular Activity (Encouragement Award) – All students
  • Participated in Competition (1st, 2nd & 3rd place) – All students
  • Student of the month – to be entered by the sub school when nominations are submitted


  • Out-of-uniform – recording if a student is out of uniform in your class without a uniform pass.


  • Uniform/Book Support Required- If you feel a student may need additional support with purchasing uniform or books ensure you report on compass.
  • Wellbeing Referral – students can be referred for the following:
  • General: If you feel that a student may need additional support or you are concerned about their welfare in any way, please ensure you refer them to Student Wellbeing. NB. If it is an urgent concern (i.e. self-harm, suicide ideation, safety concerns / mandatory report, speak to one of the Student Wellbeing leaders immediately.)
  • Anger Management: If you have a student who seems to struggle with controlling their anger, or is part of David’s Anger Management group, then you should add David Nugent in your Incident Reports if you feel they could benefit from some additional support.
  • Adolescent Health Nurse: If you feel that a student may have heath issues that are in need of attention, add the Adolescent Health Nurse into your incident reports.

Rating System

  • Green – positive rating (automatically set for positive feedback)
  • Amber – teacher consequence (doesn’t need Student Management follow-up)
  • Red – incident requiring Student Management follow-up
  • Grey – general information

Behaviour Concern Letter

Although many of our students are well behaved and try their best, there are times when students let themselves down and their behaviour must be reported. Teachers may wish to inform their student’s parents about the concerning behaviour that their child has been displaying in class and the actions that have been taken and will be taken to support the student in an endeavour to modify their behaviour.

Any student from Years 7 to 12 may have concerning behaviour in class, during breaks, on excursions, or before and after school. Teachers may use Compass to record these instances, produce a letter to send to the parents, and have an electronic record for themselves and the relevant Sub School.

The letter is now ready to print.