Year 5 and 6
How does Jesus inspire Christians?
ATT 1: Learning about religion and belief
How does Jesus inspire Christians? / ATT 2: Learning from religion and belief
What qualities make someone inspirational?
How does Jesus inspire Christians?
Week 1 / Children engage with a fun activity based around inspirational people – heroes
Children to be split into groups and given a selection of clothes and materials.
Each group to dress a member of their team as a superhero and come up with a list of qualities to describe them.
Pick the best superhero.
Introduce the idea of inspiring people
What qualities did the superheroes have that inspire people?
Who inspired you when you were younger?
Who inspires you now? Why?
Can the qualities that these people have be split in to the themes Actions, Attitudes, Achievements?
Introduce the key Question: How does Jesus inspire Christians?
Develop questions with the children about how Jesus inspires Christians.
Week 2 / T: What questions do we need to ask in order to better understand how Jesus inspires Christians?
Create enquiry questions with the children, ideally these questions should be generated by the children but could include the following:
E.g. What stories did Jesus tell?
What were the stories about?
Did they have a hidden meaning or teaching (parables)?
Why was Jesus so special?
What values did Jesus live by?
How do Christians remember these things?
What is a saviour?
How did Jesus save/rescue/ help people?
Who did Jesus meet and how did he inspire them?
Can the questions be split in to the same themes discussed above?
Pupils rework questions if appropriate and come to an agreement about what they need to find out.
How did Jesus inspire Christians?
Week 3/4 / Split the children in to groups. Each group to a theme (Actions, Attitudes, Achievements) and answer the question grouped within them.
Activities might include:
Reading parables / finding animated versions on line (The sower and the seed, Lazarus, The prodigal son)
Online research
Investigating bibles and stories
Interview Christians (Visitors, rector, pupils etc), How does Jesus inspire you? Why?
Do some of the questions have more than one answer? Do different people have different views?
Responding to, analysing and evaluating what they have learned – have we answered our questions?
Week 4 / Refer back to ‘enquire’ stage. Have we answered our questions?
Do we have an idea about how Jesus inspired Christians?
How did Jesus save/help/rescue people?
Do other religions have people who are as special as Jesus is for Christians? Are they inspirational too?
Is Jesus still as inspirational today to Christians as he was in the past?
Why do we find people inspirational? Can we display any of those actions, attitudes or achievements in our lives?
Expressing knowledge and understanding – children answer the key question
Week 5/6 / The final task is introduced.
Children answer the Key question ‘how does Jesus inspire Christians?’ by writing their own modern versions of a parable.
The parable must either include Jesus in the modern day world or a key Christian figure. All of the stories should contain a meaning/teaching that inspires people to live in a certain way.
Alternative activities:
· Comic strip parable using photos or drawings
· Parable picture book for younger readers in the school
· Plan an assembly based on parable or inspiration
Children might undertake peer assessment against the criteria established under ‘Enquire’.
Using the level descriptors below, level each child using a best fit method over the whole of this unit.
Level 3 / Level 4 / Level 5
The following level descriptors are covered within this unit of work:
· Describe simply what a believer might learn from religious stories, practices and world views.
· Use some words and symbols from religions and beliefs appropriately and independently.
· Ask questions about religion and belief and explore different answers to them.
· Identify similarities and differences about things that influence them and others. / The following level descriptors are covered within this unit of work:
· Describe the impact of religion and belief on peoples’ lives
· Use words and symbols from religions and beliefs correctly when providing descriptions and explanations.
· Provide and be open to a simple challenge to their own views.
· Give reasons why some people inspire or influence them and others. / The following level descriptors are covered within this unit of work:
· Develop their own line of enquiry and explain how religious sources and evidence are used by believers to provide answers to questions about life.
· Use an increasingly wide range of vocabulary and symbolism from different religions when providing explanations
· Explain the challenges a believer may have when following their religion or world view.
· Explain their own views on life’s big questions, referring to who or what inspires and influences them.
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