Thursday 14 April 2011, Petersfield Community centre, Love Lane, off Tor Way, Petersfield, GU31 4BW (Exhibition room)
People whowere there: Flo Garland (Admin), Jane Eastwood (HP NHS Trust), Bonie, Judith Leslie-Smith (Kingsley Organisation), Sam Tong (Kingsley Organisation), Karen Skoglund (EFS), Lynne Martin (SCA), Geoff Woollan (HCC), Teri McAleer (Havant and Eeast Hampshire LD services), Alistair Robb, Karen Hickton, Caroline O Brien (EFS), Rob Evans (havant day services), Mike Le Huquet, Marilyn Kirk, Helen Dayson (Co-chair), Dan Stoneman (HCC), Donna Williams (Co Chair), Gail Anderson (EHAS), Jenny Perry (HCC, Havant LD Team), Peter Sitton (parent/carer), Emma Dyer (HCC) and other members
Apologies: Tim Mulcahy, Keith Goffe, Elizabeth Andrews, Diana Sant Angelo, Jo Olford, Margaret White, Andy Rooke, Sally Lowe, Anita Usai
(HCC means Hampshire County Council and HPFT means Hampshire Partnership Foundation Trust)
Minutes approved
Matters arising
In-house transformation
The consultation is now finished. The Cabinet will be meeting on 16 May and we will have further news after that date.
Helen is keen to have some input – “how is it going to look like?”
The LIG agreed.
Partnership Board
The Partnership Board will be meeting 2 days after the transformation exec member meeting. Helen will raise the question on how as a LIG we can have an input.
The last meeting was about reviewing the Partnership Board and the annual report. Flo will send the minutes as soon as possible.
Good Health Subgroup
We will be meeting on 13 October 2011 from 1.15 pm to 2.15 pm here at Petersfield community centre. We might decide to have a shorter LIG meeting so people can have a break. Michelle Stickland will be chairing the meeting. If you have any issues about annual health checks, GPs, hospital, comments (good or bad), you can let her know at the meeting.
Jane Eastwood is our health facilitator for this LIG.
(Flo has now sent all the dates of the Good Health subgroups –if you cannot come to that one, you can go to any of the others).
Marilyn said that when she went to see the consultant, he spoke to her carer, not herself.
Communication money
We have been topped up to £8000. It will support the service users subgroup, parents/carers travel expenses, events, meetings rooms/venues, refreshments etc.
We are not sure about money for the LIG projects yet.
Some money has also been granted for Flo and Emma’s support as well as Partnership Board meetings.
Digital story project: Gail said she has been away for 6 months but so far the project has been very successful and 3 stories have now been completed. She is seeking permission to show the story(ies) to us. There are 27 people interested.
Friends United (Alton day service): Donna loves meeting up on Tuesday evenings. They do loads of different things (go out for meals, bowling disco etc). The group has progressed now to a friendship group and is trying to link in with local organisations. They need to plan the future. They had a public meeting last Tuesday.
Look who is talking: Karen said that the group is raising awareness that people can be different and have hobbies etc. The training is on going. They are interviewing two other members to join the group. They meet twice a month. It is also part of staff induction and part of PCP too. Jane Eastwood to talk to Karen about training (Helen said that if training is required, a charge should be made)
Self advocacy group: Lynne said that her group has now finished. People are much more confident (one has gone onto supported living!) and the group phones has linked up and phones each other on a regular basis. It was life changing for 2 people.
Positive choice: Helen said they have developed a booklet (template available) for people to have a support plan. One person with a learning disability has been trained as a broker (national training) and one staff also has been trained. People will be ready for SDS, personalisation when it comes to reviews. She is planning to do a presentation to parents/carers to tell them about the project.
Hate Crime event 10 March 2011
Marilyn and Donna thought that the day went brilliantly. However, the workshops were too big and too intimidating for people. People were frightened to talk. There was a side room available for people who wanted to have a bit of privacy. It was mentioned but maybe not everyone heard it.
Recommendations: a safeguarding leaflet should be given to everyone on departure so they can reflect on the day and call a number if needed afterwards.
Gail said that Bernadette from Connect has been talking to the district council about a Safe Place Scheme. There is currently a pilot running in Basingstoke. We would like to invite Dominique Rawlings to our July meeting once she has done her evaluation/report on the scheme.
Everybody agrees that it would be very good to have this scheme in the whole of Hampshire.
Flo has invited Dominique to July meeting.
Service User LIG group
The service user sub group took place this morning just before the LIG. Dan said that the number of people who come varies between 8 to 25. It takes a lot of coordination.
What the group would like to do in the future is having 3 meetings on a rotating basis. Gail to take the minutes in the “north” and Robert in the “south” of the LIG. Donna still enjoys chairing the meeting. Marilyn likes the friendship, experience and she likes Donna too. Dan said we need to plan a way forward. Helen will coordinate the information. To book dates in advance.
Flo might be able to help with website and passing minutes around, but she is very busy.
Helen is happy to give a lift to Donna to the Partnership Board. Marilyn can get a lift usually from Jo Olford to the Partnership Board.
Other things and anything else we want to discuss:
Sam does not like the new taxi contract as it makes her late now. Helen will help out.
The Lions Club of Havant – event on 5th October 2011. It is all free of charge and they need your entries! Flo has sent the details by email.
Jane Eastwood said she would be coming to the Good Health Subgroup.
Sally Lowe is currently involved in the Blue LIG (ref: transformation) so we won’t see her much for the time being.
Tim is still involved with the transport side of the LIG. He will email us when he hears of anything.
Proposed items for the next agenda and date for the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 12 May 2011 –
11 am to 1 pm at Petersfield Community Centre, Love Lane, Petersfield, GU31 4BW (Exhibition Room). There is free parking.
2011 dates
9 June
14 July
None in August
8 September
13 October (+ Health sub group straight after LIG meeting at 1.15 pm)
10 November
8 December 2011