East Anglian Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society
Founded - 1956
President: Mr Mahmood Shafi Secretary: Mr. Siya Sharma
Treasurer: Mr. Michael Lumb. Website Officer: Mr Bruce Ramsay. Trainee Rep: Lynne Cooke.
EAOGS Autumn 2015 Business Meeting,
Date: Saturday October 17, 2015 Time: 09:30 – 10:25 Hours
Venue: Newnham College, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DF.
Chair: Mr. Mahmood Shafi, President EAOGS.
Agenda - EAOGS Business Meeting
• Welcome & Introduction:
• Apologies: Will be attached with the minutes.
• Minutes of Previous Meeting – Spring 2015 Meeting held on Friday 24/4/2015 at Colchester
Hospital. Amendments to be noted if any and approval by members in attendance.
- Matters arising: (I) Local EAOGS Representatives. (II) Trainees Representative.
• President’s Report: by Mr. Mahmood Shafi.
• EAOGS Bursary – (Maximum two awards per year, applications received until Spring Meeting, announcement during Autumn Meeting).
- Current application –Nil.
• EAOGS Prizes –
– EAOGS – Cambridge University Medical School Prize.
– EAOGS – University of East Anglia Medical School Prize.
– EAOGS-SpR (Trainee) Prize Meeting.
• Secretary’s Report – by Mr. Siya Sharma.
– New Members, email communication.
– Mr. John Chalmers.
– The ABPI code.
– Regional College Advisor & East of England Workplace Behaviours Champion.
– Future Meetings:
Ø 2016 Spring Meeting (Friday May 6, 2015) –West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, Chair – Miss. Malini Prasad.
Ø 2016 Autumn Meeting (Saturday) – Luton, Chairs - Mr. Jude Jose & Mr. Malcolm Griffiths.
Ø 2017 Spring Meeting (Friday) - Bourn Hall Cambridge, Chair – Mr. Gideon Verwoerd.
Ø 2017 Autumn Meeting (Saturday) – Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Chair – Miss Asha Sharma.
Ø 2018 Spring Meeting (Friday) – Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn, Chair – Mr. Siya Sharma.
Ø 2018 Autumn Meeting (Saturday) – Bedford Hospital, Chair – Miss Sarah Reynolds.
• Treasurer’s Report – by Mr. Michael Lumb.
• Website Officer’s Report – by Mr. Bruce Ramsay
• Trainees Representative Report - Lynne Cooke. Credits for attending EAOGS for Trainees.
• Any other business: with Chair’s permission.
Mr. Siya Sharma
Secretary EAOGS
Consultant Gynaecologist & Obstetrician,
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gayton Road, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 4ET.
E-mail: Mobile: 07811455677.
Minutes of EAOGS Autumn Meeting 2015 – Saturday, October 17, 2015. Business Meeting
1. Welcome:
Local Organising Chair Miss Alka Prakash welcomed the members, delegates, and guests.
The President Mr. Mahmood Shafi welcomed members to the meeting. The president customarily introduced EAOGS team of President, Secretary - Mr Siya Sharma, Treasurer – Mr Michael Lumb, Trainees Representative – Lynne Cooke, and Mr. Bruce Ramsay, Website Officer (in absentia).
The President extended sincere thanks to Miss Alka Prakash, Consultant Gynaecologist, and the Local Organising Chair of the EAOGS Autumn Meeting 2015 for planning this excellent meeting with highly acclaimed academic sessions in a very historical venue of Newnham College.
2. Apologies: 13 members sent in their apologies.
3. Delegates Registered: Total 68 delegates registered for the meeting. (List is available with the Local Organising Chair).
4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – Minutes of Spring 2015 meeting held on Friday 24/4/2015 at Colchester Hospital were circulated to members in advance. Copies were made available during the business meeting. One amendment was suggested and the apologies list was rectified. The members in attendance approved these Minutes as a true record.
4.1 Matters arising – (see details below as part of the agenda).
(I) Local EAOGS Representatives – Mr Shafi reiterated the need of local EAOGS representative and encouraged members to come forward to represent their local hospital. Mr. Siya Sharma, Secretary would continue to communicate with members and if needed with local College Tutors to increase the number of local representatives.
(II) Trainees Representative - The announcement was made about the election of first ever trainees representative to EAOGS Miss Lynne Cooke who was introduced formally.
(III) List of apologies – President and Secretary asked members’ opinion whether to keep a record of apologies list as it does not serve a specific purpose and increases administrative workload to maintain and track the people who have sent their apologies. There was consensus and it was agreed that only number of apologies may be recorded, not the names.
5 President’s Report: EAOGS report, EAOGS Local Representatives update –
Mr Shafi extended thanks to the Organisers of Colchester Meeting (Spring 2015) and Cambridge meeting (Autumn 2015).
Mr. Shafi gave a brief introduction to the historical significance of Autumn meeting’s venue. This was first women’s college opened in 1871 in Cambridge and degree were awarded from 1948. This college has produced famous alumni over the years - Clare Balding, Emma Thomson (Oscar winner), Germaine Greer (female eunuch), Dorothy Hodgkin (Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1964, first British woman to win Nobel Prize), and Rosalind Franklin (worked on structure of DNA before Watson & Crick elucidated the double helix structure of DNA, she died prematurely of ovarian cancer aged 37 years).
He reiterated that current pattern of Friday (Spring) and Saturday (Autumn) meetings is functioning well. The future EAOGS meeting are already planned until 2018. Mr Shafi commended secretary’s hard work in planning these meeting. The EAOGS website is active and updated regularly.
6 EAOGS Bursary – (Maximum two awards per year, applications received until Spring Meeting, announcement during Autumn Meeting). Current application –Nil. EAOGS officers requested members to encourage trainees and relevant eligible applicants for EAOGS bursary.
7 EAOGS Prizes –
7.1 EAOGS – Cambridge University Medical School Prize (GBP 250.00) was approved in principle. No recommendation received.
7.2 EAOGS – University of East Anglia Medical School Prize (GBP 250.00). Recommendation received, prize winner – Antonia Clark-Sturman, Year 4.
7.3 EAOGS-SpR (Trainee) Prize (GBP 100.00) – This meeting is organised by Prof Gordon Smith, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Cambridge University. The EAOGS members agreed that the winner would be awarded during EAOGS meeting and may be asked to present their work.
8 Secretary’s Report – by Mr. Siya Sharma.
8.1 New Members: No new member has been inducted since Spring Meeting 2015. All members were advised to update their email id with the secretary (). This will help to keep updated members’ directory. New Treasurer Mr. Michael Lumb will email to members for subscription updates. The EAOGS members were requested to encourage their colleagues to join this prestigious society. New members do not need to get a signature on the membership form from existing member.
8.2 Mr. John Chalmer – Dr Jane Preston informed EAOGS members about the sad demise of Mr John Chalmers, Retired Consultant Gynaecologist & Obstetrician from Ipswich & previous President EAOGS, on 01.05.2015. He had been one of the most enthusiastic and frequent attenders of EAOGS over that last 30 years. Despite being retired he took a keen interest in both the business and scientific meetings. Dr. Preston has written personally to John’s wife June to send her sympathies.
8.3 ABPI code – Mr. Malcolm Griffiths, former Regional College Advisor & current East of England Workplace Behaviours Champion, updated the members about the ABPI code (http://www.pmcpa.org.uk/thecode/Pages/default.aspx) which is fairly stringent but in his opinion it is frequently ignored. Mr Griffiths’ understanding is that companies are supposed to publish/make available details of organisations or individuals (i.e. EAOGS members) who have benefitted from sponsorship or hospitality, though it seems to that doctors are permitted currently to refuse to have their names published on such lists.
The BMJ article (http://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h4197) says: “Plans by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) to bring in a system where healthcare professionals voluntarily declare payments and hospitality received from drug companies do not go far enough, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has said, calling for disclosure to be mandatory.
Thousands of healthcare professionals are expected to opt out of disclosing details of payments or hospitality from drug companies when the ABPI introduces a new database next year in an attempt to improve transparency”.
Mr. Griffiths suggested that we in EAOGS should consider whether we wish to no longer have sponsorship for our meetings, surely we could afford to pay for our own lunch? Alternatively, Mr. Griffiths said that we in EAOGS might wish to confirm with sponsors (some of whom may not be ABPI members – particularly those selling equipment and not drugs) intend to comply with the ABPI guidance and whether members will be happy to be identified as receiving sponsorship on relevant databases. Presumably it would be possible to work out how much money comes in from sponsorship for each meeting. If the total were divided by the number of attendees we could work out what the cost to each member might be.
EAOGS members agreed in principle to adhere to guidelines as and when these are in place and to explore all available options to support EAOGS meetings which need financial assistance for venue and infrastructure costs.
8.4 Future Meetings:
– 2016 Spring Meeting (Friday May 6, 2016) –West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, Chair-Miss. Malini Prasad. Miss Prasad kindly invited members in person and assured that this will be an excellent meeting in beautiful town of Bury St Edmunds.
– 2016 Autumn Meeting (Saturday October 15, 2016) – Luton, Chairs - Mr. Jude Jose & Mr. Malcolm Griffiths.
– 2017 Spring Meeting (Friday) - Bourn Hall Cambridge, Chair – Mr. Gideon Verwoerd.
– 2017 Autumn Meeting (Saturday) – Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Chair – Miss Asha Sharma.
– 2018 Spring Meeting (Friday) – Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn, Chair – Mr. Siya Sharma.
– 2018 Autumn Meeting (Saturday) – Bedford Hospital, Chair – Miss Sarah Reynolds.
The EAOGS officers encouraged members to express their interest to organise EAOGS meetings locally in their hospital city.
9. Treasurer’s Report – by Mr. Michael Lumb. He is in process of authorising his signatures with the bank. Mr Lumb informed members that there was no formal report to present but he update about the expenses incurred by EAOGS – Website updating (GBP 675.00) and registration (GBP 35.00).
10. Website Officer’s Report - Mr Bruce Ramsay sent his apologies. Please send any comments/suggestions regarding the website or additional content you would like included .
11. Trainees Representative Report: Dr Cooke, on behalf of Miss Malini Prasad (Deputy TDP, Education) updated trainees that each EAOGS meeting attended by trainees will counted as one (1) attendance. In the past it was equalent to two attendance.
12. Any other business: with Chair’s permission.
12.1 New EAOGS Logo – Trainees Rep Dr Cooke would liaise with trainees inviting ideas for the EAOGS Logo. The EAOGS officers will deliberate and make decision in selecting the logo and seek approval of members.
12.2 EAOGS history – Secretary informed that Mr Martin Lamb, Former President EAOGS has kindly agreed to deliver a lecture on EAOGS history on the occasion of 60th years of EAOGS.
12.3 Local EAOGS Representatives (Consultant only):
Each hospital to have one Local Representative for the duration of two or three years. Following are current EAOGS reps:
Southend – Mr Venkataswamy, Consultant offered to be local representative for the Southend Hospital. Great Yarmouth - Dr Jane Preston, Kings Lynn – Mr Siya Sharma, Peterborough – Miss Aparna Gumma, Hichingbrooke – Miss Erika Manzo, Cambridge - Mahmood Shafi, Ipswich - Rohit Sharma, Colchester - Aban Kadva.
EAOGS to write to all remaining hospitals for nominations (Norwich, Bury St Edmunds, Chelmsford, Bedford, Luton, Harlow, Linconshire, Basildon, Hertfordshire).
13. Vote of Thank & Close: The president Mr. Shafi thanked everyone to be part of the EAOGS business meeting and contributing to the process of consensus decision making. Mr. Shafi extended sincere thanks to all pharma sponsors for their continuous support for these academic meetings.
Scientific Meeting
Miss Alka Prakash , Local Organising Chair welcomed the delegates to the EAOGS Autumn 2015 Meeting and promised for a stimulating scientific programme with versatile and acclaimed speakers. All participating Chairpersons, Speakers and the Organising team from Addenbrookes Hospital conducted the scientific sessions in a very professional and timely manner.
East Anglian
Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society
Founded – 1956 www.eaogs.org.uk
President: Mr. M Shafi Secretary: Mr. Siya Sharma
Treasurer: Mr. Michael Lumb
East Anglian Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society,
EAOGS Spring Meeting 2015
Local Organiser (Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge): Miss Alka Prakash
Date: Saturday 17th October 2015
Venue: Old labs, Newnham College, Newnham College
Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DF
0900 - 0930: Registration, Welcome and Coffee
0930 - 1025: EAOGS Business Meeting
1025 – 1030: Welcome Mr M. Shafi, President EAOGS
Session 1
10:30-10:55 Mr. Ketankumar Gajjar (Subspecialty Trainee Gynae-oncology)
“Surgical challenges in modern Gynaecology’’
10:55-11:25 Mr. Mark Slack (Consultant Urogynaecology)
‘’Controversies in the use of MESH’’
COFFEE 11:25- 11:50
Session 2
11:50- 12:25 Dr. Claire McKenzie
Vice President –Education RCOG
“RCOG Education for your Career”
12:25- 12:45 Miss Sucheta Jindal (Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
“Saving Babies in North England (SaBiNE)-National initiative”
LUNCH 12:45-13:45
Session 3
13:45-14:05 Mr Stephen Harbottle (Consultant Embryologist)
“Three parent IVF: Fact, fiction and reality”
Session 4
14:05- 14:25 Dr. J Bamber (Consultant Obstetric anaesthetist)
“Placenta Accreta Management- anaesthetic perspective”
14:25- 14:45 Mr. G Hackett (Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
“Placenta Accreta Management- obstetric perspective
14:45- 15:05 Dr. T C See (Consultant Interventional radiologist)
“Interventional radiology in obstetrics and gynaecology”
COFFEE 15:05-15:35
Trainee Presentations:
1535 – 1545: Alice Poskett- Management of anaemia in pregnancy: a baseline study of
adherence to local guidelines.
1545 – 1555: Lukasz Polanski- Endometrial biopsy does not improve outcomes in an
unselected population of women undergoing assisted reproduction treatment.