AS OF: / September 8th 2017
School: Fanshawe College / Team/Sport: Women’s Soccer / Year: 2017
First Name / Last Name / # / POS / Height /


/ Year / Name Pronunciation
Alison / Vlasman / 1 / GK / 5’10” / Mount Elgin, ON / 5
Alyssa / Blair / 2 / D / 5’8” / Belmont, ON / 1
Natasha / Agbaba / 3 / D / 5’7” / London, ON / 2
Gillian / Travis-Iantosca / 4 / M/F / 5’1” / Chatham, ON / 2
Allison / Pike / 5 / CM / 5’4” / Mississauga, ON / 1
Katie / Rowe / 6 / F / 5’5” / Mount Brydges, ON / 3
Alexis / Clements / 7 / M / 5’3” / London, ON / 2
Amber-Lea / Hodgins / 8 / D / 5’6” / London, ON / 2
Monica / Rocha / 10 / M / 5’5” / Kitchener, ON / 2
Stephanie / Middlemiss / 11 / F / 5’3” / London, ON / 2
Emily / Mitchell / 12 / D / 5’6” / London, ON / 3
Montana / Gemmel / 13 / D / 5’3” / Markham, ON / 1
Selena / Roberts / 14 / CM / 5’9” / London, ON / 2
Hailey / Corvari / 15 / F/CM / 5’0” / Orangeville, ON / 1
Stephanie / Mitchell / 17 / F / 5’3” / London, ON / 5
Shania / Burger-Kincaid / 20 / D / 5’5” / London, ON / 2
Sheree / Uyl / 22 / F/M / 5’4” / Blyth, ON / 3
Chelsea / Zavitz / 23 / M/F / 5’6” / St.Thomas, ON / 2
Coaching Staff:
Position / Name / Year
Head Coach / Mike Marcoccia / 2
Assistant Coach / Jade Kovacevic / 1
Associate Coach / Marissa Oliveira / 1
Associate Coach / Joshua Mullen / 1
Associate Coach / Emily Gillet / 2
Trainer/Manager / Chris Brescacin / 1

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